‘Google vs. Evil’, Josh McHugh, Wired 11.01, januari 2003

The Google Story, David A. Vise en Mark Malseed, Macmillan, Londen, 2005

The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture, John Battelle, Nicolas Brealey Publishing, Londen, 2006

The Future of the Internet, and How to Stop It, Jonathan Zittrain, Yale University Press, 2008

Googling Security: How Much Does Google Know About You?, Greg Conti, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2008

Planet Google: How One Company Is Transforming Our Lives, Randall E. Stross, Atlantic Books, Londen, 2009

What Would Google Do?, Jeff Jarvis, Collins Business, New York, 2009

De Google Code, Henk van Ess, Pearson Education, Amsterdam, 2010

Planet Multimedia 1995-2007

Wired en 1995-2010

Cnet 1995-2010

Wunderloop-presentatie Behavioral Targeting, Bas Seelen, 2008

Zoekmachines: zoekt en gij zult vinden? Over de plaats van zoekmachines in het recht, Nico van Eijk, ISBN 90 757 27 399, Otto Cramwinckel Uitgever, 2005

Google Onderzoek 2010, InHolland, ‘Consumenten, Diensten, Adverteerders, News, Books’, Crossmediale Communicatie (Associate Degree) deeltijd, klas CCD1A, onder leiding van Ludo de Boo en Peter Olsthoorn,, 2010

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