Advanced Chi Techniques

Learning to Use Different Types of Chi


There are different sources of Chi in the universe: heavenly, cosmic, earth, and nature. These different sources each provide Chi of a certain color. The different parts of the human body have different energies and, depending on their state of health, respond best to certain colors and color combinations of Chi. Although it is important to learn all the proper applications of the different types of Chi for the different parts of the body, it is more important simply to begin practicing Cosmic Healing Chi Kung, maintaining a serene state of mind throughout. You will immediately realize that Cosmic Healing provides the practitioner with as much benefit as the one being healed. The more you practice, the more you heal.

Universal Chi (Heaven Chi)

Universal Chi, also known as Heaven Chi, includes the energies of all planets, stars, and galaxies and the presence of Universal Love.

Solar Chi is a unique form of heavenly Chi that has different properties at different times of day. Before sunrise or sunset the air contains more white Solar Chi, which we can use abundantly for health and healing. White Chi affects the lungs and the large intestine, so we direct this Chi to these organs. This will generate further Chi to maintain our daily activities.

At midday or midsunset, the air contains more orange or red Solar Chi, which is very powerful.

To practice gathering Solar Chi, look at the horizon at sunrise and sunset. Stand still and extend your palms toward the sun. Smile and absorb the rising or setting sun’s energy into yourself.

Cosmic Chi (Air Chi or Man Chi)

Cosmic Chi is the Chi of the higher self. It is named such because Taoists believe that human flesh is formed from the fallen cosmic dust of the universe. Cosmic Chi is in the air around us and nourishes our mind, body, and senses within this physical dimension.

Earth Chi

Earth Chi penetrates the earth and extends several inches above it. It is denser or more closely packed than Cosmic Chi. We can see Earth Chi easily by staring at the horizon for a few minutes at sunset. The “line” that hovers just above the horizon marks the edge of Earth Chi, where the density and movement of Earth Chi interact with that of Cosmic Chi. With practice, you may learn to see Earth Chi just a few inches away, above the ground.

Earth Chi contains yellow and some white Chi. When Earth and Cosmic Chi combine, they become white Chi. This Chi has a very powerful healing energy; it is not overheated but balanced and mild.

Nature Chi and the Five Elements

In Cosmic Healing Chi Kung, we call on the energy of many natural sources, two of which are Earth and Cosmic Chi, to facilitate specific ends. We utilize the color and the unique life force of these forces for different outcomes. Other natural sources include, but are not limited to, the things we can see on the earth: the mountains, lakes, seas, forests, streams, caves, valleys, rocks, and precious stones.

Taoism identifies five elemental forces: earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. The Five Elements, as they’re known, can be found in the human body (they correlate to specific organs), in nature, in the air, and in the universe. When we can make a connection to and control our body’s elements, we will be able to make connections quickly to nature and the universal forces and employ them easily.


White Chi

White Chi White Chi is composed of red, orange, yellow, violet, and blue, carrying mild elements of each color. White Chi can be blended with other colors to act as a calming agent for the energy of other colors. It also redirects surplus Chi to areas of the body that need it.

In healing we always use white Chi to add to and tone down other colors that are too powerful, overactive, or hot, so the body can absorb Chi color more easily. We usually use 70 percent white and 30 percent of the other color.

When directing Chi for healing, begin by concentrating shining white Chi at the center of the afflicted area, while directing colored Chi to the edge. If the area needs stronger healing effort, this can also be reversed.

White Chi is safe to use when you are not sure which color might be suitable and especially when you are treating infants, toddlers, the elderly, or the weak.

Blue Chi

The effect of blue Chi is one of cooling and hindering, similar to that of yin or water energy. Its effect is opposite that of red Chi.

Some people’s bodies can’t adjust immediately to the energy we draw down for healing. In these cases, using blue Chi is helpful because, like the element water, with which it is associated, blue Chi brings harmony and does not cause harm.

Because of blue Chi’s ability to cool, soothe, and numb, it is particularly appropriate for promoting relaxation and sleep, reducing abnormally high body temperature, and minimizing pain and swelling. It can also hinder the proliferation of viruses and bacteria and assist in the rapid clotting of blood. Both blue and green Chi can detoxify and energize.

Green Chi

Green Chi is gentle and safe. It can be used to decongest a damaged area by “loosening” it. Once the area has been loosened, you can then use blue Chi or the color of Chi to which the area is linked in order to expel the disease or damage completely. Green Chi can remove the disease and bad energy by locally sweeping to and then out of either the arms for the upper body or the legs for the lower body.

If an organ needs to be energized with the color of Chi to which it is linked, first energize it with pale green Chi. And always use green Chi before using the violet, orange, or red Chi.

Use the throat to activate and draw green Chi up to the crown, rising to the universe to be multiplied and brought back down for use. When using green Chi in cases where pain is present, always add blue Chi. The motion of pushing and pulling through the affected part is a very powerful healing technique. In a small area or for treating infection, instead of pushing and pulling you can use the ”sword fingers” (the middle and index fingers).

Pale green and pale orange Chi can be employed in sequence. The first acts on the “sick” energy, reducing it to a form that can easily be driven out by the second.

Simultaneous use of pale green, pale orange, and white Chi in the ratio 2:1:7 is recommended for treating stubborn ailments, because in this proportion the effect of the group is more intense than that of the sum of its parts.

In the treatment of cancer, employ first blue Chi and then dark green and orange Chi. These colors can assist in toxin removal and in the cleaning and freeing up of disease-affected areas so that necrotic cellular tissue is released. These colors can also relieve congestion and free up ”sick” energy that is ”stuck”; use them with brushing movements over the affected area. In addition, they help with the treatment of colds and elevated body temperatures and in the dispersal of blood clots.

Red Chi

Light red Chi makes the area to which it is applied stronger, while dark red Chi has the opposite effect. When using color for healing, concentrate shining white in the center and direct light red to the edges for a strengthening effect. Always combine red with blue, green, or white Chi; never use it on its own.

Light red Chi produces qualities of warmth and expansion. When mixed with white, it can help widen blood vessels and breathing tubes. It is good for the circulatory and respiratory systems and is useful for those with heart and asthma problems. It also brings increased energy into the blood and helps allay feelings of fatigue or weakness, driving out ”sick” energy along with toxic substances and other waste materials. It can also help those who are sensitive to allergens. For those whose lives are near the end, light red Chi may help prolong life and promote revival of consciousness.

If a person is suffering from a sexually transmitted disease, it is not advisable to treat him or her with crimson Chi. Chi of this color makes the microbes that cause such diseases multiply at a fast rate and can also produce an inflammatory or constrictive reaction.

Orange Chi

Orange Chi should be used only as a pale color that has been diluted with white Chi. Always use blue Chi before using orange Chi. Blue Chi tones down and calms the ailing body area, which is necessary before you can apply the vitality of orange.

Because of its power, orange Chi is inappropriate for treating certain areas. Do not use it with the eyes, heart, head, throat, brain, or spleen. Do not use orange Chi to treat appendix problems, because it could exacerbate the problem.

The large intestine benefits from the use of orange Chi, but this color should be used sparingly on the solar plexus and navel. Orange Chi has a healing effect on the bowel and can also aid in returning an unconscious person to consciousness or in stimulating someone who is dying.

As was mentioned earlier, dark orange Chi can be used together with dark green Chi to treat cancers of certain types.

Orange Chi can also be used to:

Remove waste products, toxic substances, “sick” energy, viruses, and bacteria

Relieve menstrual difficulties

Resolve waste elimination problems

Free up “sick” energy

Break down clots in the blood

Treat problems of the urinary and respiratory systems

Address diseases of joints and connective tissue

Banish the common cold

Relieve problems caused by allergens

Dissolve cysts

Yellow Chi

Yellow Chi has a close connection to the nerves, the bones, and the bone marrow. It is the color of the spleen, which in Taoism is believed to be involved in the assimilation and processing of food and the appetite. When the spleen is balanced, the appetite will be controlled.

Yellow Chi is beneficial in the treatment of nerves because it promotes nerve regrowth. It helps in the repair of fractures and the cells of bones and connective tissue. It also has the power to increase bone marrow production. It supports the health of bones, tissues, and organs.

Violet Chi

The properties of all the other colors are contained in violet Chi. Therefore, it is particularly effective for treating serious illnesses. Although white Chi also contains the attributes of all the Chi colors, violet Chi infiltrates more readily and to a greater degree than white.

Violet Chi is available in two forms: ordinary violet and electric violet. Ordinary violet Chi comes from the Chi that surrounds us: the air, earth, and sun. Electric violet Chi, on the other hand, is derived from the soul through the crown of the head, the point connected to the North Star and Big Dipper. It is many times more powerful than ordinary violet Chi. The ability to harness electric violet Chi corresponds with the practitioner’s level of advancement in developing the crown and higher senses. Because electric violet Chi has been acted upon by the soul, it has the capacity for independent thought and action.

According to Taoist belief, the cup of the Big Dipper gathers all the violet Chi of the universe. To access that violet Chi, the practitioner must reach up to the Big Dipper, grasp its handle with the left hand, and turn the dipper to pour its contents down over the crown. The violet Chi then flows down through the body.

Violet Chi used in combination with other colors intensifies those colors’ qualities. If used together with red, orange, green, or yellow Chi, violet Chi can be dangerous; it may cause the undesirable proliferation of some cells. Dark purple Chi should be avoided when diseases of the respiratory system are present, as it could cause the proliferation of disease-causing microbes. In addition, do not use any dark colors with electric violet Chi (either preceding or following its use), as this will produce a very damaging result.

Mauve (light purple) Chi that contains elements of blue and green helps restore organs and nerves affected by disease or trauma. Mauve mixed with white Chi can be used to make a weak area become stronger, but for really fast strengthening a practitioner would use light red Chi mixed with white.

Violet Chi is used to energize an area after pale white/green or pale white/orange is used on an afflicted area, especially the bones. With a brushing movement apply lighter cleansing colors to the whole spinal area and especially to the area where the trauma is located. Then use violet to energize as a last step.

Electric violet Chi can help in the restoration of nerves and organs that have been affected by disease or trauma. It can be used to remove infection and to promote fast healing, even in the case of serious illness.

Dark electric violet has the ability to destroy and can be used for shrinking tumors or suppressing the growth of cancers. However, beforehand, the affected area should be treated with pale blue or green Chi.

As a general guideline, use blue before electric violet.

Gold Chi

Gold Chi, which has almost the same qualities as electric violet Chi, is formed when electric violet Chi meets the spirit body. The color changes to light red when this Chi enters the physical body. However, gold Chi does not have as much influence as the electric violet Chi, being gentler and therefore less effective as a cleansing agent. Gold Chi should be used to treat a very local area, while electric violet Chi can be employed over a wider area.


Being able to sense and connect with your Personal Stars is necessary in order to connect to the Chi of the universe and the planets. At the moment of conception, yin and yang forces connect with such a force that, only fractions of a second later, they explode, forming nine different energy centers (the chakras). Seven are found in the body. Two are found outside the body, and they form our Personal Stars.

One star is positioned about six inches above the crown; the other is located about three feet below the soles of the feet. As energy centers, the two Personal Stars connect our aural field with the universal and earthly forces.

To connect to your Personal Stars in order to connect to universal and earthly forces, first spiral the three minds into one. Make sure your Lower Tan Tien is warm and the sacrum, mideyebrow, and crown are breathing. See a star or small sun just above your crown. Feel a light beam extend from the crown and make a connection to the star above you. Keep on breathing until you feel a strong connection. Feel how the star above you is exercising a strong pulling force on your crown. Once you feel this pull on your crown, you will also feel a strong pulling force from the earth below your feet. Be aware of the star above you and the earth and universal force below you. Feel that both have a strong pull on you.



Once you have established this strong connection, you may move on to the next part of whichever exercise you are practicing.


In Taoism, each planet is said to correspond to a particular color, which enhances the planetary force’s Chi. Keeping figure 5.1 in front of you, look at the relevant planet and close your eyes. Hold the planet in your mind.

Focus your awareness on the planet above you. Turn your eyes up and look up to your crown. Hold the image of the planet in your mind and extend your sight beyond the crown, looking up into infinity. See the colored light of the planet, and gradually bring it down to your head, until it is about six feet above you. Form the light into a ball, a holographic image of the planet shining its colored light above you. Invite the ball of light to flow down to your Personal Star (located just above your crown) and then into your Upper Tan Tien for processing. Let it flow down to the appropriate organs. Practice nine to eighteen times, then rest.



Mars: The light is red and flows down to your heart center and the palms of your hand. It can also be breathed in through the sacrum.

Venus: The light is white and flows down into your lungs.

Saturn: The light is yellow and flows down into your spleen. It can also be absorbed from the earth through the soles of your feet and your perineum.

Mercury: The light is blue and is absorbed through the throat center. It flows down to your kidneys.

Jupiter: The light is green and is absorbed through the throat center. It flows


This session is one that a practitioner undertakes with a student or students. There are two ways to do this type of healing session. One is to focus on the specific location in your own body, using your hands, and to ask the other person to do the same on his or her own body. Together, you complete the entire route. Another way is to focus on your own energy body and ask the student to do the same. Bring a channel or line down from your energy body into your physical body and do the same for the student. Once again, complete the routes together.

For reasons of clarity, this text mentions only one student and uses the male gender; this session may, however, be performed with a group and, of course, with persons of either gender. Before starting the session, do some group meditation practice and warm-up exercises.



1. Be aware of the Lower Tan Tien and connect to the universe. Let the student sit with his back to you. You are standing behind him. Be aware of your sacrum area and feel the Chi; wait for the Chi to rise up to the crown and to the universe. Spiral the Chi down to the student’s and your own energy body and it will flow into the physical realm.

2. Draw in the green light with your palm. Push it right through the sacrum and disperse the sickness through to the other side of the universe. Pull the green light from the universe through the sacrum, and push the sick Chi out to the universe. When you pull back, stop the green Chi at the student’s sacrum; there is no need to pull it back to you. Keep pushing and pulling until you have completed six to nine cycles and you feel the sacrum has been cleaned.

3. Yellow light from the earth will help strengthen the sacral bone. Draw in the yellow light with your palm. Visualize the sacrum and vitalize the complete bone structure with yellow light passing through it.

4. Be aware of the energy body above the crown. Extend yourself above your crown and channel down the white light from the center of the universe and the violet light from the North Star. Using your mind, ask the bones to open, allowing the white and violet light to flow into the marrow. Focus on the energy body; you can picture the energy body’s sacrum and bone structure to help guide the energy inside and see the whole body light up from deep within.

5. Then focus on the Door of Life and the navel. First flush them through with green light, cleaning them out. Draw the green light from the Door of Life through to the navel, and then push back through. To cool down the Door of Life (if necessary), draw the blue light and push it through from the navel to the Door of Life, connecting with the universe. Then bring the white or violet light down and activate the Lower Tan Tien.

6. Concentrate on the solar plexus and the Chi Chung point (at vertebra T11). Once again, draw the green light, spiral it, use it to flush the areas, then energize them with white and violet light. As before, always allow the energy to stream through both the points completely.
      The solar plexus holds all the emotions. When working on the solar plexus, the most important thing to remember is to connect the “backside” to the universe. There is literally no end to this connection. Just allow the Chi to come all the way down and then pull it toward the rear slightly. Simply clean out the path. Allow the information to condense; allow any images to manifest and then release. Then stabilize the energy. Picture the Chi field enveloping the person as a big protective bubble. Cool down with blue light.

7. Proceed to the heart and the Shen Dao, a point along the spine between the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae (T5 and T6). Draw in and push through the green light; repeat several times. Now scan the heart with your palm, sensing its strength. Select an appropriate hue of red, one that is not too dark. Send the red light through the heart to strengthen it. Use blue light to cool down any excess heat in the heart, flushing down and out. Draw in white Chi, then push it through to the Shen Dao. Energize the center at the back of the heart using violet and gold Chi. Picture the heart surrounded by a golden aura.

8. Move up to the throat center. Flushing through the throat center to the C7 vertebra, using first blue light to open and clear it and then green light to clean.

9. Next activate the mideyebrow. Focus on the mideyebrow in your own body. Use gold-yellow Chi to flush and stabilize the mideyebrow. Flush it all the way through to the backside of the head. Energize with violet-gold light.

10. Proceed up to the third eye in the middle of the forehead. Connect to the Kun Lun point (at the back of the crown). Flush through both points using the pale violet light. Energize with intense white or gold light.

11. Concentrate on the crown. Use violet or gold light to enter and flush all the way down through the Central Channel (the center channel of the Thrusting Channel;), leaving the body at the perineum. Cool down the system by showering blue light over the whole body.


The spleen and solar plexus are connected to each other and the navel, the major center that connects to all the organs. The navel, in turn, is connected to the Door of Life; they sit opposite each other. We call this an emotional link.

When you are working with Chi, it is vitally important to maintain and support the health of the spleen and solar plexus. White Chi is taken in mainly at the spleen, where it is split into its colored forms of red, green, purple, blue, and orange and sent to the various parts of the body. If the solar plexus becomes clogged up, the spleen will also become blocked, and vice versa. All the energy of the body would eventually become stuck at this main juncture.