
No book is completed alone and there are a few people to thank.

A shout out to Kimberly from Revision Division for her professional insight during beta-reading in my very early and very rough stages of writing.

The biggest thanks possible to Lindsay from Contagious Edits for putting up with my love/hate relationship with grammar and the English language as a whole. Plus easing me into the whole editing process—it’s fun!

Shannon from Shanoff Designs for patience as I have no vision when it comes to design, but you hung in there with all my ideas and we ended up with a great result.

Close friends who cheer from the sidelines sometimes with a cocktail in hand—it helps.

My version of Prince Charming and our offspring deserve a tremendous thanks as I disappeared into a writing cave for evenings on end and you let me. Here we go on this adventure!

Finally, anyone who reads this book—you rock! Thanks so much for reading Lucas and Abby’s story. I thought after 2020 (what a year!) that we all deserve a light and easy read. My hope is that you smiled at some point when you got lost in the pages. Thanks again for reading and hope we meet again in another story.