Wednesday, July 24
London called, and two days later, Cara answered. She turned over the faithful gelding to the local livery and took the steam train. Her grandmother and Nessy saw her off at the station, waving as the mammoth black and steel monster clawed down the rails.
She tried to occupy her mind on the journey by flicking through her father's diary and Magycks of the Gods. Her tentative theory about the true nature of the artifacts grew the deeper, she dug. She kept finding objects in the ancient book that her father tracked down and concealed, almost as though he used the oral legends as a shopping list of items to steal and hide from the world. The idea nagged at Cara. If he knew what they were, why didn't he use them?
She jumped out of her compartment at the Liverpool Street station with pent-up frustration fizzing under her skin. The hours of sitting, unable to move, drove her to distraction. She wanted to seek out Nate, tossing up whether to try the house or the hangar first. She needed to burn off excess energy and a part of her knew exactly how he would suggest doing it. She had another reason for seeking him out; a tug on her heart posed a question she needed to answer.
She decided to walk off the stiffness in her muscles, before catching transport to Mayfair, and headed down Bishopsgate Road. Heading along the main street, she caught sight of the familiar bronze and copper mechanical horses and the large black carriage they pulled. Jackson chatted to the driver as he smoked his cigarette. Cara glanced at the adjacent pale grey stone building; it contained the White Hart Inn.
She waved to Jackson as she wandered closer to the window. She scanned the assembled people inside, and her breath hitched. She spotted him seated at a table not far from the window, his face impassive as the gentleman opposite him gestured to emphasise his conversation. Nate's gaze flicked up and caught hers. The barest twitch of a smile pulled at his lips, before the mask dropped back. He glanced briefly at his companion and she saw him say something, sending the other man into a renewed arm-waving frenzy.
His attention returned to Cara. Holding her gaze captive, his fingers pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, made of cream silk. He ran the fabric through his fingers and brushed it against his cheek. Cara frowned, until she saw the green embroidery. She dropped her lashes, her mind raced as heat spread through her torso.
He's playing with my knickers. In a public house!
She dared to raise her stare, His eyes reflected his hunger. A slow twitch pulled his mouth into a predatory grin. A knot formed in Cara's gut; flames licked over her and she parted her lips in a silent cry. His fingers entwined in the silk, reminded her of how he stroked her through the fabric and touched her pulse.
Cara dragged her attention from Nate's strong hands and took a deep breath to steady herself. She approached Jackson. "Will he be long?"
The bodyguard shrugged. "He's relieving that other bloke of his fortune. He usually lingers over something like that. Or he might cut it short, seeing as you reappeared."
She bit her lip. "Can you tell him I'm at the hangar? I need to hit something."
Without offering any further explanation, and with the image of Nate playing with her underwear burned into her brain, she changed direction and took off down the pavement. Setting a brisk pace, she dodged amongst the numerous pedestrians clogging the footpath.
Down by the Thames, she entered the dim interior of the enormous Lyons airship hangar. She paused to let the smell of different lands and cultures roll over her. She spied Miguel in the back of the hangar. He was strapped into a metal exoskeleton, the steel claws unloading large crates from a mechanical trolley.
"Can you take a break?" she asked him. "I want to spar, and you're more my size than that lot."
She pointed over her shoulder to the other men. Most of them hit in excess of six-foot-four, and half as broad. She wanted to burn off energy, not wipe off her face.
He gave her a cheeky smile. "Sure. I'll just finish up here."
He unloaded the last crate, powered down the suit and then released himself. They struck off down the secret staircase to the Pit.
She removed her jacket, pistols, and corset and hung them above the oak pew. Miguel bandaged her hands. She returned the favour, winding white cotton over the wrists and knuckles of the young man.
At first glance, they appeared evenly matched. Only a close inspection showed the youth pulled his blows, ensuring he wouldn't fully strike his opponent. The bout wound on, both fighters breathing hard after twenty minutes of strikes, dodges, and exertion. A light sheen of sweat was visible on Cara's forehead and bare shoulders. Miguel sweated openly, rubbing an arm over his forehead to clear his vision of the threatening liquid. He froze, his eyes focused beyond Cara's shoulder, giving her an opportunity to land a hard blow on his chin, sending him reeling backward.
She paused, slightly puzzled, wondering why he didn't bounce up. She swung around to follow his line of sight.
Nate stood behind her, his gaze swept over her body and his nostrils flared. He glanced to the other side of the Pit, to the heavy steel double doors, closed and padlocked.
Cara never asked what was beyond the door. Her curiosity fled at the idea of asking; a tingle in the back of her head told her she didn't want to know.
"Upstairs. My office. Now," he commanded, before spinning on his heel and stalking out of the room.
Wary and thrown off guard by his reaction, Cara picked up her discarded clothes. She toyed briefly with heading straight back to her apartment in defiance, but she longed to run her hands over him and finally have his bare skin next to hers. Heading up the stairs, she found the office door shut. She slipped through and closed it behind her. She tossed her outer clothing on a nearby chair, before unwinding the tape from around her knuckles.
"You shouldn't be here alone." He sat on the corner of the desk, his arms crossed over his broad chest.
"I wasn't alone." She tossed the ball of cotton bandage onto the chair with her clothes and started on her other hand.
"You know what I mean. You shouldn't be down there without me or Jackson." He clipped his words, holding his anger in check with each syllable.
She finished the second roll of bandage and threw it next to the first. Looking up, she caught his blazing stare.
"What is your problem? I thought you wanted me to come back to London. You told me if I wasn't back in two days, you would come after me. And just a couple of hours ago, you were practically sniffing my knickers in a tavern."
She was confused; after what happened in Leicester, she thought he would be pleased to see her. Her heart jumped into her throat at the sight of him, but he was angry.
"Just go to the house . . . please. You shouldn't be here, not today. We'll talk later," he said softly, running a hand through his dark hair. For the briefest moment, he looked overloaded, and vulnerable. The mask dropped back into place quickly. "I'm sorry. Of course I want to see you. It's just business, something unpleasant that must be dealt with first. I don't want it touching you."
A tingle shot down her spine and told her the unpleasantness was something to do with the double-bolted steel doors deep underneath the hangar. Something lurked behind them, and made his usual icy control melt just a fraction under its heat.
"All right, then," she agreed.
"Good. I'll have Jackson drive you to the house." He uncrossed his arms, a small amount of tension eased from his shoulders.
"No, thank you. I'll find my own way there." She still bristled at his tone. "I have some things to do along the way." She could be as equally stubborn, and for once, he didn't push for dominance over her.
"I expect to find you at the house when I finish up here." He dropped his tone lower, brushing a promise over her with his words.
She gave him a mock salute. "Yes, sir. But you could do something for me?"
"You're not getting your knickers back. They're my talisman. I intend to take them to every business meeting from now on." He gave her a heart-warming smile, but he looked tired underneath it.
She moved closer to him. "I just want one kiss, before I go."
His lips twitched, but before he could answer, she held up a hand.
"With one proviso. You can't touch me."
His gaze raked her instead.
"Very well. You have my word." He tucked his hands behind his back, an echo of how they started, almost a month ago. Only his burning gaze told her how much everything had changed. They had tasted each other, and Cara was fast becoming addicted.
Her pulse thrummed loudly through her veins as she stepped between his legs, her hip grazing him. Placing one hand on his thigh, she wound the other in his black hair, pulling his head down as she arched up to kiss him. His hunger was palpable, rolling off him as his tongue dove into her mouth. His warm scent filled her nostrils. She sucked on him, wanting more, and he responded by increasing the pressure and baring his teeth, nipping her lip until she moaned into him.
His arousal pushed into her thigh and she rubbed against the growing hardness like a cat, showing her own need and making him growl deep in his throat. She pressed against his chest, as a slow tingle spread over her skin. Her tongue played with his, then she pulled back, her heart pounded harder and faster than after the sparring bout.
His gaze was white hot metal, searing off her clothes. "I suggest you leave now, while you can. The business I have to tidy up won't take too long. Unless you want me to add another pair of knickers to my collection?"
She gave a shudder of anticipation, grabbed her jacket, and ran out the door.
The bath water was deliciously hot. Steam rose and swirled over the surface. Cara sank down and let out a deep sigh. The heat drew the stress of the last few days from her body. The water buoyed both her body and mind. The door to one side of the bathroom slid open and she glanced from under her eyelashes.
Nate entered and sat on the teal striped chaise in front of the fire. He pulled off his long leather boots.
Cara leaned forward and hugged her legs. Resting her cheek on her knee, she watched him for a change. His shirt came off over his head in one easy move. He tossed the garment over the back of the sofa. She let her gaze roam over the hard muscles of his torso. The finely chiselled lines made her fingers itch; she wanted to run her nails over him and find out how much pressure it would take to make him gasp.
Standing, he put his hand on the buttons of his trousers.
A smile curled her lips and she shut her eyes. Moments later, the water around her rippled and stirred. The level within the copper bath rose, accommodating Nate's bulk as he sank down behind her. Placing a hard muscular leg either side of her, he reached out and drew her through the water, back against his chest.
The steam enclosed both of them, moisture beading over their bodies. He tilted her head, so he could claim her mouth, his lips hard against hers. He took her breath into him, fanning the heat spreading through her limbs. His hands roamed her body, gliding over her skin slick with the oil she had poured into the bath.
Heat-induced lassitude freed her mind. She gave herself up to the languid sensations rippling through her at his touch. With one hand he thumbed her breast, sending delicious waves rolling over her. His other hand stroked lower. She arched her back at the exquisite knot building deep inside her. She moaned and writhed against him; her hands gripped his thighs.
His hand stroked her centre. Her fingernails dug into his legs as lightning flashed up her body, igniting her senses. A moan broke from her throat as his fingers played over the sensitive bundle of nerves. As he plied deeper, her body ached, screaming for more. Her hands clawed his thighs, unable to reach any other part of him in the confines of the bath and held captive by his body around her. He stroked her slowly, unrelenting. His fingers rose and fell as he nudged her toward the edge. She cried out; her skin on fire as the pressure within her built.
"What would it take to make you scream?" he whispered, his teeth grazing her neck. He rubbed with the heel of his hand as his fingers sent shockwaves through her body. He drove deeper into her, and her hips rose to push against him as she teetered on a precipice. With his free hand, he continued his assault on her breast and she cried out his name as release blossomed through her. It rolled from her centre outwards, arching her body out of the water as light sparked behind her tightly closed lids. Her body spasmed around his hand and she collapsed back against him, her head on his chest. Sensation lapped over her body with the water, as his hands soothed her. He caressed her while she came down from the erotic high. Her eyelids fluttered, not wanting to open.
"Don't go thinking I'm finished with you," he said. "You certainly don't get to fall asleep on me yet." His arousal pressing into her back emphasised his words.
She resisted the urge to pout; part of her wanted to lay in front of the fire and sleep like a sated cat. Part of her wanted more; she just didn't want to move too far to get it. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and held her until the water started to cool.
He stepped out of the bath, grabbed a towel, and hooked it around his hips. He held out the other towel to Cara, and she stepped over the side of the tub, into the thick cotton folds. He took his time to rub her body, drawing the moisture into the towel, lingering over her breasts. He dropped to his knees to dry each leg, starting at her ankle and working his way up. He paused to kiss her inner thigh and she had to bite back the moan on her lips. Her skin was raw and each feather touch burned through her.
Satisfied she was dry enough; he tossed the towel to the ground, swept her into his arms, and carried her to the room beyond.
"This is your room," she whispered.
The deep green walls complemented the wooden furniture. The bedroom was luxurious and masculine. Small mementos from his travels decorated the walls and the mantelpiece. She saw a large and fierce tribal mask from Africa and a statue of Baast from Egypt. A richly coloured Persian rug spread over the floor. She wanted to study everything, learn where he travelled, and bombard him with questions.
He set her down next to the oversized four-poster bed. Barley-sugar twist posts held aloft a deep cream and green damask canopy. "You can explore my room later. Right now I want to explore you."
He discarded his towel, locked his arms around her, and tumbled onto the bed, rolling her under him.
"Oh dear, Miss Devon," he murmured hotly against the hollow of her throat. "You appear to have fallen into my bed."
She laughed at his line. "Was this a setup just so you could say that?"
"I have been waiting rather awhile. Ever since you stated so forcefully you never would." He made his point with her pinned naked under him. "Now roll over," he ordered, lifting himself enough to allow her to roll onto her stomach.
She complied and rested her head on her arms, the lazy cat waiting to be petted.
He straddled her thighs. Picking a scar, he traced it with his lips down her back, starting at her shoulder and moving down across her spine. He kissed, licked, and nipped at her skin. When he finished one lash mark, he followed the path of another. With his weight balanced on one hand, he used the other to caress her front as his tongue worked over her back. She was trapped between two layers of pleasure. Feline-like, her touch-starved body drank up every stroke and caress, all but purring under him.
Having tasted every inch of silken skin on her back, he rolled her over. He claimed her mouth in a hungry kiss; his tongue sought out hers. His lips were crushing in his need to possess her, to brand her as his.
She welcomed his weight on her, arching her body against him, the hunger within her desperate to be sated, now he had awoken it.
Breaking free, his lips trailed over her collarbone before heading south, down to her breasts. His tongue circled each in turn and drove her into a frenzy of longing. She reached out for him, desperate to explore and touch him, but he captured her hands and held them above her head. He tempered his strength, his grip strong enough to stop her distracting him, but loose enough she could break free. If she wanted to.
"When do I get my turn to be in charge?" She asked between gasps, wanting to reciprocate, to taste him and stroke him until he lost his icy control. She longed to see a rush of emotion across his face as she pleasured him.
"In case you haven't noticed," he breathed against the skin of her stomach. "I prefer to be in charge, and don't surrender easily." He continued licking wild fire down her body.
"I'll need handcuffs then," she gasped. His lavish attention made her writhe, her brain no longer able to function and form coherent sentences. She could only think of the ache inside her, needing to be filled by him.
He released her hands when his head dipped lower. His tongue explored her belly button as his hands feathered her thigh. His fingers pressed into her as his gaze sought hers. She moaned as he stroked her, the fire threatening to consume her again.
"No, Nate," she gasped. "It's too much. I need you, now."
He gave in to her demand, his breath short, and his eyes wild with desire to possess her. This was what she wanted, the freedom to give of herself and now she welcomed him. No space existed between them, as they moved together. He drove into her, each powerful thrust sending her spiralling out of control. She clawed her fingernails down his back, needing to be consumed by him.
Her heart ached to belong to him, and only him. His power and control made her safe; his strength matched hers and allowed her to be free. He was unrelenting in his rhythm, until she fractured under him, and screamed his name. Her powerful release was the trigger for his. Her body clenched around him and drew him deeper into her. He buried himself and cried out.
Careful not to collapse on her, he rolled onto his back, and gathered her into his arms. She nestled against him, her head on his chest, listening to the pounding of his heartbeat, smiling with the knowledge of the effect she had on him. Next time, she would cuff him to the headboard, and indulge every wicked thought she had about him. She would explore every inch of him with her lips, tongue, and fingers, until he broke and begged her to ride him to release.
Nate stroked her hair. He pushed his thigh between hers, an intimate embrace, securing her to him in all ways, as she drifted into sleep.
Early morning, with dawn still an hour or two away and there came a discreet knock on the bedroom door. Partially awake, Cara grumbled as Nate disengaged from her warm, naked form to answer the call. She heard a low, muttered conversation, followed by the door shutting. Rustling indicated he found clothes and pulled them on. The mattress dipped under his weight as he sat next to her, and kissed her bare shoulder.
"I have to go. There's an urgent situation I have to sort out. Stay here. I'll be back late morning."
She murmured agreement, not intending to move very far, except to give a languid stretch. Pulling his pillow to her, she inhaled deeply of his scent and curled back into sleep.