Thursday, July 25

Cara stretched her hands up over her head. Her muscles quivered at the memory of being used in new, and sensual, ways. She was disappointed to find the bed next to her empty, but vaguely remembered Nate leaving before dawn to attend urgent business.

Her stomach rumbled. She cast her eyes around the room and remembered her clothes were in the bedroom on the other side of the bathroom. She was toying with a naked dash through the rooms when a soft knock sounded on the door.

She pulled the sheet up over her chest. "Yes," she called.

The door opened and the lady's maid entered, carrying a tray. Cara's stomach rumbled again on seeing the little triangles of toast in the silver holder, a soft-boiled egg, and smelling the glorious waft of crispy bacon.

The maid's eyes flitted around the room nervously as she set the tray over Cara's legs. Next to the breakfast lay a small, eggshell blue visiting card. A frown wrinkled her forehead.

"That came for you yesterday afternoon, miss."

Cara picked up the heavy card. The front bore a name and address. The back bore the inscription: You helped Isobel. She said you would help me.

Cara snorted out air. Another one. This is starting to feel like a job. Her attention drifted back to the maid, her eyes darting around the room.

"Are you all right?" she asked, propping the pillow up behind her. "It's Emily isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am. And it's just I haven't been in here before," she breathed.

Cara arched an eyebrow. "Does he normally chuck women out during the night then?"

"Oh, no, but he never has them on this side. Not here, never in his room. Always over there." She gestured with her head to the room on the other side. The room Cara always used to change and where she dropped her clothing the previous night.

"Oh. So we are both invading his private domain." She chewed over the information as she munched on the crispy bacon. Although it made sense, he couldn't have made his point about her falling into his bed, if he tumbled her into the guest bed. But her heart skipped a beat, hoping it meant something else.

"Do you want me to fetch a dress for you, or do you want your own clothes?" the maid politely enquired.

"My clothes, if you don't mind."

Emily nodded her head and disappeared through the door to the bathroom. She emerged moments later with the clothing and folded them neatly on the end of the bed while Cara demolished the egg and toast.

Emily fussed over her like a woman with too much time on her hands and not enough to keep them occupied. Cara never thought why a house of men employed a lady's maid, but her mind skirted around how often Nate had guests in the other room, to warrant having a maid on his payroll. Eventually she managed to escape and left Emily to tidy up, while she darted down the stairs to freedom.

Miguel hailed her in the entranceway. "Where are you off to, miss?"

"Are you spying on me today?" She was in a good mood. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel Nate's naked flesh pressed to hers. The memory raised goose bumps along her arms.

"He's still busy with Jackson. Something messy blew up." His face pulled into a grimace. "He asked me to make sure you have everything you need."

He gave her a small bow and snapped his heels.

A smile tickled her lips. He reminded her of a gentleman's gentleman, not someone studying and emulating a crime lord.

"I have a visit to make to one of the neighbours." She held out the card for him to examine. "You'll be able to keep an eye on me from the end of the driveway. Then, I will go to my rooms to fetch some things, but I'll give you a wave before I do. If you're going to follow me, you may as well be useful and carry my bag." She gave him a wink. "I promise I will be sprawled in the conservatory by the time he gets back."

Her heart was light as she walked the short drive before hitting the busy main street. She waited for a steam-powered carriage to trundle past before darting across the road. Her feet quickly carried her along the pavement to a neighbouring house. She rapped on the ornate brass knocker and gave a wave to Miguel, who watched from the driveway. Waiting on the step reminded her, she needed to visit the family home and see if she could find where the cantankerous building hid the Heart. Preferably without the tenant breathing down her neck.

The butler showed Cara through to a woman's study. A deep yellow and cream pattern papered the walls, with matching heavy velvet drapes. The surface littered with letters, a small writing desk sat under the window. A piece of green ribbon draped over the edge, waiting to be wrapped around a bundle of correspondence. A cream chaise decorated with gold butterflies stretched by the fire. The room was small, quaint, and private. And a very definite indicator she was not considered a social visitor. The parlour out of bounds to her, this was strictly business.

I'm surprised I didn't get taken down to the kitchen.

A woman in her mid-twenties entered the room. Her dark chocolate hair coiled around her head with not a hair out of place. Her dress would have screamed money, if the construction weren't so subtle, so it coughed money discreetly, instead. Cut to fit like a second skin, the fabric emphasised every curve before flowing over her hips. Sara Collins, the name on the card, was a picture of icy control. Her black eyes regarded Cara in a predatory fashion, causing a chill to walk down her spine.

"I've lost my engagement ring." Her voice was as chilling as her gaze.

Straight to business, then.

"Since you've asked for my help, I assume you didn't lose it picking roses in the garden." Cara noticed she wasn't invited to sit. She rubbed her hands over her arms, the atmosphere in the room frosty, despite the sunlight outside.

A momentary hesitation came before her next comment. "I lost it as a forfeit in Su-Terré."

Cara sucked in a breath; she was going to get her visit to the illicit playground, after all. She raised an eyebrow, wondering what escape the Ice Princess was seeking underground.

"I lost a bet to the Trickster. I was supposed to provide myself, but I panicked and gave up the ring instead. Now I need to have it back before my family discovers what I have done." She told the facts plainly, no rush of emotion, or embarrassment, marred her perfect face.

I can't imagine you panicking. "Why don't you tell your family you lost it in the garden?"

Sara's mouth twitched. "The ring is a very valuable piece. They would tear up every blade of grass to find it."

A warning prickled at the back of Cara's brain, the story not ringing true. "I'm no whore. I won't substitute myself for you. What are you prepared to offer for it?"

"A slight variant on the original terms. He can have me, but at my convenience, and for two nights instead of one, to compensate him for waiting. And you will be amply rewarded for fetching my ring."

The warning ice water turned to sleet as it ran down her back. Something's not right here. "I'll see what I can do, but I make no promises."

Sara nodded her head and walked to the door, when cold words halted her steps. "I wonder that you are still in London. The gossips say you will be the killer's final victim."

Cara eyed the other woman, weighing her words. "You'll be hoping I find your ring before he finds me, then."

Holding the door open, Sara waited for Cara to leave.

Practically turfed onto the pavement, she considered her next move. She's not exactly endearing me to try very hard to retrieve her ring. And while I'm thinking of finding things, I think I'll pay the house a visit, on my own.

Miguel lounged against the wrought iron gate farther down the road, his eyes fixed on Cara, even as he spoke to the bodyguard next to him. She gave him a wave and headed down the footpath toward him. He relaxed and turned his attention to his conversation.

A cab rumbled past, blocking the house from view. Cara used the opportunity, grabbed the handhold, and swung herself onto the running board.

The driver gave her a startled look from his position at the back of the cab.

She held out a coin to him, a smile on her face. "Soho, please, Broadwick Street."

He took the coin and shook his head. "Hop in, then."

Cara swung herself into the small interior and they chugged along the road.

Forgive me Miguel, but I have to do this without you shadowing me.

She disembarked down the road from her family home and approached it from the opposite side of the road, trying to discern if the tenant was inside or not.

Across the road, a hulking dark blue uniformed Enforcer climbed out of the steam-powered carriage. His eyes widened on seeing Cara and he strode across the road toward her, heedless of the oncoming steam carriages and horse-drawn vehicles.

Oh, no. Now what? She waited for the officer to reach her side.

"Miss Devon," he hailed her. "From Inspector Fraser. I was on my way to see if you were home." He gestured to the house across the road from where they stood.

She took the card from his fingers and stared at it. The Enforcers' blue and gold shield occupied one side. Next to it, the name Inspector Hamish Fraser appeared in neat, subtle type. On the back was a short, concise message.

As soon as possible. It's important.

She didn't particularly want to see the inspector, but the time had come to lay everything on the table. She let out an audible breath, glanced up at the uniform, then over at the sulking house, unsure which option was the worse one to take. "I'll come now. Let's get this over and done with."

He gave her a brusque nod and escorted her back to the Enforcer carriage.

The murders of the girls preyed on her mind. Their fathers were the link. She decided to tell Fraser about the Heart. She believed their fathers, and probably other men, were privy to a private viewing of the artifact. It meant the killer was one of the men present when her father showed off Nefertiti's Heart, a pivotal clue for Fraser. An exchange of information was the way forward. Not that she would let Fraser get his hands on the ancient object; the gem was going to fund her future and independence. She just wanted to make sure the killer didn't get his hands on her. Self-preservation was high on her list of priorities.