Chapter 9
The Aftermath
Kee had finally been released from WCI (Women’s Correctional Institution). It had been five hours since I’d posted her seventy-five hundred dollar bail. I’d only had five thousand on me, so I called Ra-Ra and one of his boys brought me over three more. He couldn’t do it himself because he was entertaining my sister. I was cool with that. It was only a matter of time before it would be my turn. Kee looked really bad. Her stomach was so big it looked like she was about to pop. She looked around searching for her ride. I beeped the horn and stuck my head out the window.
“I’m over here, big ass!” I joked.
She smiled and wobbled over to the truck. She slid in the passenger seat and looked around in amazement. “Is this you?” she asked.
I shook my head proudly.
“Damn. Girl, you came up. I know Spinx ain’t buy this, it must have been that nigga Brock,” she said as she admired my ride.
“You damn right Spinx broke ass ain’t buy this, Ra-Ra bought this for me, as a graduation gift.” I gloated.
You could tell she was confused. “Ra-Ra bought you this? Are you serious? Why would your sister’s boyfriend get you a brand new truck? I mean, what did your sister say?”
She had her face turned up. I was starting to feel some type of way. I was beginning to think that the green envy monster was showing himself yet again through Kee. She must have read my mind, because she changed the subject.
“So, did Bo give you the money to bail me out?” she asked sounding hopeful.
I had to bust her bubble real quick. “Hell No! He locked up with Co-Co and left your sister and the baby in that fucked up apartment. I bailed you out. Speaking of Co-Co, what the fuck is up with her? I heard that was your new BEST FRIEND.” I had to stress that.
She sighed. “Nyse, I’m just trying to maintain. I mean, Bo got her there cleaning up and watching the baby while we make this paper. It’s nothing serious, they ain’t fucking no more. Well, at least not like they were. Sometimes, when I don’t feel like being bothered I’m sure he knocks her off. But she knows where she stands. She’ll never take my place,” she explained.
She must think I am Boo-Boo the fool. This bitch has lost her damn mind. I know she ain’t say they fuckin’ under her damn roof, and she knows about it and accepts it, I thought. I was totally disgusted; this was not the same chick I became friends with in seventh grade. That nigga did that to her. I promised myself once I became Ra-Ra’s wifey I was gonna get Kee out of that fucked up situation. She deserved better. I gave her a few dollars to get some things she needed and dropped her off at the hotel with her sister. Before I left I asked her for a favor.
“Kee, check this, I met this new guy from the city and we been kickin’ it. We’re not exclusive yet. I need you to cover for me tonight and any other night I need you. Kat may call you to see where I am at. Just tell her I been staying with you the last few nights, ok.”
She was grinning. “I guess you are with Brock now, huh? I’m happy for you. Spinx been home with Kita more now a days. I guess he’s trying to be close since she’s having another baby. Why don’t you just tell Kat? I think she would rather you be with him than Spinx.”
I froze soon as she said Kita was pregnant and that she already had a child. My heart was broken. He had gotten that bitch pregnant. That’s why that bitch was wearing the baggy clothes that night at her apartment, I thought. Then it hit me, Kee said another baby. My mind went back to when Spinx was kicking that shit about us being a family, how he wanted everything to be kosher for his kids. Then the day when Ms. Nett and I were eating breakfast, she said was I making her a grandma again. Oh my God. They have a child together already, I thought. I swear I hate that nigga. But I wasn’t going to sweat it. I would most definitely have the last laugh.
“Nyse, is something wrong? You did know about Lil’ Braxton, right?”
I smiled at her. “Girl, yeah, of course I did. Just do what I asked you to do for me, all right?” I pulled off before she got a chance to say anything else that would break my spirit.
I was looking for something sexy to wear for Rashawn later that night. I couldn’t find anything suitable. I wanted something new for my new man. I grabbed a few outfits and decided to stop by Vickie C’s to get sexy for him. I ran down the stairs and bumped into Kat. She was on the phone talking to her college dude. I knew it was him because she was giggling and talking about how she enjoyed him last night. I could have kicked her. She was so stupid. She just didn’t know how good she had it. She better not try to trip when she finds out I replaced her, I thought. She would probably thank me, since Rashawn was so bad for her. She put the phone down on her shoulder.
“Where are you going? Have you seen the news? You know your principal sent the fucking detectives to Mommy’s. Thank God she wasn’t there. So they had the nerve to come here questioning me about the fights you had and if I thought you were in some type of danger. Where were you all afternoon anyway? Why don’t you have your phone turned on?”
I grabbed a bottle of spring water out of the fridge. I was relieved that my mother wasn’t there. She would have really flipped if she found out about all that stuff that happened in school. I couldn’t believe Mr. Scott thought the shooting had something to do with me. Well, at least Kat handled those detectives. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about them bothering me.
“I’m staying with Kee for a few days. You know she’s about to drop that load. I’m gonna watch Myai so she can rest. I might even stay with her for a few weeks. You know she’s gonna need my help after the baby is born; at least until Bo gets out of jail.”
She frowned. “Do you think it’s a good idea to be around a new baby after you just lost yours?”
I waved her off. Here she goes with the psychology shit, I thought. “I’m so over that. I don’t think about Spinx or that pregnancy. I’m cool. I’ll call to check in.”
She said something else but I wasn’t trying to hear it. I walked out while she yapped away. I drove to the mall and headed straight to Vickie’s. I went to the back and picked up a cute little white feathery bra and thong set. It would match well with my white feathered stiletto boots. I would be his Pocahontas for the night. Maybe we could even do a little role playing.
I stopped by the lotion and body spray display to find my Strawberries & Champagne. I loved that fragrance. I grabbed a few bottles of that and Pear and made my way to the counter. Suddenly, I literally ran into that stinkin’ ass bitch Kita, of all people. I kneeled down and picked up my bottles of spray. She started helping me.
She picked up the outfit and looked at it funny. “Well, I bet Braxton would love to see you in this. What, you taking pictures to send to him or something?”
I snatched the thong from her. I looked her up and down. I noticed her belly almost immediately. “Don’t you think that’s your job? You’re the one carrying his baby. I thought you got locked up, what you doing here?” I asked. I looked her up and down and snickered. “From the looks of it, I doubt if you could fit anything up in here anyway,” I said sarcastically.
She ignored my sarcasm and smiled. “You’re funny, Nyse. I did get locked up, but I was let go. Braxton told them I had nothing to do with what was going on at the house. They let me go home and they gave me our son back. For your information, I actually can fit something in here. I know I gained a few pounds, but that’s what happens when you’re six months pregnant. Maybe you’ll get that far one day.” She smirked.
That bitch was trying to be smart. I guess all that we are a family and I’m not trying to hurt you shit was just an act for Spinx. I wanted to spit on that bitch.
“So, would you like to go with me on Monday to see Braxton? I know he misses you. Plus we need to stick together we’re all he has. Ms. Nett is pissed at him because she might lose her Section 8 and Shay is turning against him. No one knows where Spade is, it’s like his ass disappeared. All his close boys have either got missing or are locked up with him. Even Brock turned against him. He set him up and then came to the Hills to act like everything was cool. That’s why the young boys blew his truck up. I hope they killed that rotten mutha fucker.” Her nostrils flared making her look like a pig nosed bull.
I thought my heart stopped. Did she say they blew his truck up? I thought. “Is Kevin ok?”
She wrinkled her nose and said nastily, “Why would you care? He set our man up. No one knows what really happened to him. When the cops got there his truck was empty. He must have escaped, but he couldn’t have gotten too far. They’ll probably find that nigga dead in the woods somewhere.” She looked at her watch. “I gotta go, but call me on my cell if you want to go see about Braxton.”
She handed me a piece of paper with her number on it. I took it and hurried to pay for my stuff. I practically ran through the mall trying to get to my truck. When I got there I bawled my eyes out. Kevin can’t be dead, I thought.
I sat in the mall parking lot for at least an hour. People were staring as they walked by. One elderly lady knocked on my window to see if I was ok. I smiled and nodded yeah. She gave me a concerned look before leaving. I couldn’t believe what was going on. I just graduated not even twenty-four hours ago. My life was changing rapidly. My head felt like it was spinning.
All of the events that had taken place kept playing over and over in my head. I tried to block out the shooting. I didn’t think about turning on the news to see if any of my classmates where hurt, or even dead. I had been so busy fucking Rashawn that I forgot about Kevin. I was supposed to be with him last night. I said a quick prayer for him. I prayed that he did get away unharmed. I took a deep breath and started my truck. It was getting late; I didn’t want Rashawn to think I wasn’t coming.
I lay across the bed watching reruns of “The Facts of Life.” It was now 11 pm and Rashawn was not here. He hadn’t even called to let me know what was up with him. I had bathed, put on my smell good and was waiting for him in the outfit I’d picked up earlier. I flicked the channel to see the news. The first thing that flashed on the screen was the world’s drug war.
They showed Ms. Nett's house. The door was kicked in and you seen all the federal agents and local cops walking in and out of the house. Then the picture flashed over to Spinx. They had him in the cop car. You could see him yelling something at the camera. The reporter was saying he had pictures of what happened the night before, and they believed it was related to the fatal shootings at Woodrow Wilson’s high school graduation.
The reporter talked about the bombing of a truck that allegedly belonged to Kevin Brockman. They found a charred body that was believed to be Brockman. He went on to say that the increase in gang violence was all connected, including the shooting and alleged murder of Brockman. He left a tip line number for anyone who had any information about the incident.
The anchor man started to talk about the notorious Braxton Hayes aka Spinx. They interviewed his former professors from Del State. They all said they were shocked, he was a promising student. They couldn’t believe that he was involved in anything this repulsive. The news people called him a king pin, pimp, and pedophile. They talked about Meekie’s house that was being used as a place to prostitute teenage girls. Then they showed her face on the screen. Damn, all this because of me, I thought. From the looks of it, Spinx was finished. I cut the television off and rolled over on my back. I let out a small scream.
“Oh my God, you scared me… again!” I was holding my chest breathing heavy.
Rashawn was standing over me wearing nothing but his award winning smile. I must have really been into the news, because I didn’t even notice him come in the room. He admired my outfit.
“This is sexy, you get this for me?” he said sweetly.
I whispered, “Yes.”
He massaged my thighs and pulled my legs apart. He gently lay in between them. He kissed my inner thighs. I was getting wet. I wanted him to continue, but I had to find out a few things first. I tried to sit up, but he put one of his hands on my stomach and softly pushed me back down.
“Wait a minute, Rashawn. I need to ask you a question.”
He tugged at my panties to get them down. I lifted my butt off the bed so he could pull them off.
“What’s up, baby?” he said. He stuck his fingers deep into my pussy and began working them.
I began to moan deeply. I caught myself from drifting away in euphoric bliss. I blurted out quickly, “Have you heard from Kevin?”
He kept massaging my girl and looked me in the eyes. “Yo, they blew that nigga’s truck up. He’s a goner. His peoples are losing their minds over there. . If he is that’s fucked up, he was real cool. I know Fatal is going off.”
I really snapped out of it. “Fatal? Why would she be going off, I didn’t know she knew Kevin like that?”
He pulled his fingers out and rubbed his dick up against my soaked pussy lips. “They were real close. He didn’t tell you? That’s one of the reasons why no one ever fucked with him like that. Fae would merk anyone who tried to come against him. You know that’s my road dawg, she is mad crazy. Not too many niggas try to fuck with her like that. You might end up dead.” He pushed his dick deep into me.
I gasped.
“Now are we gonna sit and talk about Kev all night, or are you gonna give me some lovin’?”
I put my arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of me.
Around three o’clock in the morning I heard Rashawn on the phone.
“Listen, Kat, I ain’t fucking nobody else… why are you trippin’? It’s three in the fuckin’ morning… you callin’ my phone acting like some little dumb girl… no… I’m home… I’m not with no bitch. I’m at home in bed by myself… your ass should be here with me… shit has been hectic in my life and you’re nowhere to be found. I love you girl… you know can’t none of these females make me feel the way you can. I love Katina… I want you to be my wife but you keep telling me you ain’t ready… how long you gonna make me wait? What, you trying to push me away? Baby, what you got on? Mmmmmm… that sounds good…. why don’t you come to the crib? Now… right now. Ok, baby, put on one of them little skirts with no panties… yeah, throw on some heels. Don’t wear no bra… I want you to walk through the door with just a skirt and those heels on, nothing else, ok? Baby, hurry up!”
He hung up the phone, jumped out the bed and put his clothes on. I closed my eyes and pretended I was sleep. He shook me a few times.
“Nalyse, get up for minute, baby.”
I acted like he interrupted my sleep. “What’s wrong, Rashawn?” I said sleepily.
“Nothing… well… maybe a little something. I got to make a run real quick. You go back to sleep and I promise I’ll be back first thing in the morning. I’ll stop by the Post House and bring us some breakfast. We’ll spend the whole day together, I promise.” He kissed me and tucked me in the sheets.
I watched him walk out the door. Lying mutha fucker, I thought. I knew he couldn’t leave her. That was all talk to get my pussy. I sat up in the bed and began to cry. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just be happy. Kat was sitting here cheating on this nigga, and he still kissing her ass. What was so fucking great about her? I punched the pillow until all of my frustration was out. I refused to be a pawn in peoples little games. I was taking charge of my life.
I went over to my purse and pulled out a blunt I had tucked away. I sparked it and contemplated my next move. I was gonna make that mutha fucka eat his words. Oh, he is gonna leave that bitch one way or the other, I thought. He was fuckin’ with the wrong bitch now.
Rashawn kept his word. He was in the bed next to me snoring. I checked the time on my cell phone. 8:30 am. I laughed to myself. It’s on now, I thought. I ran my fingers across his bare chest and planted small kisses around his nipples. He opened one eye and smiled. I licked my lips and smiled seductively. I kissed him from his chest until I got right above his pelvis. I playfully flicked my tongue around his shaft and caressed his balls. He was really getting excited.
I continued to tease him until he begged me to taste him. I inhaled his manhood into my mouth with force. I worked my jaw muscles as I tightened my grip on his dick. I rapidly moved my tongue around as I gave him pleasure. I watched his expressions as I worked my magic. He was definitely satisfied. I had that nigga moaning my name and clawing sheets. I had to catch myself from laughing a few times. I couldn’t believe the Almighty Rashawn was calling my name begging for me not to stop. I felt his dick throb, he was about to explode.
He tried to move my head. “Lyse, I’m cumin’… oh shit… I’m about to bust!”
He let loose and my mouth was filled with his seeds. I let that shit slide down my throat. I thought I was about to throw up. I’d never done that shit before. I saw some chick do it on a flick. I kept my composure though. I had to make this nigga think I knew what I was doing. He was in total awe.
“Damn, baby… I ain’t know you could get down like that. Your sister would never do no shit like that!”
I shot him a wicked look and said, “Let’s get something straight. If we gonna be fuckin’ around don’t keep throwing my sister’s name up in my face. There’s a lot of shit that I do that my sister ain’t built to do and never will be able to do! So please don’t compare me to her, because there is no other bitch that walks this earth that gets down like me!”
I strutted to the bathroom and slammed the door. I turned on the water and started bagging up. I know that nigga is lost for words, I thought. I stuck my finger down my throat and threw up. That was the nastiest shit I’d ever tasted in my life. It felt like I drank a glass of thick salt water. I knew I had to step my game up so I had to do whatever it took. I brushed my teeth and went back into the bedroom.
Rashawn was sprawled across the bed, dick dangling. “Come on, baby, climb on top.”
I looked at him as to say, nigga please. I switched across the room ass naked and grabbed my box of food.
“Is this mine?”
He was confused. “Yeah, but come on baby… give me some lovin’. I couldn’t keep you off my mind while I was handling my business earlier,” he whined.
“I bet. Looking at her is like looking at me,” I said under my breath.
He was sitting on the bed looking like a sick puppy. “Damn, Lyse, why you being so mean? Just last night you were sweet as pie, now you on some other shit,” he complained.
I opened up my food and began to eat. I propped one of my legs up on the chair so he could get a clear view of my girl. I watched him from the corner of my eye lusting over my body. I licked syrup that fell on my fingers slowly so he could take it all in. A few minutes later I noticed his hands moving underneath the sheets. Nasty bastard, I thought. He sat there and jerked off while I ate. I sat my food down and went to take a shower. Of course a few minutes later he joined me.
Later that afternoon he took me to the Baltimore Harbor. He’d spent so much cash it was ridiculous. I tried to act like I wasn’t impressed, but I was jumping for joy on the inside. That’s how things went over the next few weeks. It didn’t take me long to find Rashawn’s weakness. Like most men, he had a thing for “freak broads.” I let him stick it in any and every hole, and he gave me what I wanted.
When he would act up I took it away, and just like a dog who wanted a bone he begged and would do whatever he had to do to please me. We would take on these little shopping ventures, get a room and fuck. Once I was sleep he would sneak out to satisfy Kat and come back like nothing ever happened. I think a few of his side bitches got a little vexed. I made sure I took up all of his free time and money.