Chapter 4
Naughty Nyce
After Kat left my brother called. Stack was in the detention center for violation of his probation. He rolled with the city boys. He said the niggas out here were whack and lived in a fairy tale world. He started putting in work for Ra-Ra shortly after we moved out here. He basically went back to the city. I guess I was the only one down for my set. We ain't live in the city no more. I can understand Kat's position, because she was with Ra-Ra since she was like thirteen, before he made it big. But my brother, Spinx tried to look out for him, but he just kept throwing him shade.
I answered the phone flatly, “Yeah... Stacks.”
He didn’t waste time, tearing right into me. “Yo, what's on your mine, Nyse?” he asked. “Why are you causing all this ruckus?”
Whatever happened to hey sis, how are you? I thought. “Oh, come on... you too? I ain't even trying to hear this shit. I had enough for the night... and mom is not here!” I banged on him. The phone rang again.
I grabbed my keys and walked to Ms. Netts. When I reached their street about six cars were parked in her yard. She must be having a card game, I thought. When I went in there were a house full of niggas. To my surprise, Brock and his boys were sitting on one side of the room. Bo, Gizz and Spinx were on the other side.
“What's up, Nyse? I heard you knockin’ hoes out,” said Gizz.
I smiled. “Yeah... if that's what you want to call it,” I said quietly.
Spinx waved for me to come to him. All eyes were on me as I made my way through the crowded living room. He pulled me onto his lap. He pulled me close to him and asked me if I was all right. I nodded. Out the corner of my eye I could see Brock sneaking looks my way. I smiled sneakily. He was cute, and he did have the principles I lived off of, money and power. I didn't need the fuckin’ respect, power overrides every thing.
Spinx moved his hand to my inner thigh and kissed me on my neck. He always did shit like this in front of his boys. I guess that was his way of proving to them that I was all his. I used to feel uncomfortable; like I was a prize possession or something, but as time went on I enjoyed putting on the little show. It just let me see who was really faithful to Spinx.
The ones that were faithful would turn their heads the other way, but I could always tell who weren’t because they would have a lustful look in their eyes. Wishing they had me instead of him. Sometimes he wanted me to fuck him while they were all here, and he would ask me to scream his name and make all types of noises. I know it was to pump his ego. I didn’t care. It was fun to me.
Spinx whispered to me, telling me to go upstairs and wait for him. He had to handle some business. I moved from his lap, slowly grinding my ass deep in his crouch area. Everyone was on it. He smacked my ass, and I playfully pouted. He liked that shit. I snuck another look at Brock, and we made eye contact. Damn, he is really cute, I thought.
I’d fallen asleep by the time Spinx got to me. I’d made sure I was ass naked. I felt him between my legs, kissing his “favorite,” as he called it. I moaned.
“You up, baby?” he whispered.
“I am now.” I grabbed his head and pushed him deeper into my abyss.
He continued to bite that thang until my juices was running down his chin. He sat up in the bed and admired my body. I noticed that tonight he had the red light on instead of the blue. Red usually meant we were really going to get freaky. Blue was for romance. He lay on his back and lifted my body on top of his.
I whispered in his ear as he squeezed my tits and bit down on my nipples, “Baby, do you love me?” I moaned.
In between bites he moaned, “Yes.”
With that I squatted over his stiffness and slowly lowered myself down. Teasing him, I squeezed my wall muscles, causing them to grip his manhood tightly. He loved when I did that. His eyes starting rolling in the back of his head; I had him right where I wanted him. Now it was time to go in for the kill. I slid down until every inch of him filled me. My left leg began to shake. I bit my lip and held my breath. The vibrations of his pulsating muscle inside of me began to take me to another level of bliss. I tried hard to fight the wonderful feeling that was taking over, because I had to handle some business.
“Spinxy, baby… you know...” Damn, his dick is feeling so good, I thought. “You know… I graduate real soon and I wanted to know... wow… oh, God!”
Spinx grabbed my hips and began bouncing me up and down hard on his dick. I guess that was his way of telling me to shut the fuck up. He really was into it, because he was telling me how much he loved my pussy and I betta neva give it away. I squeezed my tits and began to enjoy the ride. He was cupping my ass cheeks, lifting his pelvis, causing our bodies to meet and smack against each other. I was really working my shit.
“Damn, baby, you must have really missed me,” he said.
That made me snap back. For a minute there I was imagining he was Brock. I'm fuckin’ up, I thought. When I thought he was about to cum I tightened my walls.
“Damn,” he said. “This shit feels so good.”
I went in for the kill. “Baby, what are you getting me for my graduation?” I asked.
He responded, “Oohh, you can get... ohh... ssssss… whateva you want.”
I was working him. “I want a car... a nice car, a cell phone, take me to my prom and I want you to send me to college.”
“Aight, whateva you want. Just keep giving me that juicy, phat pussy,” he begged.
I gave it to him gladly. I put his black ass straight to sleep.
I woke up and it was 6 am. Oh shit! I thought. I had to get home before my mom did. She was working from 11 pm until 7 am. I grabbed my clothes and threw them on. The brightness from the sun was blinding me as I sprinted up the hill and through the path to get to my house. I sighed in relief when I didn’t see my mom’s car in the driveway. I showered and got ready for school.
When my mom came home she looked tired.
I gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You all right, mommy?” I asked. I erased the message on the answer machine from Mr. Scott. He’d called to tell my mother I was suspended for fighting. She already had too much on her mind to deal with that petty shit.
“Yeah, baby, just tired,” she replied.
I noticed she didn't close the door behind her. I went to go shut it.
“Lyse, you can leave that open. I’m getting some clothes. I’m going to stay the weekend with Mr. Dave. You want to go to your sister’s or will you be all right here?” she asked, kissing me on the cheek.
“Oh, I’ll be all right. I'm gonna stay here. There's a party tonight that I wanted to go to… if it's cool with you?” I snuck in.
“Go ahead. Just be careful. You know how wild those guys are out here.” She went in her purse and handed me a couple of dollars and went upstairs to pack.
When she was out of sight I started jumping up and down. I was hyped. I could be with my baby all weekend. I sat on the couch and waited for her to leave. We gave each other a kiss and she was out the door. I didn’t tell her about the fight and how I was suspended for the day. She would never know anyway, unless Kat told her. She didn’t even know about Spinx. In her eyes I was still sweet and virtuous Lyse.
I grabbed my backpack and went to the bus stop just in case she forgot something. When the bus pulled up I got on and rode until he hit the bus stop near Ms. Netts. I told the bus driver that I forgot to lock my door and he let me off. I waited until he pulled off and walked across the street.
The door was already unlocked. Spade was on his way out the door. He looked cute, as always. He had on a pair of Levi’s and a cute button up Ralph Lauren. He told me Doris was cooking breakfast. He had a plate in his hand, it looked good, too. I was starving. When I went to the dining room Ms. Nett was sitting at the table eating. She had on a leopard nightie, with a bonnet over her head. She must have had company last night, I thought. To be a big woman Ms. Nett kept a fine nigga with money in her presence.
“Hey, baby,” she said, extending her arms for me to give her a hug. “Why ain't you in school?”
She pulled a Newport out of the pack and lit it.
I start singing that Kris Kross song and danced around, “I missed the bus.... I missed the bus.”
She busted out laughing. “Girl you are retarded!”
I smiled and grabbed a plate. “Thanks, Ms. Doris.”
She smiled. I felt bad for her. She was really sweet, but she was on that crack bad. She was like their housekeeper. She cooked, cleaned and did the laundry for some rock. Spinx justified it by saying at least he wasn't taking her SSI check. I hated the way people talked to her. I wanted to snap for her sometime. I sat next to Ms. Nett and dug into my food like I ain’t never ate in my life. It was so quiet alls you could hear was me smacking and my fork hitting the plate. I looked up and they were staring at me.
“What! Why are y’all staring at me?” I said with a mouth full.
“Damn… bitch, breathe! If I didn't know any better I would have thought you ain’t eat in months!”
Ms. Nett took another pull of her cigarette while she watched me devour my food.
I chewed my food and swallowed. “I'm hungry! Ms. Nett, I’m always hungry,” I said, picking up more food to put in my mouth.
She placed the Newport in the ashtray and studied my face. “Nyse, when the last time you been on?” inquired Ms. Nett.
“Yesterday when I came home from school,” I said. Assuming, but not really knowing what she was talking about.
“Yuck… and you Braxton were fucking last night like dogs in heat! I hope you washed them bloody ass sheets!” she said with a repugnant expression on her face.
I was confused. “Ms. Nett, what are you talking about, darling?” I asked.
“Don't darling me... bitch! I’m talking about your nasty ass fucking on your period!”
She pulled out another Newport and rolled her eyes.
“I'm not on my period.” I laughed. “I thought you were talking about the last time I smoked gank!”
She took a deep pull of the Newport and laughed as smoked seeped from her nostrils. “You's a silly bitch! I ain't talking bout no damn weed. You pregnant, Nyse? Your face getting a little full and he sleeps all the fucking time. You ready to make me a grandma again at thirty-eight?” she asked before she put the cancer stick to her lips.
I snickered. “Yeah, right! I'm hardly knocked.” I grabbed my plate and put it in the sink.
“Where you goin’?” Ms. Nett asked.
“To bed!” I shouted and skipped towards the steps.
She snorted. “Yeah, with your legs up!”
I heard her and Ms. Doris bust out laughing. But she wasn't lying. I was gonna hop on the dick again. Morning dick was the best.
Later that afternoon, I called the twins to find out what they were wearing to the party. They said they still didn't know. I called Kee to see how she was. Her little sister answered the phone and told me she was at her aunt’s in Chester.
Around 9:00 pm everybody was getting dressed to go to E-Skeez's party. The guys were downstairs making arrangements in case something popped off. Brock and his Eastside boys were going to be there too, but they were neutral. Brock supplied Spinx when he couldn't get weight from his connect. He was also affiliated with Ra-Ra, so he was like the middleman sometimes. I always thought Spinx was a nut for dealing with the same people Rashawn did. He didn’t see it as a threat. I got tired of arguing with him about it. I just had a deep feeling it was going to one day bite him in the ass. He’d really put trust in Brock. He was E’s cousin so he thought that made a big difference. It didn’t convince me none.
I was in Spinx’s room getting dressed for the party. I decided to wear a pair of black DKNY jeans and a black and silver signature DKNY shirt. I wrapped my hair so it lay flat on my shoulders. I threw on a pair of black field Tims, just in case things did get a little out of hand. Everyone was on high alert because I told Spinx how my sister didn't want me to go to E's party. I guess he took heed to the warning. I went downstairs, smoke was everywhere as usual. Someone passed me the blunt. I looked at Spinx for approval. He nodded and I hit it.
Twenty minutes later the twins and Caree came to get me. They all looked nice. The twins had on jeans and Hilfiger T-shirts. Caree, on the other hand, had on some shit Kat would wear only it wasn’t name brand. You could tell by the material she got that shit from Dots, but it was still cute. She had on a black cat suit, with this silver chain belt that hugged every curve on her body and black rider boots with a fat heel. Her auburn hair, that matched perfect with her cinnamon skin, was in Janet Jackson braids. You know; the ones she wore in Poetic Justice.
Caree went to our school and hung out sometimes. I didn’t like her at first, because I would catch Spinx looking at her all the time. When I found out she wasn’t interested we became cool. She had a college boyfriend who didn’t want her really hanging out with “hood people.” She was quiet, but fun to be around when she was feeling it.
It was a nice evening so we decided to walk up the Hill to E's house. We were laughing and joking about the fight. When we got to the party it was jumpin’. It was so crowded you could barely walk through. The DJ was playing T.A. (Top Authority) “Never Leave Home Without It.” Everybody was hyped. Stankin’ ass Meekie's ass was trying to dance. She had a bottle of Henny in her hand, grindin’ on some young boy.
We made our way to the back of the room. Caree pulled out a bottle of Seagram’s Gin and two forty once bottles of Crazy Horse. We poured the gin in the bottles and drank them. The twins didn't drink, they just smoked. After about twenty minutes I was feeling it, sweating and shit. That’s when I noticed everyone had dipped off. I was cool with it.
My song came on by Sasha, “Kill the Bitch.” I started doing the butterfly. I broke it down to the floor. I started to tick and gyrate my body like I was straight from the Motherland. I had those niggas drooling. Meekie even stopped shakin’ her old ass to watch my performance. That's when I spotted Brock standing against the wall. I was so drunk that I decided to fuck with him like I did Dale.
I moved towards him dancing. I bent over and bounced my ass against his manhood. I was so fucked up I didn’t even care who saw what I was doing. I looked him in the eyes while I enticed him. He tried to keep a straight face, but I felt his shit getting hard as cement. I guess the DJ was enjoying the show, because he played Mad Cobra’s “Flex.” I really threw it on Brock. He placed his hands around my hips as I slow whined him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered, “Do you want to fuck me?”
He licked his lips and whispered in my ear, “Stop playing games with that knuckle head man of yours and I’ll show what it’s like to be with a real nigga.” He gently moved me from in front of him and got lost in the crowd.
Hmm… sounds good, I thought. But I wasn’t about to let Spinx go. Not yet. I had to see if he was going to come through for my graduation. If he reneged then I might take him up on his offer. I just might do that, I thought. He wants me. I took a swig of my concoction and went back for another bottle. I felt a little queasy so I detoured to the bathroom. I opened the door and found Muff on her knees with E-Skeez’s balls smacking up against her chin.
I shut the door and yelled, “That’s what bedrooms are for!”
I went upstairs to try the other one. I opened the door and this one was cool. I got on my knees and knelt in front of the toilet seat. I gagged, but nothing came out. I did need to piss though. I pissed for what seemed like fifteen minutes. I thought I was never going to stop. I washed my hands and went back to the party. It seemed like fifty more people came.
I saw Spade standing up against the wall talking shit to some young girl. I went over to them. Soon as he saw me he dismissed her. She was pissed. She rolled her eyes and slipped him her number before she disappeared. We laughed and clowned a few people who thought they were fly but truly looked a mess.
Spade and I danced through a few songs. I was having a ball. The DJ turned on “Throw Ya Gunz” by Onyx, and mutha fuckas got out of control. He threw the strobe light on and everybody was partying, jumping all around and rhyming with Sticky Fingaz. “What's mine is mine and what yours is mine...” That's my shit! We were so into it, no one paid attention to the fact Chauncey and his boys came in waving a .22.
Dawg, who was from the Hills, was in the corner the whole time scoping everything out. He shouted, “I'M ABOUT TO LET LOOSE!”
Everyone turned around as he pulled a sawed-off shot gun out his trench coat. Everyone started to run immediately. It was so crowded that everyone was stepping over each other trying to get out. The DJ was even going to leave his shit behind. I was scared to death. I started to run out the back door; then I remembered my girls. I couldn’t leave them behind.
I felt someone trying to pull me out the house. When we got outside there was unknown cars everywhere. I looked at the hand that was pulling me and it was Muff. We saw Caree and Buff hiding behind the car. I was so relieved to see them. We ran through the path to get to the set. Buff got clothes lined (literally) by someone’s clothes line. She was on the ground grabbing her throat. I helped her up.
We heard a big boom coming from E's house. I started screaming. We were all crying. We got to the big field and I paused. It was so dark that you couldn’t see anything but the tall weeds. I was a little hesitant to go through them, but that was the quickest way I could get to my house. I thought, these niggas is from the city, they don’t know nothin’ about our paths. I figured this would be the safest route. We were about to make a run for it, but I stopped when I saw someone standing in the dark by a tree. I moved in a little closer and noticed it was Reap, aka The Reaper.
He yelled, “Nyse, get the fuck on the ground.”
We all dropped in a synchronized fashion to the ground. We heard gunfire over our heads. I lay in the grass shaking hysterically. Caree was crying and pissed herself. I heard something down on the ground coming our way. I looked around and noticed it was Skeez.
He said in a hushed tone, “Y’all need to get the fuck outta here. When we say run, run your ass home!” Skeez was on his damn stomach like army commando.
Everything got silent and out of no where Reap yelled, “Run!”
We all ran. I ran on the set and under the light pole. I saw an all too familiar souped-up gold Acura Legend. Damn, I thought. It was Ra-Ra. His guard was standing outside the car. He had on a Carhartt camouflage outfit and combat boots. He was ready to go to war. I tried to run away from him.
“Nalyse!” he yelled.
I tried to ignore him, but I couldn’t. Rashawn had never done anything to me, and I doubted if he would do anything to hurt me. I stopped and faced his direction. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Spinx was my man, but Rashawn was like family. He always looked out for me. I started walking towards him. I heard my girls screaming for me to run, but I couldn't. He started to walk towards me. I was feeling confused, scared and anxious.
Rashawn didn’t look like he could hurt a fly. He was brown skin with a baby face and deep dimples; standing 6’0 with bow legs. He reminded me so much of that boxer “Sugar” Shane Mosley, eyes and all. You would’ve never known he was a trigga-happy, hot head when provoked. He was so calm and cool you wouldn’t have even known he was in the middle of a flat out war.
I became mesmerized by his conduct. We were standing face to face. My heart raced, not out of fear; to my surprise it was from pure lust. I had to check myself. For some reason I was being turned on; I had to shake this feeling. It has to be the weed and alcohol, or my adrenaline is too high, I thought. I had never paid attention to how attractive he was in the past. I tried to avoid eye contact. I didn’t want him to be able to read my thoughts, because they were written all over my face. His hand gently caressed my face. He was being sweet, yet showed authority.
“I'm not mad at you, lil’ sis, but you need to get your ass home. Because shit about to be hectic… we’ll talk about this soon, ok?”
He gave me a quick hug and pushed me along.
I was feeling tingling sensations in places I had no business feeling them. I took one more look at him before I ran towards my house. I was only a few houses away from my destination, before I was cut off by an unpleasant but familiar face. Chauncey was standing in front of me grinning. I looked behind me for help but Ra-Ra was long gone. He grabbed me by my arm. I began screaming immediately. I noticed his face was slightly disfigured. He pushed me to the ground and pointed at his face.
He grinded his teeth when he said, “Bitch... this is your fault.” He pulled a gun from the back of his pants and stuck it to my head.
I screamed for help, hoping one of the neighbors would call the cops. But I knew that was a lost cause. Those people loved to see drama. He began to unzip his pants. I know this nigga ain’t about to rape me, I thought. I would never know what his plans were. I heard several popping noises. Next, I watched his body hit ground with blood spilling from his mouth. I let out another scream. I couldn’t move. I had never seen anyone shot right in front of me. Brock walked over to me with the barrel of his gun smoking. I was shaking out of control. He pulled me from the ground.
“You ok?”
I didn’t answer. I heard police sirens in the distance.
“Run, Nyse! Go the fuck home,” he ordered.
I snapped out of it and ran as fast as I could. I got in front of my house, but stopped at my curb. I was too scared to go in. It was so dark and my mom didn’t leave the outside light on. I heard movement behind the bushes. I was ready to break out until I saw Caree come from behind them followed by the twins. Caree hugged me and cried. They thought something happened to me. I gave her the keys and we went in the house.
Once inside, I told them that Chauncey tried to rape me and he was now dead. Everyone was hysterical. It seemed like out of nowhere lights started to flash outside. You could hear the helicopters flying over the house and see spotlights from them lighting up the paths. They were in the paths with dogs. I left the girls in the window. I went to my room and cried. I had no doubt in my mind that this was my fault. The question in my mind was if I was gonna have to answer for it.