


Judith studied her family lawyer, wondering how good an attorney he was. Carlos Santana had the quintessential Latin hero vibe perfect. He was tall and slender, with finely cut features. His dark hair had a touch of grey. He boasted an olive complexion and melting dark eyes with absurdly long lashes.

“I thought it would be better if I escorted the two of you to the police station to make your statements,” he said.

“Do you think those detectives suspect Dad killed her?” She asked.

He smiled reassuringly at her. “What they think doesn’t matter. It’s what they can prove that counts.”

“Oh,” she said. She looked up in relief when Randal came into the room.

“Randal, this our family lawyer, Carlos Santana. This is my fiancée, Randal Langeton.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Randal said. “Did you come to escort Tamara to the police station?”

“Yes, and Miss Garneys as well.”

“I had hoped Judith would ride in with me. My mother depends on her for support during this difficult time.”

“And her own mother doesn’t?”

“My mother is a tough lady,” Judith said. “Besides, Ava arrived this morning, and— “

“I’ll be accompanying our mother.” The woman who spoke was several years older than Judith, taller and Her hair wasn’t quite so bright a shade of red. “I’m Ava,” she said, coming forward to shake his hand.

“Please call me Carlos,” he said, retaining his grip on her hand a little longer than necessary. “Your mother is fortunate to have two such strong and lovely daughters.”

Ava flushed a little under his admiring gaze. “Thank you.”

Since Devon wanted to look over the copied crystal's programming, he and Tash had agreed to stay behind.

Judith handed Licorice to Tash. "I don't want to take him down there," she said. "Do you mind?"

Of course not," Tash told her, cuddling the small animal who sniffed her ear and whuffled.

Like most of Barsoom's buildings, the Police station floated on a slab anchored to Savano's lakebed. The station itself was three stories tall with eight sides. Next door, an octagon-shaped, 3 story open lattice structure held vehicles of all kinds, both official and private.

Randal parked in a visitor's parking area, and he and Judith got out. DaVinci met them at the entrance.

When they entered, they found Santana, Tamara, and Ava already waiting at the desk.

Inside the precinct house, plastic computer consoles sat on clear acrylic desks. Detectives in casual clothing and uniformed Patrolmen sat, stood, and performed various tasks. The clear, thick acrylic partitions muted the noise level. Along the far wall were holding cells, some empty, some full.

Straus and Addicock walked up as the officer manning the front desk was directing them to a waiting room.

"Good morning," Detective Addicock said.

Eyeing the detective, Judith felt frumpy. Despite being awake most of the night, the woman looked fresh and crisp.

"Good morning, Detective," Randal said. "As requested, we are all here."

"So, I see," Addicock replied. "Mrs. Langeton, we'll take you first. This way please."

Smiling reassuringly at Randal's mother, DaVinci took her elbow and the two of them followed the detective into an interrogation room.

"Mrs. Garney's, if you will follow me, we'll try to get you out of here as soon as we can," Straus said.

Judith, Randal, and Ava followed the desk officer into the waiting room.

"There's coffee, if you want some," he said. "I can't swear how fresh it is, but it's hot."

"Thank you," Ava told him. "But we're good."

As soon as he departed, Ava turned to Randal and her sister. "Why did they arrest Dad?" she demanded.

Randal shrugged. "They think both your father and mine had motives to kill her."

"Why?" Ava repeated.

"They found some old e-mails from her threatening to tell their wives she was sleeping with them," Judith said in disgust. "They were over five months old."

"Did they find records of payments to her?"

"They aren't sharing," Randal told her. "I'm pretty sure they both told her to go to Hell. My mother knew about the threats. So did yours."

"Something else you should know; DaVinci was threatened in an attempt to get him to drop Dad as a client."

"Is he going to?" Ava asked.

Randal grinned. "Nope, he seems to be looking forward to a good fight."

"I wonder if Carlos was threatened as well," Ava said slowly.

"And maybe the investigating officers?" Judith put in.

"It's possible. In any event, I plan to do some poking around on my own," Randal said.

"I'm going with you," Judith declared.

"Ah—I thought Devon and I would go," Randal said.

"You do what you want," Judith retorted. "Simone's roommate is a woman, she might talk to me easier than to you. I'll take Tash with me when I go to see her."

Randal eyed her with frustration. In view of the threat DaVinci had received, Randal would have preferred she and the other women remain secure in the house. However, he could see from the obstinate set of her jaw Judith had no intention of agreeing to stay safely tucked away.
