Chapter 7

Vengeance is mine


Caree was in the kitchen making Kool-Aid. I was lying on the couch. I had been feeling funny all morning. I was cramping in my pelvic area and back. It almost felt like I was coming on my period, or had to take a serious shit. I lay there moaning and rocking back and forth. Caree came in with two cups in her hands.

Here, girl, I made the red kind like you requested,” she said.

I was in too much pain to respond. Tears escaped from the corner of my eyes, and I bit down on my lip.

She sat next to me. Her tone changed from joke mode to concerned, “Nyse, you all right?”

At this point I couldn’t hold it any longer. I let out an excruciating moan. It felt like my insides were being ripped apart.

She began to panic. “What happened? Did someone call and upset you?”

I knew she couldn’t be serious. There was no way I would be carrying on like this from a phone call. I managed to speak. “My stomach is killing me. I need to shit, and it's not coming out.”

“Whatever you do, Nyse, don't push. I'm calling the ambulance!” she said, as she ran to the phone and called an ambulance.

I sat up on the couch rocking back and forth, praying for the pain to stop. When she hung up the phone I ordered her to call Spinx. The doorbell rang, and Caree hurried to the door. A few seconds later she was accompanied by Kevin and his boy Roc. I was a little bugged out because Kevin didn’t know I was pregnant. My intentions were to tell him today but it was too late. Caree and her big mouth had already filled him in on everything. To my surprise it didn’t seem to be an issue, because he held me in his arms. The last thing I remember was him telling me everything was going to be all right, before everything went black.




I opened my eyes and everything was a blur. I tried to sit up, but the heaviness I was feeling wouldn’t allow me to move. I looked around the room and noticed I was in a hospital. I was confused. I looked to my left and saw Caree. Everything started to make more sense. I looked around the room for Spinx, but he was nowhere to be found.

What happened... why do I feel so drugged? I know I ain't having the damn baby this early?”

Caree held her head down and looked away. I noticed a single tear slide down her cheek. I knew what was up. She didn't even have to say a word.

I lost it, didn't I?

She shook her head sympathetically and said, “Yes.”

I closed my eyes and asked God why. I didn’t deserve this. This was going to mess everything up. I needed that baby; that was the only way I could really have the upper hand with Spinx. I would have something those other bitches didn’t… his child. Now that was done, what was I to do now? In the middle of my pity party the door opened. A slender, medium height man, dressed in hospital scrubs, walked in. He asked Caree to leave the room. Once she was out of sight he turned to me with a fake smile.

Ms. Nyse, my name is Dr. Brown, and I am sorry to tell you that you had something we call a mis-abortion....”

I was pissed. “Abortion... I didn't have any abortion.” I didn’t like the tone he was using with me. He acted like I wasn’t shit, just another statistic.

He gave me a weak smile and said, “No, honey... the baby aborted itself. This happens when there is an infection or the baby isn't developing properly. It's a form of miscarriage. Did you know that you were carrying Chlamydia? We believe that's what caused the miscarriage.”

I thought I was about to vomit when the word “Chlamydia” came from his arrogant mouth. “Oh my GOD!” I cried. I put my hands over my face, I was so embarrassed.

Dr. Brown scribbled something down on the clipboard he was holding. “Well, we treated you for it, and I will give you a prescription so you can continue to take the pills. You need to let your sex partner or partners know what's going on, so they don’t re-infect you... and Ms. Nyse, you really should practice safe sex so this doesn't happen again. You can get your clothes on, and your gentlemen friend is outside waiting for you.”

Dr. Brown gave me a pat on the leg, handed me the prescription and was out the door. I was so mad that I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe how he was judging me. I’d only slept with one person in my life! I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming. I couldn’t believe that bastard burnt me. I’d lost my baby because of him being trifling. All the love I had for Spinx had crept out the door. He was going to pay for this. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to show his black face up here.

When the door opened I prepared myself to cuss that black bastard out. Instead Kevin walked in with balloons and a long box with a big red bow. He handed me the box and tied the balloons to my wrist. I opened the box, which contained a mix of 12 pink, red and white long stem roses. He leaned over and gave me a hug and I bust out crying in his arms. He told me not to worry because I would be able to have more kids later. That wasn't the reason I was crying. I couldn't tell him that it was because my pussy was on fire. I had to admit, it felt good to be in his arms. I felt like I could just tell him everything, and he could make it better.

I opened my eyes and noticed Caree standing at the door. I broke my embrace with Kevin. “Did Spinx ever call you back?” I sniffled.

She looked at Kevin as if she was looking for some type of approval. He was holding my hand, but his attention was on Caree.

Just tell her the truth,” Kevin said.

She pulled up a chair alongside my bed. “Nyse, I didn't want to tell you. Today is Shay's birthday, and Spinx took her to the beach right after he dropped you off this morning.”




I was released from the hospital later that night. Kevin took Caree back home. I wasn’t feeling her after she told me that shit about Spinx. What pissed me off is that she knew the whole time he was with that raggedy bitch and she didn’t tell me. I thought we were friends, but that goes to show you can’t trust nobody. Kevin came back to the crib after he dropped her off. I really didn't want any company, but he insisted. I went straight to my room and left him in the den.

I had too much on my mind. I had to figure out a way for Spinx to pay for what he’d done to me. My little world was slowly crumbling down. I couldn’t understand why he would do that to me, I mean, I hadn’t done anything wrong. I’d done everything he wanted me to do. I lay on my bed scrutinizing this whole mess. I wonder if Shay's dad knew she was fucking a twenty-six year old; one that basically took his spot when he went to the Feds. I smiled sneakily to myself. I wondered what he would do if he knew his woman and daughter where sucking off the same man knowingly. I lay in bed contemplating on what my next move would be until I drifted off to sleep.


The next day I was bleeding like a race horse. Kevin stayed to help me out. I called my sister and told her what happened.

Oh my God, do you want me to come home?” she sympathetically asked.

I’m cool. Kevin is here helping me.” I could tell that she was actually happy that I wasn't having the baby.

Kat snapped. “Who the hell is Kevin?” she asked.

Kevin is Brock’s real name.”

She seemed to calm down. “Oh, I’m used to calling him by his street name. I’ll be back late Monday night. Call me if you need me.”

When I hung up Caree was calling. I didn’t know what the fuck she wanted, because I wasn’t dealing with her fake ass any more. I bet she was running her mouth telling everybody out the way what went down. Bitch! I thought.

Hello,” I said with an attitude.

Hold on,” she said returning the same attitude.

I wanted throw up when I heard the next voice.

Baby... I’m so sorry I wasn't there for you.” It was Spinx. “How did it happen? Were you not taking care of yourself right?” he said sadly.

I looked at the phone like is this fool crazy. “No, nigga, I wasn't taking care of myself right… by having sex with you RAW!” I shouted. “You gave me a fucking disease, that's what killed our baby!”

He was quiet.

What, you ain't got shit to say now? Oh… and how was your little trip to the beach? Did you break that bitch in right? Oh, I forgot, she already loose,” I said sarcastically.

Huh?” he tried to play the dumb role. “The beach... I went with my family to the beach... break who in?” he stammered.

He was starting to really piss me off, so I decided to play stupid with him. I guess he forgot he told me he was going to Maryland. “You know what... I'm sorry... I’m just upset because you weren’t there for me... when our baby died. Who gave you Chlamydia?” I asked calmly.

Baby, I knew about the disease... I didn't think it went to you because you never said nothing about it. That bitch Kita gave it to me... but I handled that shit… I ain't fuckin’ wit’ her like that no more... I'm sorry... we can try again though... because I want you to have my baby,” he begged.

Kita? So I guess that little speech she made at dinner was bullshit, I thought. I was getting more vexed as the minutes rolled on. I took a deep breath and continued my little game. “I know baby... we all make mistakes... and soon as I am healed we will try again.” I lied.

When can I see you?” he asked. “I miss you... and I want to make it up to you,” he said softly.

Soon... baby, I will be back real soon,” I said.

He told me he loved me and we hung up.

I got up from the bed and started packing a few outfits. I showered and dressed. I went downstairs with my bag. Kevin was playing “Bloody Roar” on the Play Station. I swear the only reason niggas liked that game was because the bitch’s titties would bounce even when they weren’t fighting.

When he noticed the bag he pause the game. “Where do you think you’re going?”

I went to the closet to grab my jacket. “I need my mother, I’m going through too much and I need her.”

He turned off the game and helped me with my jacket. “Are you sure you’re ready to tell her about this? Don’t you want to wait for your sister to come home so she can support you?”

He was full of questions that I just did not feel like answering.

I know what I’m doing, Kevin,” I assured him.

He grabbed my bag and we were on our way.


My mom wasn't home as usual, and by the looks of it she hadn't been home for days. Kevin helped me in the house with my bags.

Do you want me to stay here with you?” he asked.

No. You’ve done enough. Go and have some fun, I’ll be fine,” I said.

He was about to walk out the door, and I grabbed his arm. I gave him a big hug and then kissed him gently on the lips. He pressed me up against him and slipped his tongue in my mouth. We kissed intensely, forever. At least it seemed that way. I pulled away when I felt his erection rise against my stomach.

Kevin, I want you to come to my graduation and afterwards I want you to be with me,” I said.

What about Spinx?” he asked.

He don't matter to me no more,” I said. A sly smile spread across my face. “I doubt if he'll be around anyway... I’ll call you tomorrow.”

He gave me a quick peck and walked to his Range Rover. I smiled as he started his truck. Damn, he’s fine and he’s paid, I thought. He would be a great replacement for Spinx. I watched him drive down the street.