From 2008 to 2011, the author interviewed or exchanged emails with the following Superman writers, artists, editors, scriptwriters, actors, directors, producers, biographers, bloggers, collectors, marketers, fans, and others: Jack Adams, Neal Adams, Jack Adler, Jim Amash, Lois Amster, Bob Andelman, Murphy Anderson, Luis Augusto, Roger Austin, Dick Ayers, Cary Bates, Bart Beaty, Jim Beaver, Robert Beerbohm, Douglas Belkin, Robert Benton, Ofer Berenstein, Stan Berkowitz, Murray Bishoff, Bill Blackbeard, Jon Bogdanove, Judy Bogdanove, Kal-El Bogdanove, Bobby Bonilla, Celine Bonnin, Rick Bowers, Chris Brockow, Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson Brown, Michael Bryan, Peggy A. Bulger, Don Bulson, Kurt Busiek, John Byrne, K. Callan, Mike Carlin, K.C. Carlson, David Chantler, Roberto Chavarria, Ellen Chesler, Ken Cholette, Nick Cirignano, Joshua Clark, Chris Clow, Phyllis Coates, Neil Cole, Chuck Colleta, Toni Collins, Justin Cousson, Rennie Cowan, John Cush, Bob Daly, Les Daniels, Geoff Darrow, Eric Lief Davin, Dwight Decker, J. M. De-Matteis, Sylvain Despretz, Bruce Dettman, Carole Donenfeld, Sonia “Peachy” Donenfeld, Richard Donner, Michael Dougherty, Robert Dougherty, Sarah Douglas, Chris Duffy, Randy Duncan, Jeff East, Jay Emmett, Mark Evanier, Gae Exton, Rob Falcone, Ruth Fine Farber, Jules Feiffer, Michael Feldman, Al Feldstein, Irv Fine, Jerry Fine, Andy Fogelson, Rob Friedman, Jim Galton, Bert Gibbs, Jackson Gillis, Dick Giordano, Robert Goldstein, Al Gough, Michael Green, Robert Greenberger, Larry Greenfield, Phil Grom, Gary Grossman, Jack Guidera, Kevin Gunn, Stacy Haiduk, David Hajdu, Carole Handler, Chuck Harter, Craig Harvey, Irwin Hasen, Michael Hayde, Dennis Hays, Jan Alan Henderson, Dan Hirschfeld, Jane Hitchcock, Bob Holiday, Ken Horton, Rita Huber, Bob Hughes, Ellen Roney Hughes, Stuart Immonen, Carmine Infantino, Al Jaffee, Geoff Johns, Barbara Johnson, Gerard Jones, Dan Jurgens, Joyce Kaffel, Jenette Kahn, Truman Frederick Keefer, Stetson Kennedy, Karl Kesel, Margot Kidder, Orion Kidder, Rose Kirsh, Denis Kitchen, Sidney Kiwitt, Austin Knill, Lisa Kraemer, Joe Kubert, Eric Landriault, Jack Larson, Gene LeBell, Stan Lee, Deborah Joy LeVine, Paul Levitz, Joan Levy, Jeph Loeb, Edward Lozzi, Janet Luez, Dusty Luker, Richard Lupoff, Peter Lupus, Ernesto Machado, Elliot Maggin, Russ Maheras, Eugene Maletta, Tom Mankiewicz, Joe Mararinno, Mo Marcus, Eugene Mark, Ron Massengill, Harry Matetsky, Vincent Maulandi, Scott McCloud, Marc McClure, Shawn McGaughey, Brian McKernan, Daniel Meerkamper, Brad Meltzer, Todd Michney, John Jackson Miller, Erol Molnar, Kevin Moriarity, Will Murray, Carl Murway, Bill Necessary, Noel Neill, Jerry Newingham, Leslie Newman, John Haymes Newton, Jim Nolt, Paul Oddi, Luke Oldfield, Denny O’Neal, Bob O’Neil, Keith O’Neil, Jerry Ordway, John Ottman, Stephanie Shayne Parkin, Derrick Patry, Mark Warren Peary, Dawn Peavy, Jean Shuster Peavy, Zoran Perisic, Brian Peterson, Julia Pistor, Frank Pittarese, Sophie Plageman, Al Plastino, Jeanette Pollack, Tom Pollock, Christopher Priest, Hal Prince, Dave Prowse, Karen Pryor, Emilio Ramos, Jr., William Raymer, Gene Reed, Benjamin Reeve, Frank Reeve, Jamie Reigle, Trina Robbins, Mike Roberts, Jerry Robinson, Al Roker, John Romita, Conor Rooney, Bud Rosenthal, Paul Rothschild, Bob Rozakis, Jacob Rubinstein, Ilya Salkind, Michael Sangiacomo, Lee Saylor, Bill Schelly, Mary Schrank, Alvin Schwartz, Lew Sayre Schwartz, Terry Semel, Fred Shay, Jim Shooter, Rosie Shuster, Craig Shutt, Dave Siegel, Louise Simonson, Thol Simonson, Walt Simonson, Bryan Singer, Aaron Smolinski, Kelly Souders, Merrill Sparks, Pierre Spengler, Lynn Stallmaster, Benjamin Stevens, Robert Strankman, Sidney Strauss, Charles Strouse, Mike Stumbo, Trina Swuff, Craig Tenney, John Tenuto, Mary Jo Tenuto, Roy Thomas, Martha Thomases, Marc Toberoff, Anthony Tollin, Jeff Trexler, Michael Uslan, Mark Waid, Maya Warburg, Len Wein, John Wells, Ted White, Margery Wieder, Bart Williams, Bill Williams, John Williams, Tony Wilson, Norma Wolcov, Marv Wolfman, Donald Wurzelbacher, Alice Wyner, Craig Yoe, and Steve Younis.
Unless otherwise noted, the documents below are part of the public record of court cases filed by Jerry Siegel and his heirs against National Comics Publications and its successors, or were provided privately to the author.
Donenfeld, Harry. Letter to Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, September 22, 1938. Ellsworth, Whitney. Letter to DC Staff. “Editorial Policy for Superman-DC Publications,” Undated.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, January 22, 1940.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, February 21, 1940.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, November 4, 1940.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, February 19, 1941.
Fingeroth, Danny, Gerard Jones, Paul Levitz, and Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson Brown. “Grandchildren of the Golden Age.” Panel discussion at the New York Comic Con. October 9, 2010.
Greenberg, Marc H. “Comics, Courts & Controversy: The Cases of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund & the Superman Copyright Litigation.” Paper presented at the annual Comic Arts Conference Comic-Con, San Diego, California, July 22, 2009.
Grossman, Gary. Transcripts of undated interviews with Whitney Ellsworth, based on recordings provided to author by Gary Grossman.
Hitchcock, Jane. Unpublished eulogy for her mother, Joan Alexander. 2009. Courtesy of Jane Hitchcock.
Kidder, Orion. “Telling Stories About Storytelling: The Metacomics of Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, and Warren Ellis.” Ph.D. diss., University of Alberta, 2010.
Lewis, Dorothy. Letter to Josette Frank. November 13, 1947. Child Study Association of America Files. Elmer L. Andersen Library, University of Minnesota.
Liebowitz, Jack S. Letter to Jerry Siegel, March 1, 1938.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, September 28, 1938.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, January 23, 1940.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, January 29, 1940.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, July 13, 1946.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, February 3, 1947.
———. Unpublished memoir. 1993. Courtesy of Joan Levy.
Maxwell, Robert. Letter to George Zachary, Office of War Information. April 12, 1943. Child Study Association of America Files. Elmer L. Andersen Library, University of Minnesota.
National Periodical Publications. Agreement with Alex and Ilya Salkind. November 6, 1974.
Peavy, Jean Shuster. Letter to Marty Payson, August 21, 1992.
Puzo, Mario and Carmine Infantino. Script Conference on Superman: The Movie. July 16, 1975.
Rosen, Leo. Letter to Gabriel Kaslow, April 15, 1952.
Salkind, Ilya, Mark Jones, and Cary Bates. “Superman Reborn.” August 3, 1992. Unpublished screenplay.
Saylor, Lee. Transcript of 1989 interview with Leonore Lemmon, based on recording provided to author by Lee Saylor.
Shuster, Joe. Letter to Neal Adams, November 24, 1975.
———. Letter to Jay Emmett, November 23, 1975.
Siegel, Jerry. Creation of a Superhero. Unpublished memoir. 1978.
———. Letter to Harry Donenfeld, March 29, 1946.
———. Letter to Russell Keaton, July 12, 1934.
———. Letter to Jack Liebowitz, December 6, 1937.
———. Letter to Jack Liebowitz, February 1, 1940.
———. Letter to Jack Liebowitz, January 1, 1944.
———. Letter to Jack Liebowitz, July 13, 1946.
———. Letter to Jack Liebowitz, September 18, 1946.
———. Letter to Jack Liebowitz, November 11, 1946.
———. Letter to the President of Heilbrunn Associates. December 2, 1967.
———. Letter to Joe Shuster, September 18, 1946.
———. Letter to Laura Siegel. November 21, 1976.
———. The Life and Times of Jerry Siegel. Unpublished memoir.
———. The Story Behind Superman No. 1. Unpublished memoir.
Siegel, Jerry, and Joe Shuster. Letter to Detective Comics, March 1, 1938.
———. Letter to Harry Donenfeld, May 8, 1940.
Siegel, Joanne. Letter to Richard D. Parsons, AOL Time Warner, May 9, 2002.
———. Letter to Steven J. Ross, February 16, 1988.
———. Letter to unknown recipient. May 25, 1992.
Siegel, Michael. Correspondence with Mark Waid. 2005. Courtesy of Mark Waid.
Straus, Mrs. Hugh Grant. Letter to Editor. PM. May 20, 1946. Child Study Association of American Files. Elmer L. Andersen Library, University of Minnesota.
Wheeler-Nicholson, Malcolm. Agreements with Donny Press, Inc., World Color Printing Co., and Photochrome, Inc. November 15, 1937.
———. Letter to Donny Press, November 15, 1937.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, October 4, 1935.
———. Letter to Jerry Siegel, May 13, 1936.
Wylie, Philip. Letter to J. Randolph Cox, January 28, 1970. Courtesy of Truman Frederick Keefer.
Yanes, Nicholas. “Graphic Imagery: Jewish American Comic Book Creators’ Depictions of Class, Race, and Patriotism.” Master’s thesis. Florida State University, 2008.
Zachary, George. Letter to Allen Ducovny, April 3, 1943. Child Study Association of America Files. Elmer L. Andersen Library, University of Minnesota.
City of New York v. Kingsley Books, Inc. Supreme Court of New York. June 13, 1955.
In Re. Estate of Michael Siegel. Probate Court documents, Cuyahoga County (Ohio). March 13, 2006, March 16, 2006, and May 12, 2006.
DC Comics v. Pacific Pictures Corporation et al. United States District Court, Central District of California. May 14, 2010.
Detective Comics, Inc., vs. Bruns Publications, Inc. United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. November 10, 1939.
National Comics Publications, Inc., v. Fawcett Publications, Inc., U.S. Court of Appeals Second Circuit. September 5, 1952.
Joseph Michael Shuster vs. Judith Ray Calpini. Request and Declaration for Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage. Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. April 15, 1981.
Bella Siegel vs. Jerome Siegel. Petition for Divorce, July 14, 1948.
Bella Siegel vs. Jerome Siegel. Petition for Support. “Judge’s Journal Entry,” June 9, 1953.
Jerome Siegel and Joseph Shuster v. National Comics Publications, Inc., et al. Supreme Court of New York, Westchester County. Final Judgment. May 21, 1948.
Jerome Siegel and Joseph Shuster v. National Comics Publications, Inc., et al. U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York. October 18, 1973.
Joanne Siegel and Laura Siegel Larson v. Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., et. al. United States District Court, Central District of California. October 8, 2004.
City of Cleveland. Department of Health. “Certificate of Death, Michel Siegel.” June 4, 1932.
———. Department of Public Health. “Birth Certificate for Jalon Kovacs.” December 5, 1917.
———. Police Department. “Casualty Report for Michael Siegel.” June 3, 1932.
Cuyahoga County (Ohio). Application for Marriage License. Jerome Siegel and Jolan Kovacs. October 13, 1948.
———. Application for Marriage License. Jerome Siegel and Jolan Kovacs. November 3, 1948.
———. Coroner’s Office. “Coroner’s Report for Michael Siegel.” June 3, 1932.
City of Los Angeles. Police Department. Investigation Report. June 16, 1959.
County of Los Angeles. Archive Autopsy Report for George Reeves. Case Number 1959—45426.
———. Department of Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner. Medical Report. June 23, 1959.
———. Office of County Coroner. Autopsy Report. June 24, 1959.
State of Ohio. Department of Health. “Certificate of Death for Michael Siegel.” June 4, 1932.
County of San Diego. Certificate of Registry of Marriage. “Joseph Michael Shuster and Judith Ray Calpini.” December 29, 1976.
United States Bureau of the Census. Julius Schuster (1930).
United States Bureau of the Census. Moses Sigel (1910). Michael Siegel (1920). Michael Sigel (1930).
United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. Naturalization form, Michel Siegel. February 16, 1922.
United States Postal Service. Press release. “The Man of Steel and Other Super Heroes Take Flight as Stamps and Stamped Postcards.” San Diego, Calif. July 20, 2006.
Unless otherwise noted, the comic books below were published by National Periodical Publications and its successors.
Action Comics No. 1 (June 1938). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“The Amazing Story of Superman-Red and Superman-Blue,” Superman No. 162 (July 1963). Written by Leo Dorfman.
“The Archer.” Superman No. 13 (November–December 1941). Written by Jerry Siegel.
The Battle of the Century: Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man (1976).
Published by National Periodical Publications and Marvel Comics Group. Written by Gerry Conway.
“The Bizarro Invasion of Earth!” Superman No. 169 (May 1964). Written by Jerry Siegel.
Detective Comics No. 38 (April 1940). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Doctor Occult.” More Fun Comics No. 16 (December 1936). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Europe at War.” Action Comics No. 23 (April 1940). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Fury of the Energy-Eater.” Superman No. 258 (November 1972). Written by Len Wein.
“I Am Curious (Black)!” Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane No. 106 (November 1970). Written by Robert Kanigher.
“The Incident.” Action Comics No. 900 (June 2011). Written by David S. Goyer.
Just Imagine Stan Lee’s Superman (2001). Written by Stan Lee.
“King of the Comic Books.” Superman No. 25 (November–December 1943). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“The Last Earth-Prime Story.” Superman No. 411 (September 1985). Written by Elliot S. Maggin.
“The Master Mesmerizer of Metropolis!” Superman No. 330 (December 1978). Written by Martin Pasko.
“The Million-Dollar Marathon.” Action Comics No. 65 (October 1943). Written by Don Cameron.
“Mr. and Mrs. Clark (SUPERMAN) Kent!” Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane No. 19 (August 1960).
“Murder Plunge.” More Fun Comics No. 68 (June 1941). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“The Mxyztplk-Susie Alliance.” Superman No. 40 (May–June 1946). Written by Don Cameron.
“The Origin of Stuporman.” Not Brand Echh No. 7 (April 1968). Published by Marvel Comics.
“The Origin of Superman.” Superman No. 53 (July–August 1948). Written by Bill Finger.
“The Satanic Schemes of S.K.U.L.” Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane No. 63 (February 1966). Written by Leo Dorfman.
“The Soldier of Steel!” Superman No. 216 (May 1969). Written by Robert Kanigher.
“The Super-Family of Steel.” Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane No. 15 (February 1960). Written by Edmond Hamilton.
Superman No. 1 (Summer 1939). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Superman and His Friends Around the World!” Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen No. 113 (August/September 1968). Written by Mort Weisinger.
“Superman Breaks the Wall!” Superman: The Man of Steel No. 82 (August 1998). Written by Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove.
“Superman, Champion of the Oppressed.” Action Comics No. 1 (June 1938). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Superman Goes to Prison.” Action Comics No. 10 (March 1939). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Superman in the Ghetto!” Superman: The Man of Steel No. 81 (July 1998). Written by Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove.
“Superman in the Slums,” Action Comics No. 8 (January 1939). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Superman Joins the Circus.” Action Comics No. 7 (December 1938). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Superman Meets Al Capone.” Superman No. 142 (January 1961). Written by Otto Binder.
“Superman Returns to Krypton.” Superman No. 61 (November–December 1949). Written by Bill Finger.
“Superman Scores Again.” Undated comic strip. Written by Jerry Siegel.
“Superman Takes a Wife.” Action Comics No. 484 (June 1978). Written by Cary Bates.
“Superman: The Computers That Saved Metropolis.” Action Comics No. 509 (July 1980). Written by Cary Bates.
Superman: The Wedding Album No. 1 (December 1996). By Superman writers and artists past and present.
“The Superman vs. The Atomic Skull!” Superman: The Man of Steel No. 80 (June 1998). Written by Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove.
“Superman’s Mission for President Kennedy.” Superman No. 170 (July 1964). Written by Bill Finger and E. Nelson Bridwell.
“Superman’s Return to Krypton!” Superman No. 141 (November 1960). Written by Jerry Siegel.
“War in San Monte.” Action Comics No. 2 (July 1938). Written by Jerry Siegel.
Binder, Otto, et al. Showcase Presents: Superman, Vol. 1. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
Byrne, John. Superman: The Earth Stealers. New York: DC Comics, 1988.
———. Superman: The Man of Steel, Vol. 1. New York: DC Comics, 1991.
———. The World of Smallville. New York: DC Comics, 1987.
DC’s Greatest Imaginary Stories. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
Gold, Mike. The Greatest Golden Age Stories Ever Told. New York: DC Comics, 1990.
The Golden Age Spectre Archives, Vol. 1. New York: DC Comics, 2003.
Johns, Geoff, and Richard Donner. Superman: Last Son. New York: DC Comics, 2006.
Jurgens, Dan, Karl Kesel, et al. World Without a Superman. New York: DC Comics. 1993.
Jurgens, Dan, Jerry Ordway, et al. The Death of Superman. New York: DC Comics, 1993.
———. The Return of Superman. New York: DC Comics, 1993.
Jurgens, Dan, Louise Simonson, et al. Superman: The Death of Clark Kent. New York: DC Comics, 1997.
Kelly, Joe, Marv Wolfman, Geoff Johns, and Jeph Loeb. Superman: Infinite Crisis. New York: DC Comics, 2006.
Loeb, Jeph. Superman for All Seasons. New York: DC Comics, 1999.
———. Superman/Batman, Volume One: Public Enemies. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. New York: DC Comics, 1994.
Millar, Mark. Superman: Red Son. New York: DC Comics, 2003.
Moore, Alan. Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? New York: DC Comics, 2009.
O’Neil, Dennis. Superman: Kryptonite Nevermore. New York: DC Comics, 2009.
Pasko, Martin. The DC Vault. New York: DC Comics, 2008.
Ross, Alex, and Paul Dini. Superman: Peace on Earth. New York: DC Comics, 1999.
The Superman Chronicles, Vol. 1. New York: DC Comics, 2006.
The Superman Chronicles, Vol. 6. New York: DC Comics, 2009.
Superman: From the Thirties to the Seventies. New York: National Periodical Publications, 1971.
Superman in the Forties. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
Superman in the Fifties. New York: DC Comics, 2002.
Superman in the Sixties. New York: DC Comics, 1999.
Superman in the Seventies. New York: DC Comics, 2000.
Superman in the Eighties. New York: DC Comics, 2006.
Superman: The Action Comics Archives, Vol. 1. New York: DC Comics, 1997.
Superman: The Action Comics Archives, Vol. 3. New York: DC Comics, 2001.
Superman: The Action Comics Archives, Vol. 4. New York: DC Comics, 2005.
Superman: The Dailies, 1939–1942. New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 1998.
Superman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told, Vol. 1. New York: DC Comics, 2004.
Superman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told, Vol. 2. New York: DC Comics, 2006.
Superman: The Sunday Classics, Strips 1–183, 1939–1943. New York: DC Comics: 1998.
Uslan, Michael. America at War: The Best of DC War Comics. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979.
Waid, Mark. Kingdom Come. New York: DC Comics, 2008.
———. Superman: Birthright. New York: DC Comics, 2004.
Wolfman, Marv. Crisis on Infinite Earths. New York: DC Comics, 2000.
Adventures of Superman. Seasons 1–2. Warner Home Video Inc., 2005.
Allen, Fred. Transcript prepared by author of radio interview with Jerry Siegel and Harry Donenfeld. October 9, 1940.
“American Icons: Superman.” Studio 360. WNYC Radio. July 7, 2006.
Atom Man vs. Superman: The Complete 15-Chapter Adventure! Warner Home Video, 1989. Written by George H. Plympton, Joseph F. Poland, and David Mathews.
“Clan of the Fiery Cross.” Adventures of Superman. June–July 1946. Transcript prepared by author.
Comic Book Confidential. Toronto: Sphinx Productions, 1988. Written by Ron Mann.
“The Defeat of Superman.” Adventures of Superman. Warner Home Video, 1953. Written by Jackson Gillis.
“Drums of Death.” Adventures of Superman. Warner Home Video, 1953. Written by Dick Hamilton.
George Reeves Double Feature: Thunder in the Pines and Jungle Goddess. VCI Entertainment. 2006.
“George Reeves: The Perils of a Superhero.” Transcript prepared by author. Biography. A&E. February 9, 2000.
Hollywoodland. Universal Studios, 2007. Written by Paul Bernbaum.
Kill Bill: Vol. 2. Miramax Films, 2004. Written by Quentin Tarantino.
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Seasons 1–4. Warner Home Video, 2006.
It’s a Bird … It’s a Plane … It’s Superman: The New Musical Comedy. Script. New York: Studio Duplicating Services, 1966. Written by Robert Benton and David Newman.
“The Panic in the Sky.” Adventures of Superman. Warner Home Video, 1953. Written by Jackson Gillis.
The Paramount Cartoon Classics of Max & Dave Fleischer. Bosko Video, 1991.
Seinfeld. “The Cheever Letters” (1992). “The Chinese Woman” (1994). “The Face Painter” (1995). “The Heart Attack” (1991). “The Implant” (1993). “The Lip Reader” (1993). “The Marine Biologist” (1993). “The Race” (1994). “The Smelly Car” (1993). “The Stall” (1994). “The Stand-In” (1994). “The Stock Tip” (1990). “The Switch” (1995). “The Tape” (1991). “The Visa” (1993). Transcripts can be found at
Smallville: The Complete First Season. Warner Home Video, 2002.
Smithsonian Historical Performances: Superman on Radio. Recordings of first 27 episodes. Schiller Park, Ill.: Radio Spirits, 1997.
Superman and the Mole Men. Warner Home Video, 1987. Written by Richard Fielding.
Superman: The Theatrical Serials Collection. Warner Home Video, 2006.
Superman: Ultimate Collector’s Edition. Warner Bros. Entertainment, 2006.
Torchy Blane Collection. Warner Home Video, 2010.
Bails, Jerry. “Who’s Who of American Comic Books, 1928–1999.”
Borsellino, Mary. “The Changing Face of Supergirl.” March 1, 2007.
Brady, Matt. “Brad Meltzer on Pimpin’ Comics in His Novels.” April 26, 2007.
Butki, Scott. “Interview with Brad Meltzer, Author of the Book of Fate.” October 6, 2006.
Chandler, Rick. “An Unlikely Prophet by Alvin Schwartz.” December 7, 2008.
DC Comics Online Newsletter. “Post Office Announces Superman Stamp.” September 1998.
“DC Timeline.” “Explosion and Implosion.”
———. “Superman’s LLs.”
———. “Superman-Tim Comics!”
Engblom, Mark. “Humble Beginnings: These Boots Are Made for Lacing.” June 10, 2008.
Frisch, Marc-Oliver. “DC Comics Month-to-Month Sales: January 2011.”
Gaiman, Neil, and Adam Rogers. “The Myth of Superman.” June 2006.
Grost, Mike. “The Spectre: 1940’s Comic Book Super Hero.”
Harrington, Wallace. “Superman and the War Years: The Battle of Europe Within the Pages of Superman Comics.”
Harrington, Wallace, Michael George O’Connor, Judy Thomas, and Joyce Kavitsky. “Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.”
Hughes, David. “Who’s Whose in DC Comics.”
Ingersoll, Bob. “The Law Is a Ass.” October 24, 2000.
“Jerry Siegel Attacks!” Das Schwarze Korps. April 25, 1940. Translation by Randall Bytwerk, 1998.“Kirk Alyn: Superman Remembers.”
Kleefeld on Comics. “Paul Sampliner.” June 8, 2007.
Koza, Louis. “Relative Revelations.” The Adventures Continue. January 9, 2007.
Lone Star College-Kingwood Library. “American Cultural History: The Twentieth Century.”
Magat, Rafael. “Mild Mannered Reviews—Classic Pre-Crisis Superman Comics: Superman Takes a Wife.”
Mautner, Michael E. “From the Pit to the Peak: Superman and the Ascension of America.” 1987.
McGorry, Ken. “Seinfeld and Superman Take on the Web.” April 1, 2004.
McMillan, Graeme. “Is Superman Really Damaged Goods?” July 2009.
Mike’s Amazing World of Comics. “The Database.”
Miller, John Jackson. “Superman Sales.”
Nobleman, Marc Tyler. “Superman vs. Hitler.” March 2, 2008.
———. “The Death of Jerry Siegel’s Father: Part One.” September 3, 2008.
O’Reilly, Bill. “Superman and the Culture War.” July 6, 2006.
Reinhard, CarrieLynn D. “Making Sense of Superheroes: Awareness of Superhero Genre Conventions Around the World.” Survey, Roskilde University, March 6, 2009.
Rogers, Vaneta. “Writer Cary Bates on His Return to Superman.” May 19, 2010.
Sanchez, Ray. “Superman Comic Saves Family Home from Foreclosure.” August 3, 2010.
Schwartz, Alvin. “After the Golden Age with Alvin Schwartz.”
Shi’an, Shen. “ ‘Superman Returns’ to His Bodhisattva Career.” July 17, 2006.
Siegel, Jerry. “Superman’s Originator Puts ‘Curse’ on Superman Movie.” Press release, October 1975. With introduction by Michael Catron.
Siegel, Joanne. “The True Inspiration for Lois Lane.”
“Superman on Radio.”
“Superman: The Next Sequel.”
“Top Comic Books of the 2000s.”
Trexler, Jeff. “Russell Keaton, Superman’s Fifth Beatle.” August 20, 2008.
Wallace, Amy. “Nastier Than a Speeding Bullet.” September 17, 2007.
Weisinger, Mort. “Here Comes Superman!” 1946.
Younis, Steve. “Superman and the Phone Booth.”
Zacharek, Stephanie. “Superman Returns.” June 28, 2006.
Akers, Paul E. “Bring Back the REAL Superman.” Washington Post. December 31, 1988.
Albany Times Union. “Jerry Siegel, 81: Superman Co-Creator.” January 31, 1996.
———. “Man of Steel Drops Cape in Wardrobe Makeover.” January 4, 1997.
———. “Superman and Lois Finally Tying the Knot.” September 8, 1996.
———. “Superman Fan Has Bond with Real-Life Hero Reeve.” April 11, 1997.
———. “Time and Economics Prove Superman Mortal.” September 4, 1992.
Albrecht, Brian E. “Superman Meets the Grim Reaper.” Cleveland Plain Dealer. November 15, 1992.
Allen, Henry. “Superman & the Little Woman.” Washington Post. October 26, 1990.
Altaner, David. “Sagging Superman Gets New Life.” Albany Times Union. October 27, 1986.
Amash, Jim. “His Goal Was the Graphic Novel.” Alter Ego No. 88 (August 2009).
———. “I Didn’t Want to Know [What Other Companies Were Doing]!”
Alter Ego no. 56 (February 2006).
———. “I’ve Always Been a Writer: Alvin Schwartz on His Long Career in Comic Books—and Elsewhere.” Alter Ego No. 98 (December 2010).
———. “A Real Iconic, Quintessential American Figure.” Alter Ego No. 88 (August 2009).
Ames, Walter. “Superman George Reeves and Producers Disagree on New Television Deal.” Los Angeles Times. September 27, 1954.
———. “Video Actress Can’t Convince Daughter; Palm Services Set.” Los Angeles Times. March 29, 1953.
Anderson, Susan Heller. “It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Movie!” New York Times. June 26, 1977.
Andrae, Thomas. “From Menace to Messiah: The Prehistory of the Superman in Science Fiction Literature.” Discourse 2 (1980).
———. “Of Supermen and Kids with Dreams: An Interview with Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.” Nemo No. 2 (1983).
Anti-Defamation League Bulletin. “Klan Sleuth Gives ‘Superman’ Secrets of Hooded Order.” February 1947.
Arave, Lynn. “Man of Steel, King of the Seas in for Big Changes.” Deseret News. January 6, 1997.
———. “Still Leaping Buildings in a Single Bound but in Brand-New Disguise.” Deseret News. February 17, 1997.
———. “Superman No Longer a Man of Steel.” Deseret News. June 2, 1997.
Arnold, Gary. “It’s a Bird! It’s a Pain!” Washington Post. June 17, 1983.
———. “ ‘Superman II’: The Plot Weakens.” Washington Post. June 19, 1981.
Ascher-Walsh, Rebecca. “Cape Fear.” Entertainment Weekly. May 29, 1998.
Associated Press. “Nicolas Cage and Wife Have Baby Boy.” October 3, 2005.
———. “Rare Superman Comic Sells for Record $2.16M US.” December 1, 2011.
Atlanta Constitution. “Atlanta Boy Falls 3 Floors, Is Not Injured.” June 7, 1941.
Aurthur, Kate. “The Past Catches Up with a Future Superman.” New York Times. February 23, 2005.
———. “Young Male Viewers Boost ‘Smallville.’ ” New York Times. May 20, 2006.
———. “Young-Superman Episode Delivers Clout for WB.” New York Times. January 28, 2006.
Baker, Russell. “Geezer of Steel.” New York Times. June 17, 1986.
———. “Sad Feet in the Sky.” New York Times. September 25, 1973.
———. “The Heart of Superman.” New York Times. December 17, 1978.
———. “Turn That Dial Back in Time: Superman & Co. Return!” New York Times. October 24, 1988.
Ballner-Bear, Lisa. “Golly, Miss Lane, Superman’s 50.” Omni 10 (March 1988).
Barnes, Brooks, and Michael Cieply. “A Custody Battle, Supersized.” New York Times. March 21, 2010.
———. “Warner Brothers Sues ‘Superman’ Lawyer.” New York Times. May 15, 2010.
Barr, Mike W. “The Madame and the Girls: How DC Got Rid of the Troublemakers.” Words & Pictures No. 5 (August 1988).
Barron, James. “Boldface Names.” New York Times. May 3, 2001.
———. “The Mystery of the Missing Man of Steel.” New York Times. April 19, 2010.
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