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THE PHOENIX SPA was south of the town of San Demos, along what was left of the California Coast. The erupting volcanos and earthquakes had decimated a once prosperous area, and when half the coast range slid into the ocean, many high-end resorts catering to the rich and famous had simply been abandoned.
When Devon and Tash arrived at the wrought iron gates, she simply stared. Beyond the gate, with is leaping Phoenix rising from the flames, she could see masses of weed-covered overgrown sidewalks and dead grass. Devon pushed a remote button and the heavy gates swung outward. The area leading to the hotel had once been a carefully tended park with flowers, fountains, and sculptured walkways. Now the flowers, although still beautiful ran wild. The fountains held pools of stagnant water and the sculptured walks were overgrown with weeds.
The four-story red brick structure at the end of the drive was thick with ivy. The once white columns supporting the roof were stained and cracked. The graceful marble steps leading to the porch were no longer white; time had yellowed them as it had the porch.
"It looks like something out of a horror vid," Tash said.
"A little," Devon agreed. "But please don't say so, Napoleon is quite proud of it."
He parked the van in front of the Spa and went around back to unload the parts boxes onto a small wrought iron cart.
A tall, silver haired man descended the steps.
"Morton," he said by way of greeting. "You know we don't allow strangers here. Who is this?"
"Yael, this is Tash Higgins, my assistant," Devon replied. "Tash this is Yael, Napoleon's second in command."
"Hello," Tash said, with a smile. "I'm pleased to meet you."
Yael ignored her. "You didn't mention an assistant before this."
"I hired Tash for her customer relation skills," Devon replied. "I realized the work would proceed faster if I didn't have to stop and chit-chat with customers."
"I see," Yael said. "Does Ms. Higgins know we don't discuss our location with anyone?"
"Yes, I do," Tash said. "We never discuss Portal locations, or any business done with outlawed colonies. If you'll grab the other end of the cart we can take these parts inside, and Devon can install them."
Anderez scowled, but he grabbed the other end of the wire cart as requested and Devon followed him up the stairs.
Tash looked around her with interest when they entered what used to be the lobby of the hotel, a wide triangle shaped room with tall, stained-glass windows. The late afternoon sun created colorful kaleidoscope patterns on the white marble floor. At the far end of the room sat an elevated gazabo. The man who occupied it was a sight to behold. He was tall, with broad shoulders, a flat abdomen and long, muscled legs. His sculptured features were barely blunted enough to keep him from being classed as pretty. Tash studied him as they walked toward him. There was strength there, coupled with the arrogance of a man who was used to getting his own way. For some reason she was reminded of the late Dan Simmons, the man who had stalked her older sister and was indirectly responsible for her and her sisters moving to Laughing Mountain.
"Napoleon, this is my assistant, Tash Higgins," Devon said when they halted below the steps of the Gazabo.
"You are fortunate in finding such a lovely woman to assist you," Napoleon's voice was a warm baritone. "Welcome to Phoenix, Ms. Higgins."
"Thank you," Tash said. "I've been looking forward to seeing it."
"I take it the part came in?" Napoleon addressed Devon.
"Yes, I have it with me. If the structure to contain the Portal is complete, we can activate it as soon as I get it installed. Tash and I will need to go across to install a similar one on the Halcyon generator."
"The construction is almost finished," Yael said. "We were delayed because the mortar wasn't curing properly," he explained to Napoleon.
"If you will excuse us, I'd like to take a look at what you've accomplished," Devon said.
"Certainly," Napoleon replied.
"Is Scarlet Jones in residence?" Tash asked. "I have letters and gifts from my sister Tally and Ivette Hayes-Bedingfeld for her."
"I believe she is teaching a class on how to blend into human society," Yael answered. "If you'll come with me, I'll show you to the classroom. It should be almost finished."
"Great!" Tash said. She went to the cart and retrieved a canvas tote.
One of Tash's strengths, due to her keen observation skills, was her ability to judge people and she caught the faint frown on Napoleon's face as Yael led her away.
"The crucial keynote to blending into human society is believing you are their equals," Scarlet was saying as Tash and Yael stepped into the room. "I believe the solution to acquiring that belief is through the doctrine of the Clone Familia movement."
One of the men raised a hand. "Why do you think the movement is so important?"
"A good question. Humans or Normals who create clones take away much of the things necessary for everyone to develop a healthy self-respect and confidence. Please read the material for your next class when we will discuss its implications."
Scarlet was a tall blond with a superb figure and finely boned features. She had been a special commission for an actress who intended to have her brain transplanted into the body when Scarlet reached maturity. Fortunately for Scarlet, the old woman had suffered an aneurism and died before that could happen.
While she was waiting for Scarlet to mature, the old actress had rented Scarlet's services to a film company who had also rented some clone cage fighters to ensure the fight scenes in the movie were realistic. It was during the filming Scarlet had met Dagmar Ironroar and the two had become mates.
Tash sat in one of the chairs in the back of the room as Scarlet dismissed the class.
When Scarlet came to greet them, Yael met her with a frown.
"Didn't Napoleon tell you he doesn't approve the Clone Familia doctrine?"
"I believe that is short-sighted of him," Scarlet replied. "A belief in themselves as a worthy individual is essential for clones who go into Normals society. The best way to develop that belief is through the Clone Familia doctrine."
"I'll have to report this to him," Yael told her.
"You must do whatever your duties to him requires," Scarlet replied, unmoved.
"You have a visitor from Laughing Mountain, Tash Higgins," Yael told her.
"Yes, thank you Yael."
"My sister and Ivette sent letters and pictures of the children," Tash said, lifting the tote.
"Wonderful!" Scarlet exclaimed. "Let's go to my apartment and have a cup of tea. I don't have another class until this evening."
Yael watched them go. He would have preferred to see and hear what they were going to discuss but obviously, Scarlet wanted privacy to hear what Tash had to say. Napoleon would want to know as well.
He was aware Napoleon's plans for Scarlet didn't include her having allies who might help her if she defied him. Napoleon made a habit of co-opting any female clone he took a fancy to for sex. Most of them had been flattered and willing. The few who hadn't—better not to think about that.
Scarlet's apartment was simple, consisting of a bedroom/sitting area with an attached bathroom.
When they arrived, she gestured for Tash to set the Tote on a chair and filled a glass carafe with water which she heated in an old-fashioned microwave.
While she fussed with the tea things, Tash drew the two gifts out of the tote and laid the letters on the table beside them.
"So, you are teaching acclimation classes," she remarked. "What is Dagmar doing?"
A shadow crossed Scarlet's face. "Napoleon sent him and the others on a scouting expedition to Halcyon. That was two months ago. I haven't heard from him since."
"Devon intends for us to go across and check on the equipment on the Halcyon side once he gets the Portal running on this end. Why don't you go with us?"
Scarlet put her face in her hands and burst into tears. "Maybe he won't be glad to see me."
Tash set down her cup and rose to put her arms around the other woman. "It's going to be okay," she said, patting Scarlet comfortingly on the back. "Why wouldn't he want to see you?"
Scarlet wiped her eyes with the tissue Tash handed her. "I think Napoleon sent him away so he could have access to me. He's been very attentive since Dagmar's has been gone. I keep wondering if Dagmar agreed to an arrangement about it and that's why he hasn't contacted me."
"If that's the case, you have to come with us. It's better to know, than to guess, isn't it?"
Scarlet straightened her spine. "You're right." In an obvious move to change the subject, she asked, "What did Tally and Ivette send me?"
Tash unwrapped the cloth covered oil paintings first. "The artist is Jade Brendan, Tally's sister-in-law. She connected two sets of 5 x 7 triptych frames to make a set of six. Each portrait has the baby's name under it."
"These are wonderful! I can keep these?"
"Yes, of course. She also sent another set to Joyce."
"They are so lifelike."
Tash watched as Scarlet ran a finger over each of the children's names.
"Ivette sent you something as well." Tash unfolded the cloth protecting the hologram. "Touch it and it projects a holo vid of each of the toddlers."
Gingerly, Scarlet reached out to touch the cube. "Immediately a holo of a toddler appeared. "Hi, Aunt Scarlet," it said. "I'm Leonardo Hayes-Bedlingfeld. I like to swing." The holo changed to a vid of Leo on the swing set. Rafe and Don showed off their tumbling skills, Fran and Daphne sang, Gabe was sculpting a figure out of clay and Jillian was playing with Rika, her vole.
Scarlet was forced to wipe her eyes again. "They look so happy," she said.
"I believe they are," Tash said. "If you want to write them thank you notes, I can make sure the letters get sent back through the mail pouches." She tapped the two unopened letters. "We got letters from them too. They both asked how you are doing, so I know they will appreciate hearing from you."