Individual Healing Session

Treating Specific Health Conditions

Although each session is as individual as the person being treated, a few preparatory steps are necessary and will work regardless of the situation. We must acknowledge these steps so as to secure the safety of the people we treat and ourselves. In fact, we can treat the root of a person’s ailment simply by doing these preparatory practices.

Step 1: Create the Chi Field (using Sacred Fire) and call on the guardian animals (from the organs) and the Eight Elemental Forces.

Step 2: Charge our hands and activate the Chi Knife. You will ultimately need to use your hands to break up and guide the stuck Chi, regardless of how it has manifested in the physical body.

Step 3: Energize and activate the immune system. The person being treated must be able to produce the antibodies needed to fight the repercussions of toxic release.

Step 4: Energize and cleanse the internal organs. They are the filters and processors of physical and energetic toxins.

Once these things are in place, the session will morph to the specific needs of the individual.


1. Gain experience by working with one person. Stand in front of him or her with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your hands at your heart in salutation. Transmit your love and compassion and ask for the student’s permission to help him or her heal.



2. Connect to the student’s and your own Personal Star above your head and ask for universal permission to share energy with this person. Radiate your love.

3. Transfer three minds into one mind. Expand your awareness in the mideyebrow and the crown. Feel the Tan Tien, heart, mideyebrow, and crown spiraling. Expand to the universe.

4. Visualize the student’s legs as being very long, extending down to the earth.

5. Activate the Sacred Fire and bring it down through your fingers. Use the Sacred Fire to draw a protective ring of fire. Clean out the room and make a big Chi field around you and the student.

6. Call the Eight Elemental Forces: water, fire, thunder, rain, lake, earth, mountain, wind, and Heavenly Chi. Call the guardian animals: Blue Tortoise from the north, Red Pheasant from the south, Green Dragon from the east, White Tiger from the west, Yellow Phoenix from above, and Black Tortoise from below. Feel that you are protected by the Chi; gather the power of all the mountains, rivers, streams, stones, and rocks into the room. Activate them with lightning, thunder, and wind, filling the whole room with electrified Chi.


Since the dawn of ages and our descent into the material realm, we have constructed and used tools to facilitate the progress of events. We use tools to help nourish, protect, and amuse ourselves and to further our progress in attempting to understand the “how” and “why” of existential reality. They are an extension of ourselves that enable us to enhance, mold, and magnify our intrinsic nature as inquisitive playful beings.




The Chi Knife is a simple yet powerful “friend” and derives as much power as we wish to lend it. The Knife itself is a vehicle with which the practitioner guides Chi to very small areas. We use either a physical instrument or our sword hand as the Knife. Its design may consist of any combination of the five elements (earth), which, when combined with universal (heaven) and cosmic (man) forces, provide a unit of energetic substance that receives and transmits magnification, purpose, and power in accordance with the human will that governs it. When we think, our brain issues waves of energy, and that energy, when focused, facilitates change. The Chi Knife, as a tool of that focus, reflects the precepts of a truly magical existence. When we learn to wield it, we come to understand that the simple things in life, like the knife, contain the same amount of power as state-of-the-art technology.

We can charge the Knife with yin or yang energy. We charge the Knife most often with yin. Yin is cold energy and is used for treating any type of inflammation, pain, or heat. It is used to break up illness. We charge the Knife with yang for strengthening, melting, or expelling. Use yang only in cases that do not present with pain.



When following these instructions for practice with the Chi knife, use the sword hand as your knife. Never use sharp objects near the eyes. The practitioners shown in the photographs are experienced masters holding ritual scalpel knives, which never actually touch the eye.


Practicing with the Chi Knife

Eye Problems

  1. Hold the knife in your right hand (or the left, if you are left-handed). Hold the other hand near your body, with the thumb and index finger touching. Project the Chi Knife long and big, so that it is as big as the universe, reaching to Heaven. Feel that the bones in your arm are hollow, with their “bottom” sealed at the shoulder. Feel them fill and pack with the power coming from above.
  2. Give the command: “Power comes from the east. This Chi Knife has the power to dissolve all the negative energy, sickness, and bad fortune. By my request, please carry out the order now.” Wait until you feel that your arm and the knife are heavy and full of Chi.
  3. Use the thumb and index finger of the hand not holding the knife to hold the eye wide open.
  4. Hold the knife (or sword fingers) three to six centimeters away from the eye. Rest the little finger on the other hand for leverage and support.



5. Think or say out loud, “Chi Knife helps all eye problems.” Cut up and down and sideways in the cross pattern “through” the eye.

6. Tell the student to move his or her eye to the left and then slowly to the right. As the student moves the eye toward the right, cut with the Chi Knife to the left. (Remember that the knife is used for energetic surgery and should never make contact with the eye itself.) “Slice” the eye toward the right side fifty to one hundred times.




7. Do the same toward the left side; have the student move the eye to the left and slice with the Chi Knife toward the right.

8. When you feel that the Chi Knife is full of sick Chi, spiral counterclockwise and discard it down to the ground. When you feel that the knife is emptied, charge it with Chi from the universe.

Other Energetic Surgery

The Chi Knife can be used to excise any problem in the body. It is especially good for soft tissue repair, including in the brain. Follow the same procedure used on the eyes to carry out energetic surgery on any part of the anatomy.




The Chi Knife is also a powerful tool for use in breaking up stuck Chi that has manifested as a physical lump. If you are not sure exactly what you are working on (tumor, wart, or something else), focus on the area and say, either out loud or to yourself, “Chi Knife, please destroy all kinds of wounds, warts, and tumors.” Cut up, down, and sideways in the cross pattern through the affected part.




Step K of the general healing session outlines the techniques for energizing and activating the immune system. With enough practice, this exercise will become second nature. See Activate the Defense and Immune Systems begin a review of this exercise.


This session can be used for any kind of ailment and carried out with any number of people, whether just the practitioner, the practitioner and one other person, a small group, or a large group. Greater energetic current is more likely to be created in larger groups. In the case of mass healings, a guide or conductor must open the channel for the others to follow. In the case of solo practice, the practitioner himself (or herself) will of course be the guide. The instructions given here are directed toward a practitioner working with a single student; they may be adapted for the practitioner working solo or with a group.

We recommend you spend about twenty minutes on the general healing session (see chapter 5) before moving on to the more specialized techniques of emptying and cleansing the body’s centers, systems, and organs, as described in this chapter. We recommend that you spend between five and fifteen minutes on all of these specialized techniques. Always perform the Chi Water practice before undertaking the specialized practices in this chapter.

As an introduction to the organ cleansing process, in this chapter we’ll focus on cleansing the solar plexus, spinal cord, blood (lungs), and circulation system (heart). These are among the major areas that commonly need cleansing.

It is important to remember that if your Tan Tien contains no energy, you will have no energy to work with. When you connect your center to the infinite source of the universe, the Tao, you access the power of the universe. Always hold on to your center; it is the only thing that is truly yours. Keep the Tan Tien Fire warm and spiraling. When you are aware of your Chi, you can direct heavenly light straight into your energy body and then into the student’s.

General Cleansing Procedure

  1. Push and pull the energy through the student’s body. Push and disperse the sick energy into the universe and out to the planets, where it will be transformed and recycled.
  2. Pull the energy back and stop it between yourself and the student.
  3. Spiral the energy counterclockwise until you see the green light mix and clean the sick energy. Spiral and flush the energy down into the earth.
  4. Spiral with blue light; see it mix and flush the energy within the student’s body. Spiral this energy down to the ground.
  5. Energize the student with white or violet light.

General Cleansing Principles

Cleansing the Solar Plexus

The solar plexus acts as a distribution center for emotional energy and is situated in between the lower and higher energy centers and in the center of most of the internal organs. All the organs dump their negative emotions in the solar plexus. Many people have an overheated solar plexus, which means that this area will require a lot of attention. You will feel the heat when you scan. The internal organs can be cleansed by a sweep of the solar plexus, in which you energize, cleanse, and flush it of negative energy.

1. You can cleanse the organs of the student’s solar plexus by pushing and pulling Chi. Picture the organs and push; feel that your hands are very long, extending through the organs and reaching out to the universe. Use your intent to project all the sick energy down into the earth and out to the universe and the other planets of the solar system, where it will be processed and recycled. Pull the universal energy back toward yourself; when you pull the Chi back past the student, stop it in between you. Push and pull, push and pull, until you feel the energy or power of the universe flowing between you. Ask, “Give me the power to see.” Feel your Chi entering the organs with ease.



2. Push and pull green light through the solar plexus, spiraling counter-clockwise. Feel the green light mixing with the sick energy. Talk to the Session sick energy; tell it to leave, and tell it you will take it to “a better place, where it will be happy. Give the command “Out.” Push and pull until you feel the energy in the solar plexus begin to disperse. Spiral the energy counterclockwise and guide it down to the ground.

3. Rinse and flush with blue light, spiraling it counterclockwise. Picture ocean blue in the solar plexus, and flush it down to the earth. See and feel the solar plexus becoming cleaner.





4. Now flush out the whole body with blue and white Chi. With all the organs: from the lungs, heart, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, and sexual organs. Clean all the way down to the earth. When you clean the solar plexus and all the other organs, you remove all the negative emotional energy.

5. Energize the spleen, liver, and kidneys with blue or white light. Then project green light, followed by orange light, to the core of the liver and kidneys. Clean these organs with the green and orange light. Then stabilize the organs with blue light.

6. Work on the back of the spleen. This organ helps clean the blood. Energize the spleen with blue-white light, spiraling the energy clockwise. See the spleen in your mideyebrow. See the cells and spiral the light into them. Give the command “Stay.” This is very important; it makes sure that none of the spleen cells hide from the dazzling light that you are sending. Give the command again. Then stabilize them with blue light.

7. Repeat step 6 with the kidneys.

8. Smile and laugh to the student’s liver, and see all of its cells. Give the command “Stay.” Then send in blue or white light (to energize), followed by green (to energize and clean), blue (to rinse and stabilize), violet (to recharge and reprogram), and then blue again.



It is essential that you feel and talk to any sick energy. If the student is healthy, you will feel his or her “light.” Ask the student’s energy body to tell you where it may need some healing. Send in “light radar.” Transmit green light and flush down to the earth. When you feel energy accumulating, start to spiral more. Push and pull and give the command for the sick energy to leave.

The more you clean, the more you heal. Tell your student to practice at home after the session, at an agreed time. You can then carry out absent or distance healing, linking your own Personal Star and energy body with those of your student and with the universe. With time, you will master the techniques, imprinting them with your own manner. Eventually, as the blockages are cleared and the flow of Chi restored, the symptoms of sickness will disappear.

Cleansing the Spinal Cord

The spinal cord protects the entire body from diseased and negative energy, both physical and psychic. When you open the spinal cord and solar plexus, you can release many energy blockages.



  1. Sweep the hand in a clockwise motion to energize the spine with blue, green, white, ultraviolet, or a combination thereof.
  2. Spiral counterclockwise and brush the spine down to the ground.
  3. Continue sweeping until you feel that the spinal cord has cooled down.

Note: Do not use orange or red on the spinal cord.

Cleansing the Blood (Lungs)

Pale green-white and orange-white Chi work as cleansing agents for the blood. The blood requires cleansing on a regular basis, and this technique can also be used as treatment for diseases of the blood and arteries, as well as serious infections. The Chi first energizes the lungs; as the blood passes through the lungs, it takes in the Chi, thus becoming purified. The benefit is then carried to the rest of the body as the blood circulates. Note: This technique should not be used on pregnant women.





  1. Scan the student.
  2. Push through and open the lungs from the back to the front.
  3. When the lungs need to be given energy, use pale green-white followed by pale orange-white Chi. Begin at the front and move to the rear. To make weak individuals stronger, red-white Chi can be employed; it will bring energy into the lungs.
  4. Purification of the blood is carried out by the liver, kidneys, and spleen. Push and pull Chi through these organs.
  5. Energize the liver, kidneys, and spleen with white Chi. Command the white Chi to remain in these organs. Fill yourself with the light.

Cleansing the Circulatory System and Heart

Having good blood is like running the highest quality motor oil through the engine of a motor vehicle. The sacrum and solar plexus are involved in the health of the circulatory system and heart. The sacrum controls the bones; indirectly, it stimulates bone marrow and enhances the quality of the blood. Within the Universal Tao system, the sacrum also is said to control the Chi pulse. If you have enough Chi, your heart does not have to work so hard, because the Chi pushes the blood.



The solar plexus, a center of emotional energy, affects the heart through two mechanisms:

Cleansing the solar plexus will greatly improve these conditions. If you have been trained in Chi Nei Tsang, you can use it in combination with the Cosmic Healing techniques.

To support the heart muscle, take the following steps.

  1. Clean out the solar plexus, as outlined earlier. Push and pull with green and blue Chi.
  2. Detoxify the liver, flushing it with green Chi.
  3. Enhance the treatment with white and violet light.
  4. Use a finger to pass blue and white Chi through the lower left and upper right part of the heart. This small section frequently needs to be unblocked. Remember that the heart muscle is very delicate. You draw the force, you spiral, and you push.
  5. Stabilize with white Chi. In cases of an enlarged heart, use blue.
  6. Carefully use red Chi to balance the blood and open the blood vessels.
  7. Sweep the sacrum with green, red, and blue Chi. You may choose to bring down one color at a time or blend threads of these colors together.
  8. Sweep the solar plexus with green, blue, red, white, and violet Chi. You may choose to bring down one color at a time or blend threads of these colors together.
  9. Energize and cool down the throat center, using blue.


The following descriptions are mere guidelines. Each case is different, and much depends on your own abilities. You need practice in order to be able to detect diseases. Best results with Cosmic Healing will be obtained when it is practiced in combination with Chi Nei Tsang.

Remember that these techniques are not meant to replace medical care but merely to assist it. Also, the student must always work with the practitioner; the practitioner is a channel, the student the healer.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Overactive adrenals or kidneys often cause hypertension. The basic problem is that Chi goes up but cannot come down.

  1. Clean out the solar plexus first. The solar plexus links to the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11), which has a direct nerve effect on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline, the hormone that stimulates the heart to pump. Overactive adrenal glands will eventually affect the heart.
  2. Tune up the Door of Life with blue Chi, calming it.
  3. Take the pressure from the heart by flushing it with green Chi.
  4. Energize the heart using violet Chi.
  5. The basic problem with hypertension is that the Chi goes up but cannot come down. Flush down the body from head to feet using blue Chi.
  6. Work on the sacrum, using orange and yellow Chi.

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

In hypotension the Door of Life and the adrenal glands are underactive.

  1. First clean out the solar plexus, this time focusing on removing blocks or stuck energy.
  2. Energize the Door of Life, using green and red Chi.
  3. Energize the sacrum, again using green and red Chi.
  4. Energize the base of skull with green and violet Chi.

Stomach Pains

  1. Scan the student.
  2. Sweep the abdominal area, paying particular attention to the solar plexus, navel, and lower abdomen.
  3. Apply green and blue Chi to the navel.
  4. Use blue Chi to stabilize the energy.

If the stomach pains persist, treat with Chi Nei Tsang or seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.

General Pain

Blue Chi has a calming effect and relieves pain. Green Chi frees and expels disease energy.

  1. Push and pull the energy through the affected area out to the universe, or ground the sick energy until partial relief is attained.
  2. Energize the affected area with pale green-white Chi and with a large amount of pale blue-white.

Another method for eliminating pain is to switch back and forth between Individual pale green-white Chi and pale orange-white Chi. Healing Session


  1. Scan the eyes, temple, crown, mideyebrow, forehead, back of the head and neck, spine, and solar plexus to check for congestion or depletion.
  2. If eyestrain is the cause of the headache, sweep down the eye and temple bones and flush them down to the ground.
  3. Sweep the whole head, particularly the painful area.
  4. Energize the area with pale green-white, blue-white, and pale violet- white Chi. You may choose to bring down one color at a time or blend threads of these colors together.

Migraine Headache

Persons who suffer from prolonged or chronic headaches, including migraines, have an abnormal accumulation of energy in various parts of their bodies, particularly the solar plexus. This congestion follows a route up the vertebral column and into the neck and head. As a result, the various blood vessels in the head expand, causing pain in the head area. Mental strain, stress, and emotional disturbances usually cause this type of headache.

  1. Use a pushing movement to cleanse and open the solar plexus and liver. Energize the solar plexus with first pale green-white, then pale blue- white, and finally mauve-white Chi.
  2. Sweep the spine and send the sick red Chi into the ground.
  3. Push through the back of the heart in order to open it and remove the dirty Chi. Then energize the heart with pale green-white and purple Chi. Use your mind to see the heart center expanding and opening.
  4. Sweep the whole head and send the dirty Chi to the earth.
  5. Use a combination of pale green-white, blue, and purple Chi to energize the back of the head, the crown, the mideyebrow, and the forehead.


  1. Sweep the area with pale green-white Chi.
  2. Energize the area with pale green-white, mauve-white, and blue Chi. You may choose to bring down one color at a time or blend threads of these colors together.

Broken Bone

For any ailment relating to the bones, always activate the sacrum. Light orange-yellow Chi is used to encourage fractures to knit quickly. The sacrum attracts the orange-yellow Chi; feel the eight holes in the bone breathing. The orange-yellow Chi enters, transfers up to the crown, and is sent up to the universe to multiply.

  1. Sweep the area of the fracture with pale green-white and pale orange- white Chi.
  2. Energize the area of the fracture with pale orange-yellow Chi mixed with white. Visualize the core of the light (about 70 percent of it) as being luminous white; the outer layers are split equally between yellow and orange.
  3. Push through and sweep the sacrum and navel using light red Chi mixed with white.
  4. Repeat the healing every day.

Back Injury

  1. Scan the student to see which parts are congested.
  2. Sweep the spine and the area where the trauma is located with first pale white-green Chi and then pale white-orange Chi.
  3. Energize the damaged area with a combination of pale blue-white, green, and purple Chi.
  4. Sweep the back and front of the solar plexus with white Chi.
  5. Stabilize the Chi in the damaged area by instructing it to be healthy and balanced.

Infection and Inflammation

  1. Sweep the affected area with green and orange-white Chi. For the heart and spleen, these colors should be replaced with green and purple.
  2. Energize the area with white, orange, green, blue, and light violet. This will strengthen the natural immune powers of the body.


During the course of the session, scan and rescan the student’s body. It is sometimes necessary to sweep as many as two hundred times to cool the affected area. Scanning will enable you to take a temperature reading. If the area is still hot, continue sweeping until it reaches a satisfactory temperature.

  1. Push and pull green and blue Chi through the solar plexus area.
  2. Use the Chi Knife to remove the cyst. Spiral clockwise with green and orange Chi, moving the “stuck” red Chi out of the body and grounding it in the earth.
  3. Use blue Chi to stabilize and calm. Green and orange may be used to provide energy.
  4. Repeat the healing three times a week.

Because spicy foods carry a lot of red Chi, the student should minimize his or her intake of them. The student should also practice the Cosmic Inner Smile to calm and balance his or her emotional state.


Have the student lie down to receive the healing. (In all cases where the student is unable to sit up comfortably, he or she may lie down.)

  1. Sweep the body with blue or green Chi.
  2. Push and pull through the affected part, sweeping the spleen with green and blue Chi. Clean and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Apply blue and orange Chi to the solar plexus area. (Don’t use orange if the student has diarrhea.)
  4. Push and pull on the back of the heart and thymus to help fight off the infection. Sweep the heart with green and blue Chi. Then energize with green, orange, and violet Chi, which will stimulate the thymus gland.
  5. Sweep both lungs. Energize the back of the lung area with orange and green Chi.
  6. Sweep the spleen with green Chi.


Inability to sleep may be caused by overactivity in the solar plexus or overactivity and congestion in the sacrum. Similar problems can also occur in the throat, mideyebrow, crown, and forehead. Scan and rescan as the treatment progresses.

  1. Push and pull until you feel the affected areas open.
  2. Cleanse the sacrum and solar plexus with green and blue Chi.
  3. Use blue Chi to soothe the solar plexus and induce sleep.
  4. Sweep the mideyebrow, forehead, and crown with blue and green Chi.
  5. Sweep the navel with white and orange Chi.
  6. Stabilize with blue.

You can also recommend to the student that he or she not eat food late in the evening. The student may also wish to sleep in a separate bed from his or her partner; even two beds pushed next to each other may help.


This condition relates to weakened kidneys. Work on the kidneys, mideyebrow, and forehead. Be sure to spend plenty of time flushing with blue.

Fresh Burns

Because of the cooling and calming properties of blue Chi, it can be used to remove the heat from burns. Green has a similar effect.

  1. Scan the affected area.
  2. Sweep the affected area with a combination of pale green-white and blue Chi.
  3. Energize the affected area with light green-white and blue Chi.
  4. Continue to sweep and energize until relief is felt and the heat is released.

Old Minor Burns

  1. Scan the affected area. (Rescan repeatedly during the session.)
  2. Sweep the affected area with pale green-white and orange Chi. (Avoid the head and sensitive organs such as the eyes and brain.)
  3. To energize and soothe the affected area, apply pale blue-white Chi. For rapid healing, apply green and light red, in equal proportions; this mixture optimizes the breakdown of necrotic cellular material. (If you are working near the head, use light violet-white instead of red.)
  4. Sweep the sacrum and the navel with light red-white Chi.
  5. Stabilize the area with blue Chi, which also assists in the release of the stagnant Chi.
  6. Repeat the healing session for two or three days.

Old Severe Burns

  1. Scan the student at the beginning and end of the treatment.
  2. Sweep the affected area, alternating between pale green-white Chi and pale orange-white Chi. Avoid sensitive organs and the head area.
  3. To speed up healing and reduce pain and infection, energize the affected area with pale blue-white, pale green-white, and mauve-white Chi.
  4. For rapid healing, after a few days have passed and the pain has lessened considerably, energize the affected area with pale green-white and pale red-white Chi. (If you are working on the head, use mauve mixed with white in place of the red.)
  5. Sweep the sacrum and navel. To speed up healing, energize the area with white Chi.
  6. Make your healing intent stable by telling the body and the universe to continue the healing process, without your assistance, until balance has been achieved.

Old Wounds

Do not use green Chi on open wounds because it works slowly and tends to make the wound moist and runny. Green Chi is quite effective, however, for treating old wounds. A large amount of green Chi is necessary to break down dead cells.

  1. Scan at the beginning and end of the treatment.
  2. Sweep the affected area with pale green-white and pale orange-white Chi.
  3. Energize the affected area with a little pale blue-white Chi.
  4. Energize the affected area with equal amounts of pale green-white Chi and then pale red-white Chi. This treatment can speed up the healing process and assist in the breakdown of cellular material.
  5. To accelerate the healing, sweep the navel and sacrum and vitalize them with pale red-white Chi.
  6. Make your healing intent stable by telling the body and the universe to continue the healing process, without your assistance, until balance has been achieved.

Skin Infection

The skin is related to the lungs and the kidneys. In all cases of skin infection, the immune system is involved.

  1. Enhance immunity as outlined.
  2. Focus on strengthening the lungs. Always start with green to flush out. Then send orange light into the lungs. (Make sure you are not sending it up to the brain.) Energize the lungs with blue and white.
  3. Detoxify the kidneys, purifying the blood with green and energizing with blue. Ask the student to visualize a fresh mountain stream to stimulate the kidneys.
  4. Treat the area locally, using your hands. If the area is big, use your palm; if it is small, use your fingers. Do not focus on your palms (see “Forget about Your Palms”. Draw green Chi from the forest, and then energize with violet.
  5. To diminish pain or itchiness, use blue to cool down. Also use the Chi knife to work on the infection.

If the skin problem is allergy-based, you should also treat the mideyebrow; there might be some irritation here. First clean with green, then either energize with violet (if resistance is low) or soothe with a light shade of yellow.

If the skin problem is related to asthma, open the lungs with bright red, clean the throat center with green, and energize the throat center with deep blue.

If the problem is due to toxicity, clean out the liver, flushing it with a combination of green and orange. Energize with green. Enhance the immune system by working on the sacrum.

Eye Problems

The right eye is governed by the forehead, and the left eye by the mideyebrow. The eyes are also linked to the temples.

  1. Ask the student to touch his or her temple bone, and guide him or her in taking in the white or light violet Chi.
  2. Send the Chi all the way through the mideyebrow and forehead. Ask the student to visualize the light coming in. Use soft shades of green with golden yellow to stimulate the optic nerve. Use blue to calm the eye muscles and light violet to stimulate the inner eyesight.
  3. The eyes are connected to the liver. Scan the liver and energize with green.
  4. Scan the jawbone to see if there is any unreleased anger. Cool down with blue.
  5. Channel bright green into the liver.

Ear Infection

The right ear is governed by the forehead and the left ear by the mideyebrow.

  1. Flush the ear with blue Chi to cool it in case there is an infection.
  2. Push and pull green Chi to clean the ears.
  3. The ears are connected to the kidneys, so work on them next.
  4. The ears are also connected to the sinuses and upper respiratory tract. When infection is present, use blue to cool these areas and violet to clean and energize.

Improve Health, Reduce Stress, and Remain Young

  1. Sweep the solar plexus, liver, stomach, and pancreas.
  2. Energize the crown, forehead, back of the head, and left and right brain with white Chi.
  3. Energize the front and rear of the heart and lungs with white-purple Chi.
  4. Energize the front and rear of the spleen, the navel and lower abdominal area, the spinal cord, and the kidneys with white Chi.
  5. Energize the sexual center with white Chi. If a problem in this area is difficult to shift, use green Chi instead.
  6. Energize the sacrum with white Chi.
  7. Energize the other organs with green or purple Chi.
  8. Energize the arms and hands with white Chi and the legs and feet with white-purple Chi.
  9. Energize the eyes with green-yellow Chi.
  10. After a session with people who are particularly weak, apply pale blue-white Chi to stabilize and instruct them not to bathe for one full day.