Changes to queues

To begin queue configuration, navigate to Firewall | Traffic Shaper. You have a choice of clicking on either the By Interface or By Queue tabs. If you choose the By Interface tab, you will see a list of interfaces at the root level, along with a list of queues that are available on each interface (which ones are available will depend on the choices you made in the traffic shaping wizard); if you choose By Queue, a different hierarchy will appear, with a list of queues at the root level, and a list of interfaces utilizing a queue will appear when you click on each queue. You can edit queues from either tab and get the same result. If you are creating new queues, you will likely find that the easiest way to add queues is to start on the By Interface tab. From there, you can create a queue on a single interface, and then make the queue available on other interfaces by clicking on the By Queue tab and using the Clone Shaper to this Interface button.

Once you have selected a queue on an interface to edit, several options will appear. The Enable/Disable checkbox gives you the ability to disable a queue and any children queues, if the checkbox is unchecked. The Name edit box allows you to change the name, and the priority edit box allows you to set a priority level from 0 to 7, with higher-numbered priority levels taking precedence over lower-numbered ones—but this field will be ignored if the queue is an HFSC queue. HFSC queues can be identified by the fact that their configuration pages have a section called Service Curve (sc).

The Queue Limit edit box allows you to enter the queue limit. This limit is expressed in terms of total packets. The Scheduler options checkboxes allow you to apply additional traffic shaping algorithms to the queue. There is a Default Queue checkbox that will make the queue the default queue for the interface selected. There are several other options:

These algorithms are designed to deal with an occurrence of excess buffering of packets, known as bufferbloat. This causes high latency and packet delay variation. Over time, network card manufacturers have incorporated larger buffers into their cards. This has not been as beneficial as you might think. The TCP algorithm uses the number of dropped packets to determine when a connection is saturated. Large buffers just postpone the point at which saturation occurs; it takes several seconds for the buffers to fill and the packets to drop. The buffer thus becomes a bottleneck until TCP adjusts. This illustrates how large buffers can actually cause TCP's congestion avoidance algorithms to work less effectively than they would with small buffers. Appropriate countermeasures must be taken when large buffers are present in order to avoid congestion.

In the Description edit box, you can enter a brief, non-parsed description for your own reference.

The preceding options are available for queues that employ PRIQ or CBQ; however, if HFSC was chosen, there are other options available on a section of the page labeled Service Curve (sc). The first option is Bandwidth, which simply allows you to set the maximum bandwidth of the queue. The remaining service curve options allow you to configure the service curve.

Each service curve has three parameters: m1, d, and m2. If you followed the discussion of HFSC earlier in this chapter, you should already know what these are. m1 and m2 represent two portions of the service curve. d represents the dividing point between m1 and m2. For the first d milliseconds, the queue receives the bandwidth defined by m1. After that, the queue gets the value defined by m2. There are three configurable service curves for each of the queues, which are defined as follows:

You can click the Save button when you are done. You can also choose Add new queue (create a brand new queue) or Delete this queue (eliminate the current queue).