
For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
PSALM 100:5

A recent Twitter conversation went something like this:

Well-Known Pastor @WellKnownPastor:

God wants you to have an amazing life.

Godless @Godless:

@WellKnownPastor: “Then He should stop riddling people with cancer and other crippling diseases.”

Most likely, Godless or someone she loves has suffered from a life-threatening or crippling disease, and she has concluded that God is to blame. Instead of being a good God who wants her and others to have an amazing life, He is a mean, cruel, and vindictive God who makes people sick. This mindset can often originate from believing lies about God and His nature, or simply believing that we are not worthy of His love.

While a serious diagnosis can tempt even the strongest believer to doubt the nature of God, He did not make you sick and it is not His will that you should suffer! On the contrary, Satan is the thief whose purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Regardless of your beliefs about Satan, no one can deny there is evil in the world, and no one would deny that sickness is evil. It’s important to put the blame where the blame belongs; if it steals, kills, and destroys, we can be certain it’s not God. Satan is the culprit behind any sickness that threatens to destroy you. That’s why Peter warns us to stay alert and strong in our faith (1 Peter 5:8), and Paul admonishes us to be strong in the Lord’s power so we can stand firm against the strategies and tricks of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). Jesus warned us that one of Satan’s tricks is to use every means possible to distract your attention and devotion from God and His Word (Mark 4:14–19).

If you believe your illness came from God, it might be difficult to ask Him for healing. Yes, God can certainly use your suffering for His glory and purposes (Romans 8:28), but that doesn’t mean it originated with Him. It’s difficult to trust God for something you believe is contrary to His plan for you, but His desire is to give you a life of abundance (John 10:10). When Jesus was on earth, He didn’t inflict people with disease and calamity. He healed and delivered them (Acts 10:36–38). Jesus said if you have seen Him, you have seen His Father (John 14:9). If you want to know how God feels about you, just study the life of His Son. He overflowed with love and compassion for the sick and hurting (Matthew 14:14). Every person who came to Him left healed and free.

God’s nature is to love because God is love (1 John 4:8). He created you out of love, and you are perfectly and wonderfully made, a precious masterpiece in His eyes (Psalm 139:14; Ephesians 2:10). His love for you knows no boundaries (Hosea 14:4), and His love is everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3). He loved you so much that He personally carried your sins and sickness in His own body on the cross (Isaiah 53:5). He showed you real love, a love through His Son that never ends (1 John 4:9–10).

How do you respond to a love like this when troubles come? You can turn from God in anger and unbelief. You can blame Him when the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. You can turn away from the only One who can help you, the One who has already conquered sin, crippling diseases, and everything the enemy throws at you. Or you can run into His arms for strength, comfort, and healing. Because He is always faithful. He is always good. And His love is forever.


Lord, forgive me if I’ve believed lies about Your nature, that You are capable of being mean and cruel and the source of my afflictions. I’m so sorry for my doubt and unbelief and for turning my back on You in times of trouble! Help me to stand strong in Your power and firm in my faith against the distractions of the enemy. You died and rose again so I can be free of sin and crippling diseases and so I can resist all the enemy’s strategies and tricks.

Thank You for the gift of abundant life! I run into Your arms, Lord. I choose You! I receive Your love and compassion! I come to You for complete healing and restoration. I want all You died for, Jesus. I want You to receive the full reward for Your suffering! Thank You for choosing me first, for loving me with a real love that stands the test of time, a perfect love that never ends and never fails. Regardless of my circumstances, You are good. You are always good. Your love continues forever!