The endnotes in this book refer to the sources I used directly, but neither does that list cover the full picture of my sources, not does it give the reader a good overview of what to read next. Here I’m listing books and longer texts that have inspired me in the broader sense. While this list is also far from complete, it can be interpreted as a recommended reading list for those who wish to dig deeper after reading this book. In alphabetical order:
Diamond, J., Collapse. How societies choose to fail or succeed, 2006.
Holemans, D., Freedom & Security. Towards a social-ecological society (in Dutch), 2016. English booklet version available at
Jackson, T., Prosperity without growth: Economics for a Finite Planet, 2009.
Kenis, A., Lievens, M., editor(s), The Myth of the Green Economy, 2015.
Klein, N., This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate, 2014.
Klein, N., NO is not Enough, 2017.
Pope Francis, ‘Laudato Si’, 2015.
Pearce, F., When the rivers run dry. Water, the defining crisis of the twenty-first century, 2006.
Sassen, S., Expulsions. Brutality and complexity in the global economy, 2014.
Shrivastava, A., Kothari, A., Churning the Earth. The making of global India, 2012.
Stiglitz, J., Making Globalization Work, 2006.
Wilkinson, R., Pickett, K., The spirit level. Why more equal societies almost always do better, 2009.