AAP. See American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Aaronovitch, David
ACIP. See Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
ACVL. See Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League (ACVL)
Adams, Lucy Rorke
Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Alaska, measles outbreak
Alba, Jessica
Alexander, Hattie
Allergic reactions, to vaccines
Allopathic medicine
Aloudat, Tammam
Alternative medicine, lure of
Althen, Margaret
Aluminum, in vaccines
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Experience (television program)
American Medical Association
American Medical Liberty League
Angstadt, Lauren
Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Act
Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League (ACVL)
Anti-Vaccination League
Anti-Vaccination League of America
Anti-vaccine movement/activists
birth of modern American
CDC and
celebrities and
choosing not to vaccinate
conspiracy theories and
differences between 19th-century and modern movements
DPT: Vaccine Roulette and
in England
Healy and
lawyers and
marketing strategy
mass marketing and
pharmaceutical companies and
rejection of germ theory
religious beliefs and
similarities between 19th-century and modern movements
smallpox vaccine and
vaccine advocates and
Antivaccine philosophy, Steiner and
Anti-vaccine rallies/protests
measles outbreak
pertussis outbreak
Arkansas, measles outbreak
Aschoff, Ludwig
Asher, Evan
Asher, John
Association of Parents of Vaccine-Damaged Children
Attkisson, Sharyl
cures advanced for
McCarthy and
mercury in vaccines (thimerosal) and
MMR vaccine and
Omnibus Autism Proceeding
vaccines and
Autism Action Coalition
Autism Speaks
Avard, Ronald

Bacterial meningitis
Baker, Josephine
Ballard, Henry
Banks, Bailey
Baraff, Larry
Bazell, Robert
BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin) vaccine
Behar, Joy
Belkin, Lyla
Belkin, Michael
Berg, Anna
Berkovic, Samuel
Bernier, Roger
“Bill to Further Extend and Make Compulsory the Practice of Vaccination,”
Blaylock, Russell
Bonthrone, Iris
Bonthrone, John
Bonthrone, Richard
Bordetella pertussis
Boston Daily Globe (newspaper)
Bradstreet, Jeff
Brain damage, pertussis vaccine and
Brain Research Institute
Brandt, Edward
Bridgewater State Hospital for the Criminally Insane
British Medical Association
British Medical Journal (journal)
British Pediatric Association
Brooklyn Compulsory Anti-Vaccination League
Brown, Charles
Bumpers, Betty
Bumpers, Dale
Burns, James B.
Burton, Susan
Byers, Randolph
Byers, Vera
Byline: Lea Thompson (television program)

California, measles outbreaks
Calmette, Albert
Campbell, Meagan
Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization
Canby, Vincent
Capizzano, Rose
The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (Virtue)
Carlson, Sybil
Carrey, Jim, as anti-vaccine activist
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Rosalynn
CBS Evening News (television program)
CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Cedillo, Michelle
Cedillo, Theresa and Michael
Celebrity, use by anti-vaccine movement
Center of Excellence in Autism
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
criticism of Vaccine Roulette
on effects of pertussis
on mercury in vaccines
on pertussis outbreaks
rotavirus vaccine and
school immunization requirements and
study of pertussis vaccine-brain damage link
as target of anti-vaccine groups
vaccine shortages and
Chadwick, Nicholas
Chambers, Hillary
Chambers, Finley
Chase, Sylvia
Chemicals, in vaccines
Chen, Robert
Cherry, James
Chickenpox vaccine
CHILD. See Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty (CHILD)
Childhood Immunization Initiative
Child Neurology Association
Children of God for Life
Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty (CHILD)
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Chiropractors, vaccines and
Christian Scientists, religious exemption to vaccination requirements and
Christopher, Warren
Church of Human Life Science
Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau
Classen, Bart
Classen Immunotherapies
Clostridium tetani
Coalition for Vaccine Safety
Cohn, Mel
Colantoni, Anthony
Committee on the Safety of Medicines
Compulsory vaccination
anti-vaccine movement and
Jacobson v. Massachusetts
for smallpox
social good vs. individual freedom and
Typhoid Mary and
See also Mandatory vaccination
Concomitant-use studies
Confessions of a Medical Heretic (Mendelsohn)
Connaught Laboratories
Conscientious objector status
Conspiracy theory on vaccines
Converse, Ben
Conway, Homer and Chin-Caplan
Cookie (magazine)
Cornelius, David
Cornelius, Edward and Anne
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
“Courage in Science Award,”
“The Cow-Pock or the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation” (Gillray)
Crawford, Cindy
The Crime Against the School Child (Higgins)
Crimes of the Cowpox Ring (Little)
Cutter Laboratories

Dalli, Belinda
Dalli, Beulah
Danzon, Patricia
Dateline NBC (television program)
Daum, Robert
Davis, Irving
Dawson, Geri
Deafness, DTP vaccine and
Deer, Brian
Delaware, pertussis outbreak
Department of Community Medicine
Department of Defense
Department of Health and Human Services
Diabetes, vaccines and
Dick, George
Diphtheria vaccine
Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT). See also National Vaccine Information Center
District of Columbia, measles outbreak
attitude of anti-vaccine movement towards
Handley and
refusing care for unvaccinated children
The Doctors (television program)
Downs, Hugh
DPT. See Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT)
DPT: Vaccine Roulette (television documentary)
criticism of
experts used in
The Dr. Oz Show (television program)
Dravet, Charlotte
Dravet’s syndrome
DTP vaccine, deafness and. See also Diphtheria vaccine; Pertussis vaccine; Tetanus vaccine
Dunbar, Bonnie
Dyer, Brad

East Bay Waldorf School whooping cough outbreak
ECBT. See Every Child by Two (ECBT)
Eddy, Mary Baker
Eggs, allergic reactions to vaccines and
Ehrich, William
Einstein, Albert
Eldering, Grace
Eli Lilly
Endotoxin, in pertussis vaccine
antivaccine movement in
conscientious-objection law and vaccination rates
DTP vaccine injury cases
“An Epidemic of Fear” (Wallace)
Epidemiological Society of London
Epidemiology Intelligence Service
causes of
pertussis vaccine and risk of
Epilepsy Research Center
Estepp, Rebecca
Every Child by Two (ECBT)
Expert witnesses, autism cases and
“Extension of ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’“ (Hardin)

The Facts Against Compulsory Vaccination (pamphlet)
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals
Feikin, Daniel
Fever, seizures and
“Fighting for the Reputation of Vaccines” (Parikh)
Fisher, Barbara Loe
on changes in VICP’s vaccine-injury-compensation table
on chickenpox vaccine
child’s reaction to vaccination and founding of Dissatisfied Parents Together
distrust of doctors
Hawkins hearings and
hepatitis B vaccine and
on herd immunity
on Hib vaccine
on HPV vaccine
Jenny McCarthy’s activism compared to
Maher and
as media source of information
on natural infection
paranoia and
parental guilt over vaccination problems and
on pneumococcal vaccine
A Shot in the Dark
on vaccine advisory council
on vaccine-autism link
as vaccine safety activist
on validity of scientific studies
Wakefield and
Fisher, Christian
Fisher, Margaret
Flint, Brendalee
Flint, Julieanna
Flutie, Doug
Foege, William
Food and Drug Administration
Formaldehyde, in vaccines
Fourteenth Amendment, compulsory vaccination and
Fox, Rosemary
Francis, Thomas
Frankenstein (Shelley)
Frist, Bill
Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine (Steiner)

Galvani, Luigi
Gardasil. See also Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
Garner, Jennifer
Garrow, Irene
Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program
Gaugert, Polly
Geier, Mark
Gelatin, allergic reactions to vaccines and
General Medical Council
Generation Rescue
Genetic cause of encephalopathy
Georgia, measles outbreak
Germ theory, rejection of
Gibbs, George
Gibbs, John
Gibbs, Richard Butler
Gillray, James
Glanz, Jason
Godfrey, Arthur
Golden, Gerald
Golkiewicz, Gary
Gordon, Jay
Graham, Michelle
Grant, Jim
Grant, Marge
Grant, Scott
“Green Our Vaccines” rally
Griffin, Archie
Griffin, Marie
Group Health Cooperative
Gruelle, Johnny
Gruelle, Marcella
Guérin, Camille

Hadwin, Walter
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) meningitis
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine
Halsey, Neal
Handley, J. B.
attacks on Gardasil vaccine
on The Doctors
on Larry King Live
Hardin, Garrett
Harlan, John Marshall
Harris, Burton
Harris, Gardiner
Hart, Ernest
Harvard School of Public Health
Hasidic Jews, mumps outbreak among
measles outbreak
repeal of religious exemption health laws
Hawkins, Paula
Hazelhurst, Rolf and Angela
Hazelhurst, Yates
Healthcare workers, mandatory influenza vaccination for
Healy, Bernadine, as anti-vaccine activist
Heaton, Penny
Hellström, Bo
Hepatitis B infection
Hepatitis B vaccine
infant immune response to
multiple sclerosis and
rheumatoid arthritis and
SIDS and
vaccine court rulings
Hepatitis B Vaccine Project
Herd (population) immunity
breakdown in
Heteropathic medicine
Hib. See under Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Higgins, Charles
Hinman, Alan
H1N1 virus
Hodgson, Abraham Victor Obeng
Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated (Higgins)
Hospital for Sick Children
House Subcommittee on Health and the Environment
How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor (Mendelsohn)
HPV. See under Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Huffington Post
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
fear of technology used to make it
Human serum albumin, in MMR vaccine
Hume-Rothery, Mary
Hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, pertussis vaccine and
Hypotonic Hyporesponsive Syndrome

“Ileal-Lymphoid-Nodular Hyperplasia, Non-Specific Colitis, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Children” (Wakefield)
measles outbreak
pertussis outbreak
Immunization programs, history of
Immunization rates
British pertussis vaccine
effect of conscientious objection law on
herd immunity and
Immunological challenge, of vaccines
Imus, Don and Deirdre
Indiana, measles outbreak
Infantile spasms, pertussis vaccine and
Infants, immune response of
Influenza vaccine
egg allergy and
mandating by hospital administrators
Oz on
Informed Parents Against Vaccine-Associated Polio (IPAV)
Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae (Jenner)
Institute of Medicine
IPAV. See Informed Parents Against Vaccine-Associated Polio (IPAV)
Ireland, measles outbreaks

Jacobson, Henning
Jacobson v. Massachusetts
Japan, pertussis outbreak
Jauncey, Charles
Jenner, Edward
Jenner or Christ? (pamphlet)
Johnson, Samuel
Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation

Kalus, Harry
Karolinska Institute
Karoly, John
Karoly, Peter
Katz, Sam
Kendrick, Pearl
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
Kennedy, Rosemary
Kerensky, Michael
Kerridge, David
King, Ashley
King, John and Catherine
King, Larry
Kinnear, Johnnie
Kinsbourne, Marcel
Kirkman Laboratories
Kluger, Jeffery
Koch, Robert
Koplan, Jeff
Koppel, Ted
Krigsman, Arthur
Kupsh, Debra

Laitner, Jeanne
The Lancet (journal)
Langman, Rod
Larry King Live (television program)
Lawsuits associated with DPT vaccine. See also Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
Lawyers, anti-vaccine movement and
Lederle Laboratories
Leicester anti-vaccine rally
Levine, Seymour
Levy, Louis
Levy, Sandra
Lillard, Harvey
Lister Pharmaceuticals
Little, Kenneth
Little, Lora
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Los Angeles, measles outbreak
Louisiana, measles outbreak
Loveday, Susan
Loveday v. Renton and Wellcome Foundation Ltd.

Machin, Anthony
Mad-cow disease
Madsen, Kreesten
Madsen, Thorvald
Magid, Laurie
Maher, Bill
Maier, William
Maine, Hib meningitis outbreak
Male Practice (Mendelsohn)
Mallon, Mary
Mandatory vaccination
with influenza vaccine for healthcare workers
See also Compulsory vaccination
March of Dimes
Margiotta, Joseph
Marketing strategy, anti-vaccine movement and
Maryland, repeal of religious exemption health laws
Mason, James O.
repeal of religious exemption health laws
Massachusetts Compulsory Anti-Vaccination League
Mass marketing, anti-vaccine activists and
McCarthy, Jenny
appearance on The Doctors
Barbara Loe Fisher’s activism compared to
Carrey and
“Green Our Vaccines” rally
on vaccine ingredients
McCartney, Thomas
McCauley, Charles
McConaughey, Matthew
McCormick, Marie
McDowell, Allen
McKenzie, John
McKown, Ian
McKown, Kathleen
immunization rate and herd immunity
incidence among unvaccinated children
program to eliminate from United States
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
autism and
early acceptance of
Sears’ alternative schedule and
vaccine court rulings
Measles vaccine, decline in manufacturers of
Measure for Measure (Shakespeare)
Medical advances, anti-vaccine movement and fear of
Medical Research Council
Meechan, Robert
Mendelsohn, Robert
Mental retardation
causes of
pertussis vaccine and risk of
Mercury. See Thimerosal
Messonier, Nancy
Metchnikoff, Elie
Mica, Dan
Mica, John
Michigan, measles outbreak
Microbe Hunters
Middlehurst, Donna
Miller, David
criticism of study
study on pertussis vaccine-brain damage link
as expert witness
Miller, Zachary
Minnesota, Hib meningitis outbreak
Minshew, Nancy
Missionary Temple at Large of the Universal Religious Brotherhood, Inc.
Mississippi, pertussis outbreak
Missouri, measles outbreak
MMR. See Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Moll, Frederic
Moms Against Mercury
Monosodium glutamate
Montagnier, Luc
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (CDC)
Morris, Jean
Mortimer, Edward
Multiple sclerosis
hepatitis B vaccine and
vaccines and
immunization rate and herd immunity
See also Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Murphy, Jerome
Murphy, Trudy
Murrow, Edward R.
Myelination of the Brain in the Newborn (Rorke-Adams)

Nathanson, Neil
National Anti-Vaccination League
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
National Immunization Program
National Institutes of Health
National Public Radio
National Vaccine Compensation Fund
National Vaccine Information Center
“The Natural History of an Immunization Program” (graph)
Nature (journal)
NBC Nightly News (television program)
Nelmes, Sarah
Neuzil, Kathy
New England Journal of Medicine (journal)
New Mexico, measles outbreak
New York
Hib meningitis outbreak
smallpox outbreak
New York Times (newspaper)
Nigeria, polio vaccination programs
Nightline (television program)

Oklahoma, Hib meningitis outbreak
Omer, Saad
Omnibus Autism Proceeding
Open Your Eyes Wide! (Higgins)
Oprah (television program)
Oral polio vaccine
Oregon, pertussis outbreak
Orenstein, Walter
Orient, Jane
Osgood, Charles
Osler, John
Oz, Lisa
Oz, Mehmet

Palmer, Bartlett Joshua
Palmer, Daniel D.
Paranoia, anti-vaccine movement and
Parikh, Rahul
Pediatric Red Book (AAP)
Peet, Amanda
Hib meningitis outbreak
measles outbreak
immunization rate and herd immunity
incidence among unvaccinated children
mortality rates
severity of
Pertussis vaccine
allegations of brain damage/neurological illness from
British government study of risk of
creation of
decline in manufacturers of
early acceptance of
improvement in safety
infantile spasms and
lawsuits associated with
risk of epilepsy or retardation from
shortages of
side effects
SIDS and
Peterson, Shannon
Pfeiffer, Immanuel
Pharmaceutical companies
anti-vaccine movement and
decline in number of vaccine manufacturers
vaccine lawsuits and
Philosophical exemptions to vaccination requirements
impact of
Phipps, James
Physicians’ Desk Reference
Pickering, James
Pickering, Larry
Pisani, Amy
Pitcairn, John
“Pitt Expert Goes Public to Counter Fallacy on Autism,”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (newspaper)
Pneumococcal infections
Pneumococcal vaccine
Pneumocystis carinii
historical mortality rate
risk of infection
“The Polio Crusade” (television program)
Polio vaccines
decline in manufacturers of
early acceptance of
Nigeria and distrust of
Oz on
polio caused by
promotion of
Pollack, T. M.
Pontifical Academy for Life
Population immunity. See Herd (population) immunity
Priest, Julian
Prince, Sarah
Prince v. Massachusetts
Principia College
Protests, anti-vaccine
Public Health Laboratory
Public health officials, anti-vaccine movement and

Quinn, Aidan

Raggedy Ann doll
Rallies, anti-vaccine
Reagan, Ronald
Recombinant DNA technology, HPV vaccine and
Religious exemptions to vaccination requirements
impact of
Religulous (film)
Renton, George
Resciniti, Anthony (Tony)
Resciniti, Leo
Rescue Angels
Rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis B vaccine and
Richmond, Julius
Roberts, Robin
Roizen, Michael
Rome, Leonard
Rorke-Adams, Lucy
Rotavirus vaccine
intussusception and
Oz on
vaccine program
Royal College of Physicians
Royal Society of Medicine
Rubella, historic mortality rate
Rubella vaccine. See also Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Rubert, William
“Ruining It for the Rest of Us” (radio program)
Russell, Keri
Rutledge, Wiley B.

Sabin, Albert
Salamone, David
Salamone, John
Salamone, Kathy
Salisbury, David
Salk, Jonas
Salmon, Daniel
Salmonella typhi
San Diego, measles outbreaks
San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper)
Sanofi Aventis
Sawyer, William
“Scared Stiff: Worry in America” (television program)
School immunization requirements
Schuchat, Anne
Schwartz, Jeff
Schwartz, Julie
Science and Health (Eddy)
Sears, Jim
Sears, Martha
Sears, Robert
alternative vaccination schedule
on aluminum-containing vaccines
anti-vaccine themes
on chemicals in vaccines
on herd immunity
recommended schedule of doctor visits
on risks of vaccine-preventable diseases
Sears, William
The Sears Parenting Library
DTP vaccine and
fever and
See also Epilepsy
Sexton, Nicky
Shakespeare, William
Shane, John
Shelley, Mary
Sheridan, Dorothy
Sheridan, Lisa
Sherr, Alan
Shock, pertussis vaccine and
Shorvon, Simon
A Shot in the Dark (Fisher)
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
SIDS. See Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Simmons, Betty
Smallpox vaccine
anti-vaccine movement and
compulsory vaccination and
creation of
objections to in United States
Snyder, Colten
Snyder, Kathryn and Joseph
Snyderman, Nancy
Social good vs. individual freedom, compulsory vaccination and
Socioeconomic class, resistance to vaccines and
Sodium deoxycholate
Soper, George
Special masters
Spencer, Edwin
SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)
Steiner, Rudolf
Stephenson, John
Stewart, Gordon
on cause of HIV/AIDS
on pertussis vaccine
on severity of pertussis
Stork, Travis
Stossel, John
Ström, Justus
Stuart-Smith, Murray
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
court cases on vaccines and
hepatitis B vaccine and
pertussis deaths and
pertussis vaccine and
Sunday Morning (television program)
Sunday Times (newspaper)
Super Nu-Thera
Supreme Court, Jacobson v. Massachusetts
Sutherland, Cora
Swan, Matthew
Swan, Rita and Douglas
Swine flu epidemic

Tatel, Stephanie
Tayloe, David
Tetanus vaccine
Texarkana, measles outbreak
Omnibus Autism Proceeding and
This Week (television program)
Thompson, George
Thompson, Lea
career after Vaccine Roulette
honor from National Vaccine Information Center
Vaccine Roulette and
Thoughtful House
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll)
Time (magazine)
Titicut Follies (film)
The Today Show (television program)
Tom, Melanie
Toner, Kevin
“The Tragedy of the Commons” (Hardin)
Tuberculosis vaccine
20/20 (television program)
Twitchell, David and Ginger
Twitchell, Robyn
Typhoid fever
Typhoid Mary

United Kingdom, measles outbreaks. See also England
United States Court of Claims
Unvaccinated children, effect on community
U.S. News and World Report (magazine)
USA Today (newspaper)
Usui, Mikao

Vaccination. See Compulsory vaccination; Immunization; Mandatory vaccination
“Vaccination: A Conversation Worth Having” (Maher)
Vaccination rates. See Immunization rates
Vaccinations and Lockjaw (Higgins)
Vaccination schedules
Vaccination Vampire (pamphlet)
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
rotavirus vaccine withdrawal and
Vaccine advocacy/advocates
anti-vaccine groups and
The Vaccine Book (Sears)
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
conspiracy theorists and
expert witnesses
Omnibus Autism Proceeding
unusual rulings
Vaccine inspectors
Vaccine mandates, campaign against
Vaccine manufacturers
decline in number of
market stabilization and
Vaccine policy, pediatrician’s
Vaccine-preventable diseases, severity of. See also individual diseases
aluminum in
autism and (see Autism)
chemicals in
claims of phantom ingredients in
claim that are unnatural
concomitant-use studies
conspiracy theory and
false claims of harm
fear of
federal funding for
history of problems with
immunological challenge of
mercury in
multiple sclerosis and
religious beliefs and
school immunization requirements
shortages of
side effects/allergic reactions
social class and resistance to
See also individual vaccines
Vaccine safety advocacy
Fisher and
Salamone and
Vaccine Safety DataLink
Vaccine toxins, autism and
VAERS. See Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
Varicella. See under Chickenpox
Vashon Island (Washington)
Vermont, pertussis outbreak
VICP. See Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
Vinnedge, Debi
Virchow, Rudolf
Virginia, measles outbreak
Virtue, Doreen
Vitamin D,
von Recklinghausen, Frederich Daniel
Voodoo Histories (Aaronovitch)

Wakefield, Andrew
criticism of
Walker, Laurie
Walker, Shauntay
Wallace, Amy
Wall Street Journal (newspaper)
Walters, Barbara
Waltner, James
Warren, Charles
Washington, measles outbreak
Washington Post (newspaper)
Waxman, Henry
Wellcome Foundation
Wenk, Eugene
Werderitsch, Dorothy
Werne, Jacob
Wexler, Deborah
White, Tyler
Whitestone, Heather
Whitney, Aubrey
Whitney, Edward
Whooping cough. See under Pertussis
Willard Parker Hospital
Williams, George
Williams, Kathi
Williams, Lisa
Williams, Ted
Wilson, John
Winfrey, Oprah
Wired (magazine)
Wisconsin, measles outbreak
Wiseman, Frederick
World News Tonight (television program)
Wright family, religious exemption to vaccination requirements and
Wuerger, Heidi
Wyeth Laboratories

Yankovich, Abra
Yarkin, Celina
Yellow fever vaccine
YOU: Having a Baby (Oz & Roizen)
Young, Bobby

Zucht, Rosalyn