“I am the LORD who heals you.”
EXODUS 15:26
You’ve prayed and you’ve been patient. But wellness doesn’t come, at least not in the way you expect or on your timetable. Your hope rises and you are convinced your breakthrough is coming, only to find it delayed, or even set back by an unexpected turn of events. The same questions go through your mind over and over again. What are You doing, God? What do You want from me? What am I missing? Please hurry, Lord! Time is running out!
When healing tarries, always remember God has perfect timing. He has not forgotten you. He has many ways to heal, and as we have learned, His methods and timing are not always predictable. Sometimes Jesus healed through a touch or a word and sometimes from a distance. Sometimes He waited. Sometimes He healed in front of everyone and other times He insisted on privacy. Often His methods made no sense at all, like mud on the eyes, spittle on the tongue, or bathing in a pool. It’s never up to us to decide how or when, but however healing comes, He controls it all. He is the One who heals our diseases (Psalm 103:3). He can heal by physicians, surgeons, climate, renewed mindsets, common sense, a direct touch of the Holy Spirit, and much more.
God provides physicians to prescribe medications to destroy mutated cells, kill harmful organisms, and regulate body systems. He gifts surgeons with the ability to remove unwanted tissues and repair defective organs. He uses sunny, dry weather to bring health to the bones of the stiff and crippled. He uses counselors and ministers of inner healing and deliverance to help us heal from wrong mindsets and the wounds of our past that can have a significant impact on our physical health. Through forgiveness and the release of bitterness, God can rewire old toxic thought processes, causing the body, soul, and spirit to be healed and restored. He also gives us common sense and a sound mind to make good choices. God has established natural laws for health and wellness. Our health can improve greatly when we avoid harmful addictive behaviors, exercise regularly, eat the foods we were created to eat, and take care of our bodies.
Sometimes He bypasses all of His natural methods and heals instantly through a direct touch from the Holy Spirit. If we’re honest, we would all love to be healed miraculously and instantaneously. But often, healing is a process, a process God always uses for good. During the healing process, it can feel as though time stands still. Discouragement gives way to hopelessness, and you feel so mentally, physically, and spiritually weary that you can’t go on. At times like this, remember Jesus will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He keeps track of your sorrows and has collected every precious tear in a bottle (Psalm 56:8). He has personally felt your pain and will not waste a single tear. He promises to make all things work together for your good (Romans 8:28).
Dear one, this is the time to seek God like never before. Pray like the persistent widow who never gave up until her request was granted (Luke 18:1–8). When you can’t pray another prayer, take comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit prays for you with groaning that cannot be expressed in words, and the Father who knows your heart knows exactly what the Spirit is saying (Romans 8:26–27). Surround yourself with people who will pray for you, encourage you, lift you up, and help you keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep worshipping Him, being confident that the Lord Himself inhabits your praises (Psalm 22:3). Stand on His Word, and constantly remind Him of His healing promises until your faith displaces all your doubt and fear (1 Corinthians 16:13). Turn your worries into prayers, telling God what you need and thanking Him for all He has done until you receive His promised peace that surpasses your ability to understand (Philippians 4:6–7). Comfort and bless others in their troubles as He has comforted you (2 Corinthians 1:4). Release all bitterness and forgive your enemies so that nothing can stand between you and your God (Matthew 5:23–25).
If you can persevere during this sacred healing process, God promises that you will reach a place of maturity and completeness where you will lack nothing (James 1:4). In this place of deep intimacy, you find He is enough. He is all you need. He is the great “I AM” (Exodus 3:14). “I AM love, peace, joy, provision, kindness, goodness, hope, grace, and faithfulness. I AM all you need. I AM the God who heals you.”
God, thank You for Your perfect timing and for all the ways You heal and restore. Help me to trust You when I can’t go another day. Help me to press in to You like never before. Thank You for the gift of prayer and worship. Thank You for Your Word and Your promises! Help me to be grateful when healing tarries and to bless others in the midst of my own sorrows. Help me to forgive those who have wounded and betrayed me.
Lord, You are enough. You are all I need. I want You, Lord. Your unfailing love is better than life itself (Psalm 63:3)! The one thing I seek most is to live in Your presence all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4). Lord, I want to be healed, but I want You more. In You, I am complete. In You, I lack nothing. You are Jehovah-Rapha. In You, I am healed.