Reckless Hope

Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!” And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.
MARK 10:50–52

Bartimaeus sat beside the road into Jericho. His blindness had forced him to beg for as long as he could remember. He wasn’t alone. Others like him suffered crippling diseases or disabilities that rendered them unable to make an honest living. The people had long ago forgotten their obligation to care for them. He didn’t give much thought to why he was blind. Some told him it was a curse from God for his sin, but it really didn’t matter. All he knew was that every day his life depended on his ability to talk some passerby into parting with a few coins. He liked the traffic on this particular road because he was able to make contact with travelers on their way to Jerusalem.

Suddenly, he heard the noise of a crowd going past. Sensing opportunity, he pressed them to find out what was happening. When they told him Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he instantly began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The crowd ahead of Jesus tried to hush him, but he only shouted louder. He persisted until Jesus stopped and ordered that he be brought to Him. Throwing down his coat with reckless abandon, he jumped up and rushed over to Jesus. “What do you want Me to do for you?” asked Jesus. Bartimaeus shouted in reply, “Lord, I want to see!”

As soon as Jesus said the words “Go, for your faith has healed you,” the thick veil that had covered Bartimaeus’s eyes for a lifetime instantly lifted, and light flooded into the darkness. He blinked several times to let his eyes adjust. He could see! The people, the road, the landscape, the sky—everything came alive with color! He looked directly into the eyes of the Teacher, and he could do only one thing—follow Him (Mark 10:46–52).

Bartimaeus had little hope of escaping his situation, but he had hope in the Messiah. By calling Him “Son of David,” Bartimaeus acknowledged Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah the scriptures foretold would be a descendant of King David (Isaiah 9:7). He shamelessly called out for Jesus’ attention in spite of the crowd’s rebuke. Without thinking, he threw down his coat—most likely his only possession—to come to Jesus with his request. He was determined not to let Jesus pass him by without receiving His healing, and his reckless faith gave him sight. He had no choice but to follow Jesus.

Bartimaeus, a blind man, recognized Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, while the religious leaders watched Him perform countless miracles and were blind to His identity. Don’t let Him pass you by. Ask Him to open your eyes. Be bold and tell Him exactly what you want Him to do for you. He is the Son of David, your Savior and King! Cry out to Him for mercy. Cry out to Him and be healed. Pursue Him with a reckless hope.


Lord, I’m just another blind Bartimaeus. Open my eyes so I can see who You really are! I want to know You as Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Your ever-expanding government will never end, and You will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of Your ancestor David (Isaiah 9:6–7)! You are my Savior and Redeemer. I know these things in my head, Lord, but I want more. Open my eyes so I can see You with my heart.

Lord, I want a reckless hope like Bartimaeus’s. Forgive me if I have been holding back out of ignorance, denial, or concern for what others might think of me. Give me the boldness to call out Your name and tell you exactly what I need. I surrender everything that separates me from You so I can experience Your presence, hear Your voice, and receive Your blessings. I want to follow You, Lord. I want to follow You all the days of my life. Help me persist with a reckless hope in my pursuit of You. Son of David, have mercy on me! Don’t pass me by. I want to be healed!