“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
She was devastated. She had been battling for five long years. It might as well have been fifty. She couldn’t remember what normal felt like. One treatment after another and all had failed. With each new drug, her hope would rise, only to crash into deep despair when the treatment disappointed. She had great hope for this one, a new clinical trial. After each treatment with this new experimental drug, they would test its effectiveness at killing the cancer cells that were devouring her lungs. The first test showed favorable results. The tumor had reduced by 11 percent. Tests after the second treatment showed 17 percent reduction. All looked good. Could it be? Could this be the answer to my prayers? She was more hopeful than she had felt in years. And then the phone rang. The doctor had the results after her third treatment. There was no reduction this time. Instead, the cancer was growing. He was sorry, but she no longer qualified for the study. They booted her out, and she had nowhere else to turn. There were no more treatments and no more studies. Nothing.
The pastor who ministered to her listened attentively to her story. “Where were you putting your trust?” she asked gently. Stunned, she thought for a minute and said, “Well, the new drug, I suppose. I thought this was God’s answer to my prayers.” The pastor continued, “And who created the doctors and the drugs?” She answered, “Well, God, of course.” The pastor nodded and asked, “Then shouldn’t you be placing your trust in God, the Creator, instead of the creation itself?” She leaned in. “He is the Lord of this study. He created it. Do you think He is upset because this drug didn’t work?”
So often in our healing journey we find ourselves in this place. In our fear and desperation, we have allowed our trust in God the Creator to subtly shift to His creation. We put our trust in the new doctor and the latest treatments because these are tangible things we can touch and see. We forget who rules and reigns over it all. We must remember that doctors are human beings created by God and limited by human knowledge and wisdom. Their drugs and treatments are restricted by their capacity to work physiologically on the human body. God’s power is boundless. Jesus offers something no human solution can offer.
Scripture promises that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, and a new life has begun (2 Corinthians 5:17)! But we can’t be a new person until the old self completely dies. The only way for the old self to die is for us to place all our trust in God. The medical realm is all part of His blessing to us. He created it and He governs it. Can He withdraw His blessing (in this case, a study that didn’t work) without our trust in Him being affected? We must reach a place in our healing journey where our faith in God and our trust in His promises displace our fear and unbelief—a place of simple trust where we no longer want only God’s blessing, but we long for the Creator Himself.
Abundant medical research confirms better outcomes with faith and prayer. When the treatment works, praise Him! If it doesn’t, praise Him and trust He has a better idea. Because nothing is impossible for Him (Matthew 19:26). “No thing” leaves Him upset or hopeless. He made it all. Whether the doctor cures you or you are healed supernaturally without a medical explanation, God gets the credit and the glory. Seek Him first, not the blessings that come from Him. Seek Him above all else, and He will give you everything you need.
Father, forgive me for allowing my trust to shift from You to the blessings that come directly from Your hands. Thank You that Your power is unlimited, that You offer what no human solution can offer. I am a new creation in You, Lord. Let my old self completely die! Help my faith to displace all my fears and all my unbelief.
Lord, in You “no thing” is impossible. “No thing” is too hard for You. Why would I put my trust in an imperfect world with imperfect people and human limitations when I can put all my trust in a perfect God who is limitless? I seek You, Lord. I seek You first. Thank You for Your promise to give me everything I need.