I cradle my phone, FaceTiming with my cousin Avery as I sit on my sofa with knees tucked under me. We’d gone on vacation together a few weeks ago, and we catch up as much as we can via text. She is busy in California working in marketing.
“So, is tonight the big date?” Avery flashes her eyes as she stirs a bowl with a wooden spoon.
“It is. Now he is officially divorced.” I almost beam, and I’m questioning if that’s wrong.
“What do you think will happen? First base, or are you going full World Series?” Avery looks at the screen with a grin.
I laugh. “Uhm, probably not World Series. I mean, I want to, but don’t want to rush it. Plus, I wouldn’t want to disappoint him. I mean, it’s not like I have skill.”
“Stop that! You may not have had sexual chemistry with your ex, that’s all. And I kind of assumed that Lucas was just some fun anyways. Thought maybe you would pounce him like a rabbit in spring.” Avery seems almost surprised.
My shoulders shrug. “I don’t know what this is. But I can’t see myself having just a one-night stand with him, plus that isn’t my style. And I run into Lucas all the time. His friends are my friends, small town, the list goes on. I can’t do something to screw that up. No matter what happens, we need to be okay around each other.”
Romeo comes to lay on the sofa, and he rests his head in my lap. I stroke his furry ears as I listen to my cousin.
“Okay. A chaste kiss it is then.”
“Whoa whoa whoa. I don’t expect a simple kiss. I’m hoping for a ‘knock me into Mars’ kind of kiss,” I clarify.
Avery laughs.
“When are you going to open a bakery? No clue what you’re making, but that bag of coconut you just poured into the bowl looks delish,” I comment.
She smiles proudly. “Thanks. Coconut chocolate ranger cookies, and maybe one day I’ll have a bakery. Maybe even near you.”
“That would be great.”
“But back to you. Enjoy this, Abby. The beginning of something is always the best part. So much excitement. It could go anywhere you want it to. The possibilities are endless,” Avery encourages me.
“True. Possibilities are endless.” I smile to myself.

“Why are we here again?” I wonder with a curious smile as our spoons dive into the crème brulée at La Muse for the second time in ten days.
He shrugs a shoulder. “Because this time we can end the night the way it should end.” His look is sexy, and he confidently drinks some wine as he leans back in his chair.
We skipped dinner and only came for dessert and wine, which is not an easy task to arrange as it’s hard to get a table in this place.
“So, tell me, who was your oddest patient today?” I ask.
Lucas looks at me excited and resettles in his chair. “Oh, you will love this. Trust me. A teenage kid said he is allergic to pets. After looking at his bloodwork, it was all negative. His mother confessed on the spot that she had been lying to her son his whole life, so he doesn’t get a dog. That’s a little twisted.”
My hand finds my chest. “That’s a little insane. I could not imagine lying to a kid like that for his whole life. But it is a little funny, can I say that?” My face must have wrinkles of doubt.
Lucas touches my hand. “Totally. And you? A crazy racoon or cat?”
“Easy day today, check-ups and a few cats going blind. The usual.”
There’s a pause, but one we don’t mind. Our eyes are having their own conversation anyhow.
“Do you feel different today?” I ask, as I’m curious.
“Truthfully? No. I felt divorced already months ago. But I guess I now feel I am officially back in open waters again.” He plays with a fork lying on the table as he reflects on his words.
“Lucas Kade. A very single eligible bachelor, you mean?” I poke his arm.
His mouth twitches slightly. “True. But I also mean in general. I can do whatever I want now. Design my house, go play golf—”
“Whoa whoa whoa.” I hold my hand out. “You golf?”
Lucas gives me a sheepish grin.
“Oh no. You want to be like your dad and my dad. This is a game changer. I need to leave.” I’m sarcastic and pretend to begin to get out of my chair, but it makes him laugh.
“Trust me. I can do a lot to prove to you that I am not your dad,” he challenges.
“Eww, can we stop going down this rabbit hole of a conversation? I don’t like where it’s heading.” I grin concerned and grab my wine glass.
“Agreed. Want to head out?” he suggests, and I nod as the waiter comes to clear our plates.
After Lucas pays the bill and we grab our coats, we head outside to walk to our cars. We came separately, which is fine as we need to walk a few minutes together anyhow. Walking down Main Street, we admire the fairy lights that tend to stay up all year as little shop windows have picture perfect displays.
We cross the street, and Lucas stops us on the sidewalk by gently touching my arm. I turn to face him.
“I believe you’re expecting me to blow your mind, which sets the bar high, if I have to be honest.” His eyes glisten and his smile is inviting.
I lick my lips as my own smile forms. “That is true on all counts.”
He moves in by letting his fingers glide through my hair and his other hand finding my cheek. The sensation of his lips coming near awakens my senses. My brain shouts that my dreams are coming true, but my ears are deaf as the only thing my senses can contemplate are his lips touching mine. Slow at first, almost a dusting. Then it becomes firmer. Our mouths re-angle, and it is a gradual exploration. Soft and gentle. My hands cupping his face and his hand cradling my cheek.
Better than all those years ago. Better than any kiss with my ex-husband, and that is a painful realization.
This is different.
It is honey. Sweet and flowing, naturally delicate and steady. In my imagination, this is how every kiss should feel. Warm and enjoyable. Enough to make you want another.
Our tongues meet briefly, and I can taste a mix of wine and crème brulée. Something tells me his tongue is commanding and strong. Maybe I will explore that another day. For now, our focus is on our lips syncing together for a kiss that may have been made in the stars. The kiss we have always wondered about for a different time and place.
We both moan softly as the sound of our mouths moving fill our bubble. No sense of time, but our bodies need air. Gently, we pull away and our lips brush one another for one final tingling on our lips.
I move back and look at him. My face must be pink, and my cheeks feel warm as I beam.
“Still sweet as I remember, but better,” he whispers with his thumb stroking my bottom lip.
“A lot better,” I barely manage to say as I’m a girl who is woozy on lust.
But innately aware that we still have no idea what we’re doing.