A-bomb, 30
Abductions, 11 , 43–44 , 46–47 , 72 , 117–18 , 121–22 , 124–25 , 127–31 , 133–34 , 137 , 140–55 , 157 , 163 , 165 , 167 , 171 , 174–80 , 182 , 184–85 , 188–89 , 193–95 , 220–24 , 226–29 , 231 , 234–35 , 237–39 , 252 , 266–67 , 275–76 , 281–82 , 287–89 , 308 , 313 , 315–16 , 319–21 , 327–28 , 334 , 340–41 , 344–55 , 357 , 363 , 373–75 , 380 , 390–91 , 397
Acceleration, 29 , 76 , 91 , 102 , 113 , 343
Accommodation, 387 , 390
Adam, 186–88
Adamski, George, 3 , 172 , 174 , 246
Advaita Vedānta, 361 , 364 , 374 , 378
AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations), 111–12 , 114 , 186
AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research), 93
Ailments. See: Diseases induced by entities
Air Force Regulation No. 200–2 , 85 , 88
Ajāmila, 351
Ākāśa , 222 , 245 , 269
Ākāśa-yantras , 245
Akashic record, 243 , 248
Alexander the Great, 244
Allagash Abductions, The , 149 , 163
Allen, A., 188
Allini, Dr., 179
Altshuler, John Henry, 17–18 , 310
Alvarez, Luis, 83
Amazing claims and amazing proof, 7–8
Ananta Śeṣa, 378
Anderson, Gerald, 110
Andreasson Affair, The , 33 , 127–28
Andreasson, Becky, 165
Andreasson, Betty, 127–29 , 140 , 165 , 175 , 188–89 , 192–94 , 224 , 239 , 261 , 288 , 311 , 319 , 341–44 , 353 , 365 , 374–75 , 409
Angels, 12 , 23 , 195 , 297–301
Angelucci, Orfeo, 173 , 376–77
Aṇimā-siddhi , 205
Aniruddha, 222–23 , 225–26
Antardhāna , 205
Anthropology, 60 , 388
Anthropomorphism vs. deomorphism, 369
Antigravity, 22 , 205 , 314
Ape-men, 186 , 277–78
Apocrypha, Biblical, 189 , 244
Appearances, 150 , 211–13 , 215 , 221–23 , 226 , 232 , 234 , 238 , 240–41 , 251–52 , 258 , 265 , 268 , 270 , 273–76 , 279–81 , 290 , 293–98 , 300 , 304–8 , 311 , 319 , 322 , 335–37 , 340–41 , 350–51 , 357–58 , 369–70 , 376 , 382–83 , 396–97
APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization), 316
Apsarās, 262–63 , 400
Arci, 279
Aristotle, 244 , 256
Arjuna, 202 , 226–29 , 240–41 , 259–61 , 263–65 , 268 , 275 , 277 , 306 , 378 , 390–91
Arnold, Kenneth, 41–42 , 61 , 167
Arrows, 215–16 , 219 , 244 , 260–61
Asterisms, 264
Astronomers, UFO sightings by, 24–27
Asuras, 208–9 , 213 , 215 , 229 , 259–61 , 329–31 , 336–37
Atala, 284–85
ATIC (Air Technical Intelligence), 80–82
Ātmā , 206 , 363
interplanetary, by atheists, 330
by UFOs, 323–26
Augustine, St., 280
Autokinesis, 45 , 97
Autopsies, of recovered alien bodies, 109
Avatāra , 208 , 221 , 286 , 337
Axis of the earth, 368
Ayurveda, 249
Bacon, Roger, 246
Baggally, W. W., 160
Bailey, Anne, 371–73
Balabhadra, 291
Balarāma, Lord, 223
Bali Mahārāja, 258
Barnett, Grady, 108–10
Belgian “triangle” case, 102–3
Bencazon, Spain, 324
Bennewitz, Paul, 111–12 , 114–15 , 182–83 , 316 , 319
Bentley, John, 391
Berkner, Lloyd, 83
Berliner, Lucy, 51
Berlitz, Charles, 105
Bershad, Michael, 151
Bertrand, Eugene, 57–59
Bethurum, Truman, 172
Beverly, Massachusetts, case, 96–98
Bhagavad-gītā , 306 , 338
Bhāgavata Purāṇa , 2 , 201 , 208 , 210 , 212 , 220 , 222 , 225 , 253–54 , 264 , 268–69 , 273–74 , 284–85 , 294 , 305 , 308 , 330 , 334 , 351 , 356 , 364 , 378 , 381
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, His Divine Grace A. C., 212 , 268
Bharadvāja, Mahaṛṣi, 248 , 331
Bhārata (family name), 229 , 240 , 262
Bhārata-varṣa (earthly region), 334–35
Bhāskarānanda, 248
Bhauma-svarga, 228
Bhīma, 276 , 357
Bhīṣma, 221 , 229
Bhoja, King, 243 , 245–47
Bhūloka, 204
Bhūmi (earth-goddess), 337
Bhūtas, 211 , 307 , 309
Bible, 12 , 186 , 188–89 , 224 , 341 , 367
Big Bang, 1
Bījas , 209 , 277
Bila-svarga, 227–28 , 284–85
Blanchard, Colonel William, 105 , 107
Bloecher, Ted, 125 , 153–54
Blond entity type, 132 , 140 , 193 , 195 , 231
Blue Book Project (Air Force UFO Project), 26 , 32 , 34–35 , 39 , 82 , 91–92 , 104
Blum, Howard, 110–11 , 319
Boas, Villas, 127–28 , 130 , 137–40 , 226
Bohm, David, 361
Bowles, Joyce, 165
Boylan, Richard, 47 , 157 , 235–36 , 282
Brahmaloka, 207 , 220 , 268 , 285–86
Brahman, 206–7 , 344 , 363 , 374–79 , 380
in Andreasson case, 374–75
in Angelucci case, 376–77
seen by Arjuna, 378–79
in Fatima case, 375
according to Ra, 377
Brāhmaṇas , 210 , 227 , 331–33 , 336
Brahma-saṁhitā , 369
Brahma-vimohana-līlā, 286
Braude, Stephen, 18 , 159
Brazel, Mac, 105–8
Brown, Harold, 39 , 92
Buddha, Lord, of previous age, 330–31
Buff Ledge case, 118 , 123–24 , 145–46 , 148–50 , 252
Bullard, Thomas E., 133 , 145 , 150
Bunians, 287
Bush, Vannevar, 113
Buzzing sound, 70–71 , 90
Cabell, General C. B., 82
Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Lord, 358 , 390 , 395
Cannon, Martin, 47
Cannons, 219 , 244
Capra, Fritjof, 361
Car interference, 70–71 , 73 , 138–39 , 176
Cāraṇas, 205 , 221 , 223
Cardenas, Filiberto, 144 , 176 , 178 , 184 , 252 , 261 , 319–21 , 348 , 368 , 373
Carrasco, Miguel, 324
Carrington, Hereward, 159
Carter, Launor F., 92
Carter, President, 38
Cash-Landrum case, 311
Catholicism, 131 , 186 , 273 , 280 , 293 , 297–300 , 375
Catur-yugas , 286
Cave heavens, 283–84
Chadwell, H. Marshall, 82
Channeling, 84 , 171 , 176 , 187 , 190 , 194 , 213 , 247 , 301 , 334 , 364 , 366–67 , 377 , 380
China Lake, California, UFO sighting at, 28–30
Chorwon, Korea, 325
Christianity, 189 , 209 , 273 , 293 , 300 , 365 , 371–72 , 374 , 391–92
Cimarron, New Mexico, case, 252 , 315 , 319–20 , 322 , 351
Cisco Grove Robot, 93 , 132
Citralekhā, 223 , 225
Citraratha, 265
extraterrestrial, 22–23 , 259
Vedic, 199 , 201 , 210 , 221 , 244
Clamar, Aphrodite, 153–54 , 236
Clarion, planet of, 172
Clemente, Jack, 29
Cloning, 187 , 279
Close encounters, 4 , 9 , 11 , 32 , 41 , 43–44 , 46–47 , 49 , 52–53 , 55 , 57 , 59 , 61 , 98 , 117–19 , 123–24 , 128 , 130–31 , 134 , 139 , 149 , 153 , 157 , 159 , 162–63 , 166 , 171 , 177 , 180 , 184–85 , 191 , 199 , 211 , 219–20 , 225 , 234 , 236 , 311 , 313 , 316 , 321 , 327 , 337 , 355 , 369–70 , 397–98 , 404
Clothing of entities, 136 , 177 , 231 , 238 , 317 , 320–22 , 366 , 396
Cluster analysis, 71–73
Coin, disappearing, 327
Coldwater, Kansas, case, 66
Collini, Monsieur, 67–68
Communications from UFOs, 20 , 101 , 171 , 176 , 178 , 182–83 , 185–87 , 190–91 , 195–96 , 199 , 207 , 211 , 299–301 , 308 , 313 , 334–35 , 361 , 364–65 , 367–68 , 372–74 , 377 , 379–81 , 383
Compton, Arthur, 113
Computer analogy, 256–57
Conditioning, cultural, 13 , 388 , 397
Condon, Edward, 19–21 , 23 , 26 , 39 , 44 , 70 , 73 , 77 , 79 , 82 , 84 , 88 , 90–91 , 93–98 , 103 , 115 , 172 , 184
Confabulation, 154
Confederation of planets, 173 , 207 , 334
Congress, 35 , 39 , 57 , 61 , 91
Conjurer, 159–60
Conroy, Ed, 140 , 280 , 311
Cooper, William, 114 , 152
Cover-up, 1 , 30 , 98 , 104 , 110 , 112 , 114–15 , 371
Cox, Major A. B., 27–28
Coyne, Lawrence J., 354–55
Craig, Roy, 70 , 97–98
Crashed UFO accounts, 104–15 , 127–28 , 183–84 , 191 , 195 , 320
Creatures, monstrous, 304–5 , 314
Creighton, Gordon, 137 , 139
Cro-Magnon man, 188
Cronin, Emily, case of, 342 , 346 , 352
Crop circles, 71 , 296
Crossbreeding, 142 , 188 , 275 , 278
Cryptomnesia, 152 , 211
Cryptozoology, 1
CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies), 32 , 45 , 120
Daemon, 209
Daityas, 223 , 228–29 , 240–41 , 258–61 , 330–31 , 335–36
Ḍākinīs, 307
Dana, 273–74 , 293
Dānavas, 214–16 , 219 , 228–29 , 274 , 330–33 , 336–37
Dāru-vimāna , 245
Darwinian evolutionary theory, 134 , 142 , 186 , 189 , 278 , 362 , 364
Daśaratha, King, 334
Davis, Kathie, 139 , 146 , 225 , 348
Daylight discs, 43
Debunking, 36 , 84 , 355
Del Gaudio, Al, 54
Delk, Charles, 218–19
Demigods, 209–10 , 213 , 223 , 257 , 270 , 294 , 334 , 382
Demons, 209 , 213–14 , 219 , 258 , 265 , 272–73 , 276 , 281 , 291 , 305–6 , 406 . See also: Asuras
Deomorphism vs. anthropomorphism, 369
Devahūti, 255
Devakī, 217 , 337
Devas, 206–10 , 213 , 215 , 220 , 231 , 254 , 257–61 , 264 , 266 , 270 , 276–78 , 285 , 291–92 , 307 , 322 , 329–34 , 337 , 389 , 396 , 403–4 , 406
Deva-yāna , 264 , 268
Dhṛtarāṣṭra, King, 337
Dikshitar, Ramachandra, 246
Dinosaur, as human ancestor, 134
Disappearance of coin, 327
Disappearances, 17 , 28–29 , 54 , 58 , 61–62 , 75–76 , 86 , 122 , 163–64 , 212–13 , 217–22 , 230 , 236 , 272 , 284 , 297 , 304 , 307–8 , 323 , 328 , 359 , 406
Disc-shaped UFOs, 27 , 43 , 60–61 , 69 , 72–75 , 79–80 , 84 , 96 , 104–5 , 119 , 122 , 125 , 127–28 , 140 , 164 , 166 , 272 , 294 , 298 , 320 , 325 , 344 , 378
freedom from, 260–61
induced by entities, 129–30 , 299 , 346
Disinformation, 11 , 110–12 , 115 , 174 , 182–85 , 187 , 189 , 195–96 , 199 , 319 , 371
Diti, 330 , 336
Divya-svarga, 228
DNA, 187 , 209 , 277 , 279
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 134–35 , 141–42 , 166
Dong, Paul, 99
Doraty, Judy, 191–93 , 313–15 , 342 , 355
Doty, Richard, 186–87 , 354
Draupadī, 210 , 226
Drink, for seduction, 284
Druffel, Ann, 179
Dubose, Thomas Jefferson, 107
Duḥkhī Kṛṣṇadāsa, 359
Durgā, 399–403
Duryodhana, King, 227–30 , 275
Dvārakā, 212 , 214–16 , 223
Earth, spiritual status of, 334
EBEs (Extraterrestial Biological Entities), 354 , 371
Eckhart, Meister, 375
Ecliptic, 203 , 228 , 264
Ectoplasm, 19–20 , 159
Eisenbud, Jules, 167
Eisenhower, Dwight, 111 , 113
Electrified plasma, 70–71
effects on the brain, 296
effects on cars, 70–71
and psychic phenomena, 167
in UFO encounters, 181–184 , 249
and UFO flight, 103 , 226
Elohim, 186
Elves, 273 , 275
Eocene, 135
of UFO research, 4–11
of Vedic textual interpretation, 12–13 , 387–93
Erasing of UFO data, 27
ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis), 21 , 166
Ether and related topics, 21 , 187 , 190 , 205 , 222 , 226 , 247–48 , 250 , 252 , 269 , 275 , 367
Etherians, 187
Evans, Hilary, 167
Evans-Wentz, Walter, 274 , 281 , 335
Eve, 186
Evidentiality of cases, 48–50 , 52–53
Evolution, 1 , 32 , 134–36 , 141–42 , 166 , 181 , 186 , 189 , 206 , 208 , 278 , 362–64 , 373–74 , 379–80 , 382–83
Evolutionary-hypothesis, 181
Exeter, New Hampshire, case, 57 , 93
Exon, Arthur, 106 , 108
Extraterrestrials (ETs), 80 , 130–31 , 166 , 186–88 , 278 , 281 , 368
Fairies, 273–75 , 280–83 , 287 , 289–90 , 305 , 335
Falling leaf motion, 58 , 72 , 118
False Memory Syndrome (FMS), 9–10 , 50–53 , 147–50
Fatima, 60 , 270 , 293–301 , 321 , 375 , 383
Fauns, 280
Feilding, Everard, 159–62
Ferryn, Patrick, 103
Fetuses, 140 , 150 , 193–94 , 275
Fiore, Edith, 130 , 152 , 224
Firearms in ancient India, 244
Fish, Marjorie, 180
Floating of UFOs, entities, or witnesses, 55 , 58 , 66 , 119–22 , 126–27 , 179 , 212 , 217–20 , 224–25 , 230 , 253 , 266 , 342 , 345 , 355
Flying saucers, 3 , 20 , 37 , 41 , 43 , 46 , 58 , 60–61 , 74 , 79 , 84 , 107 , 113 , 127 , 129 , 139 , 158 , 174 , 183–84 , 212 , 235
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), 98–99
Folie a deux , 149
Fontes, Olavo T., 137–39
Footprints, 65 , 312 . See also: Tracks of UFOs or entities
Ford, Gerald, 92
Forman, Lucille, 194–95
Foul-up, 36 , 104
Fowler, Raymond, 33 , 45–46 , 57 , 59 , 93 , 97 , 99–100 , 127 , 140 , 149 , 163 , 165–66 , 188–89 , 195 , 226 , 275 , 319 , 344 , 347–48
Fraud, 8–11 , 19 , 46 , 106 , 112 , 159–60 , 171 , 182 , 185 , 199
pious, 392–93 .
See also: Hoaxes
Friedman, Stanton, 105 , 111 , 114
Fry, Daniel, 172
Fugues, 62 , 146 , 154 , 304
Fundamentalists, 128 , 175 , 189 , 365 , 375
Gaetano, Paulo, 234
Galaxies, 1 , 22 , 134 , 136 , 141 , 366 , 369 , 380
Gandharvas, 204 , 210 , 213 , 215 , 223 , 228 , 255 , 260 , 262–66 , 285–86 , 294 , 332–33 , 400
Gaṇeśa, 403
Ganges River, 210 , 226–27 , 390 , 407–8
Gardner, Mary Ann, 109
Genetics, 135 , 137 , 141–42 , 185–91 , 193–95 , 230 , 275–79 , 281
GEPAN (Groupe d’Etudes des Phīnomznes Aerospatiaux Non-identifee), 38–39 , 67
Ghaṭotkaca, 3–4 , 276–77
Ghosts, 162–63 , 211 , 305 , 326 , 400 , 406
Gibert, Dr., 232–34
Giuliana, Helene, 147
Gliding of UFOs or entities, 62 , 220 , 294 , 297
Goblins, 400 . See also: Bhūtas
God, 55 , 174 , 188 , 240 , 259–60 , 284 , 297 , 300 , 308 , 316 , 318 , 351 , 362 , 368–71 , 373–75 , 380 , 387 , 403
Goddesses, 215 , 231 , 240 , 273–74 , 292–93 , 337 , 396 , 399
Going through walls, 121 , 126–27 , 164 , 224–25 , 253 , 267–68 , 288 , 290 , 308 , 342 , 345 , 353 , 364 , 391
Gola-yantra , 246
Goodyear blimp, 45
Gothic horror, 303
Goudsmit, Samuel, 83
Govinda, Lord, 207 . See also: Kṛṣṇa
Gravity, 76 , 181 , 220
“Gray” entity type, 125 , 127 , 131–32 , 138–39 , 141 , 151–52 , 175 , 184–85 , 193–95 , 219 , 221 , 299 , 314 , 341–44 , 347 , 365 , 367
Green, Elmer, 28–30 , 76–77
Groendel, South Africa, case, 66
Ground traces of UFOs, 5 , 8 , 41 , 67–69 , 72 , 117 , 167 , 173 , 217 , 311–12 , 348
Grudge (Air Force UFO project), 81–82
Guardians, 190 , 332–33
Guhyakas, 205 , 263–64
Gulf Breeze, Florida, 5–6 , 8 , 237 , 282
Guṇas , 307 . See also: Rajo-guṇa, Sattva-guṇa, Tamo-guṇa
Gurukula , 395 , 407
Gynecological examination by entities, 140–41 , 195 , 347–48
Hagelin, John, 361
Haley, Leah, 47 , 281
Hall, Richard, 24 , 27 , 85 , 172
Hallucinations, 46 , 55 , 57 , 124 , 127 , 131 , 133 , 157 , 167 , 222 , 239 , 295–96 , 340–41 , 345
Hamazaki, Mr., 75
Hanumān, 410
Harder, James A., 94 , 125 , 192
Hari, Lord, 268
Hartland, Edwin S., 275
Hartmann, William K., 73–74
Harvard Medical School, 156
Hāṭaka , 284
Healing connected with UFOs or entities, 57 , 130–31 , 164–65 , 179–81 , 395–96
Heavens, 228 , 259 , 263–64 , 283–85 , 288–89 , 295 , 298 , 322 , 329 , 334
Henderson, Pappy and Sappho, 108
Henry, Richard, 38
Herrmann, William J., 141 , 144 , 165 , 175–76 , 178 , 180–85 , 190 , 221–22 , 252 , 321 , 348 , 380
Hess, Seymour, 24–25
Hieroglyphics, 105
Higher-dimensions, 4 , 21 , 23 , 200 , 202–3 , 205 , 227 , 230 , 258 , 266 , 271 , 283 , 285 , 287–89 , 291 , 293 , 363 , 365–68 , 377 , 389 , 398 , 404
Hill, Barney and Betty, case of, 32 , 124 , 128–30 , 146 , 162–63 , 180 , 194 , 231 , 327–28 , 348
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe, 111–12
Hindu, 201 , 253 , 387 , 390–93 , 395
Hiraṇyapura, flying city of, 259–61
Hoagland, Hudson, 19–20 , 23 , 33 , 84
Hoaxes, 5 , 7–9 , 11 , 33 , 44 , 46 , 55 , 73–74 , 76 , 81 , 113 , 124 , 127 , 151 , 172 , 174 , 195 , 212 , 248 , 328 . See also: Fraud
Holland, Ralph, 187
Hollywood effects, 9 , 46–47
Home, Daniel D., 160
Hopkins, Budd, 2 , 53–57 , 83 , 125 , 130 , 139–40 , 142–43 , 146 , 150–54 , 194 , 225 , 236–37 , 239 , 275 , 319 , 326–28 , 346 , 348 , 409
Horton, Virginia, 236–37 , 347
Houdini, Harry, 19
Howe, Linda Moulton, 114 , 186–88 , 313 , 319 , 354
Humanoids, 33 , 38 , 43–44 , 46 , 60 , 68–69 , 98 , 117 , 124–25 , 131–37 , 141–43 , 145–46 , 151 , 165–66 , 168–69 , 183 , 185 , 204–6 , 208–9 , 214–16 , 220 , 225–26 , 230–31 , 234 , 239 , 271–73 , 275–78 , 280 , 289 , 299–300 , 307 , 309 , 313 , 315 , 319–20 , 322 , 328–29 , 341–42 , 353 , 363 , 367 ,
HUMCAT, 125 , 151
Huneeus, Antonio, 98
Hunt, David, 58–59
Hynek, J. Allen, 31–36 , 43 , 48 , 61 , 81 , 91–92 , 96 , 104 , 117 , 370
Hypnosis, 46–47 , 52–53 , 118 , 120 , 122 , 124 , 128 , 130 , 139–40 , 143 , 146–53 , 163 , 175–80 , 184 , 188–89 , 191–93 , 224 , 231–32 , 234 , 236 , 314 , 316 , 319–20 , 327 , 342–43 , 347 , 352 , 375
Hysteria, 81 , 83–84 , 295–96 , 298
IBM, 8
ICBM, 100
Illnesses, 9–10 , 33 , 62 , 94 , 129–30 , 156 , 260–61 , 299 , 320 , 323 , 327 , 346 , 349 , 353 , 395–396 , 398–399 , 406
Illusions, 8 , 137 , 218 , 237 , 239 , 241 , 251 , 296–97 , 312 , 382
Imaginal realm, 128–29 , 156 , 168–69 , 287
Impersonal conception of God, 206 , 343–44 , 361 , 364 , 368–71 , 373–80
Incubi, 273 , 279–80 , 293
Indology, 2 , 201 , 388 , 390–93
Indra, 231 , 259–61 , 263–64 , 276–77 , 331–32
Injuries, 5 , 129–31 , 164 , 303–4 , 309–16 , 318 , 323–24 , 326 , 331–33 , 335–37 , 349–50
Insectoids, 132–33 , 136
Insignia, 177 , 184–85 , 316 , 321
Interbreeding, 140 , 209 , 276–77 , 290
electrical, 70 , 183–84
due to radar, 182–185
accommodational, 387 , 390
direct, 388 , 390
figurative, 387–89
literal, 388–89
Ireland, 273 , 282 , 293 , 335
Itihāsas , 201
Ivanoff, Aino, 194
Jacobs, David, 140 , 276 , 282 , 345–46
Jaladevata, 406
Jalangi River, 407 , 410
Janaloka, 207
Jatav, Durga, 349–50
Jīva , 206 , 330
Johannis, Rapuzzi Luigi, 60–62
Johnson, Donald, 71 , 73
Johnston, Francis, 300
Josyer, G. R., 247–48
Jung, Carl G., 173–74
Kadrū, 289
Kailāsa, 263 , 378 , 405
Kakudmī, King, 285–86
Kalmāṣapāda, 356–57
Kamma Pine Creek case, 70
Kanazawa, Japan, 75
Kanishk, Nathan, 247 , 253
Kanjilal, Dileep, 247–48
Kannan, 395–97 , 404–9
Kardama Muni, vimāna of, 255–58
Karewa, 292
Karṇa, 3 , 229 , 277
Kārttikeya, 403–7
Kashmir, 290–92
Kaśyapa, 289 , 291–93
Keene, M. Lamar, 159
Kerr, Capt. W., 86
Kilburn, Steven, 146 , 151 , 409
Kimpuruṣas, 204
Klass, Phillip, 355
Knapp, George, 115
Koran, 301
Kṛṣṇa, Lord, 206–8 , 212 , 214–15 , 217–20 , 223 , 225 , 254–55 , 286–87 , 294 , 306 , 337–38 , 358–59 , 378 , 395
Kṛttikā, 264 , 404
Kuiper, Gerard, 30–31
Kuladevata , 401
Kuntī, 226–27 , 277 , 307
Kuśasthalī, 285
Laghimā–siddhi , 205 , 219–20 , 226
Laghu-dāru vimāna , 245
Laibow, Rima, 155
Lakenheath, England, case, 90
Lakṣmaṇa, 238 , 240
Lakṣmī, 406
Lalitā-sundarī, 359
Laṅkā, 205 , 332 , 410
Lanning, Kenneth, 52
Laparoscopy, 348
cosmic, 206–7 , 329 , 335 , 351 , 380–81
of physics, 1 , 22 , 30 , 169 , 226 , 265 , 288 , 361–62 , 383
subtle, 206 , 265
Lawson, Alvin, 150
Lazar, Robert, 115
Lear, John, 114
LeBailly, Maj. Gen. E. B., 91
Lemuria, 172
Leslie, Desmond, 3–4 , 246
Levitation, 18 , 163–65 , 205 , 219 . See also: Laghimā-siddhi
on beams of light, 121 , 126 , 266–68
Liberation, 206–7 , 270
Light beams, 69 , 72–73 , 119–22 , 126 , 129–30 , 139 , 147 , 164–66 , 175 , 251 , 266–68 , 298 , 320 , 323–25 , 370 , 372
Lindstrom, Michael, 75
Lipp, James E., 80 , 87
Llewellyn, 282–83 , 287
Loka , 204 , 258 , 285
Maccabee, Dr. Bruce, 5 , 8 , 75–76
Mack, John, 156–57 , 281 , 287
Madhvācārya, 390
Magician, 19 , 306 , 345
Mahābhārata , 2–3 , 201 , 208–9 , 219 , 226 , 228–29 , 231 , 276 , 322 , 329 , 335–38 , 356
Maharloka, 207
Maharṣi Bharadvāja, 248 , 331
Mahimā-siddhi , 205
Mahā-Viṣṇu, 306 , 378
Malley, Rita, 166
Malobservation, 50
Maltais, Vern, 109
Mansfield helicopter incident, 129 , 354–55
Mantra , 210 , 228 , 257 , 279 , 406
Marchetti, Victor, 114
Mariamma, 396
Mārīca, 238
Marillier, M., 232
Markowitz, William, 21–22 , 31–33
Marks associated with UFOs, 164 , 177 . See also: Stigmata
Marti, Fernando, 176 , 178
Martians, 61 , 187
Masse, Maurice, 216–17 , 219 , 267
Materialization, 305
Māyā , 215 , 380–81
Maya Danava, 202 , 208 , 214–15 , 218 , 247 , 254 , 258–59 , 308 , 330–31
Māyāpura, 395 , 407–8 , 410
McCampbell, James, 182
McDonald, James, 36–37 , 94 , 104
McGuire, Phyllis, 107
Meaden, Terence, 70 , 296–97
Mediums, psychic, 19 , 159–62 , 187 , 190 , 192 , 247–48 , 252 , 345
Meier, Eduard, 8
Memory, 1 , 9 , 46 , 48–53 , 129 , 140 , 157 , 175–76 , 187 , 224 , 237 , 301 , 370 , 377
hypnosis and recovery of, 120 , 142–43 , 145–53 , 175–76 , 224 , 314 , 316 , 343 , 327 , 375
loss of, due to UFOs, 119–123 , 126 , 140 , 143–52 , 175–176 , 224 , 308 , 314 , 316 , 318 , 327 , 343 , 345–346 , 375
Stevenson, Ian, on, 48–50 , 52–53
Mendez, William, 174
Menger, Howard, 172
Men in Black (MIBs), 321 , 326 , 328
Menzel, Donald, 36–37
Meteors, 25–26 , 42 , 45 , 80 , 85–86 , 129 , 355
Michel, Aime, 164
Michelson and Morley, 42
Michigan “swamp gas” case, 92
Military secrecy, 5 , 30 , 36 , 98 , 104–15
Miracles, 218 , 293–97 , 380
Mirages, 45 , 88
Misperception, 8 , 33 , 36 , 46 , 48 , 55 , 341
MJ-12, 110–12
MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), 63 , 123 , 149 , 154–55 , 158
Modugno, Nancy, 96
Mohammed, 301
Mohinī, 281–82
Moody, Sgt. Charles L., 185 , 220
Moore, William, 105 , 111 , 129 , 183 , 319
Moses, 296
Mother Goddess, 215 , 399
Mother-ship, 126 , 215 , 259 , 330
Movies, 8 , 56 , 73 , 76–77 , 104 , 128–29 , 136 , 147 , 236 , 327 , 396 , 403
MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), 24 , 111
Mukti , 206
Müller, Friedrich Max, 392
Multiple-witness cases, 31 , 68 , 395
Muscarello, Norman, 58–59
Mutilation, animal, 17 , 303 , 309–16 , 323 , 328 , 332
Myers, F. W. H., 232–33
Mythology, 4 , 14 , 173 , 189 , 211 , 253–54 , 256 , 275 , 388 , 391
Nāgaloka, 390
Nāgas, 227 , 260 , 289–92 , 390
Nakṣatras , 264
Nārāyaṇa, Lord, 207 , 210 , 351
NASA, 38–39
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 98
Neal, Richard N., 347–48
Neanderthal, 188
Near-death experiences (NDEs), 339 , 349–52 , 354 , 358 , 397
Newark Valley, New York, case, 62
Newton, Silas, 183
NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), 24 , 27 , 85
Nīlamat Purāṇa , 282–83
Nivātakavacas, 219 , 259
Nordic entity type. See: Blond entity type
Nurturing of entities by humans, 276
O’Barski, George, 53–57
O’Brian, Brian, 92
O’Brien, Christian, 186
Ochorowicz, Professor, 232
Ofshe, Richard, 51
Opinion poll, 23
Oppenheimer, Robert, 113
Oppert, Gustav, 244
Orlansky, Jesse, 92
Out-of-body experiences (OBEs), 1 , 48 , 165 , 191 , 207 , 262 , 288 , 315 , 339–46 , 349 , 352–55
Ova, 126 , 141 , 347
Oz factor, 239–41
Ozone, 190
Page, Thornton, 25 , 83
Palladino, Eusapia, 159–62
Pāṇḍavas, 202 , 210–11 , 215 , 226–29 , 240–41 , 259–61 , 263–65 , 268 , 275–77 , 306 , 330 , 357 , 378 , 390–91
Pantheism, 364 , 368–69 , 371 , 374
Paradise, 389
Paralysis, 43 , 60–61 , 72 , 139 , 142–43 , 176–77 , 216 , 224 , 231–32 , 251 , 298 , 324 , 352 , 370
Paramāṇu (Vedic atom), 369
Paramātmā (Supersoul), 208
Paranormal phenomena, 11 , 33 , 38 , 48–49 , 53 , 56–57 , 98 , 158–69 , 203–4 , 212–241 , 272–77 , 289–91 , 293–301 , 304–9 , 314–15 , 319 , 326–28 , 339–42 , 349–60 , 363 , 367 , 369–71 , 374 , 376 , 383 , 396 , 398 , 401 , 406 , 408
Parapsychology, 18 , 48 , 53 , 162 , 167 , 179
Parnell, June, 155–56
Pascagoula, Mississippi, case, 174
Passaic, New Jersey, case, 74
Pawlowski, Bill, 54–56
Pensacola Beach, Florida, 75–76
Penzer, 245
Phillips, Ted R., 68–69
Philostratus, Flavius, 244
Phoenix myth, 189 , 211 , 261 , 365
Photographs, 5 , 7–9 , 25 , 29 , 41 , 46 , 73–77 , 88–89 , 105 , 127 , 163 , 173 , 182 , 328
Pitās, 210 , 262 , 264
Pitṛloka, 210 , 264
Pitṛ-yāna , 229 , 264
PK. See: Psychokinesis
Pleiades, 264 , 404
Pleistocene, 292
Poher, Claude, 96
Pole shift, 368
Poltergeists, 48 , 57 , 162–65 , 226 , 305–6
Polygraph, 325
Pope Pius XII, 186
Poppen, Nicholas, 127
Porter, Richard, 92 , 107
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 155 , 157
Powers, mystic. See: Siddhis
Powers, William T., 31–32 , 59
Prabhu, C. S. R., 248–49
Pradhāna , 306
Pradyumna, 223
Prajāpatis, 329
Prāpti-siddhi , 205 , 226 , 265
Pratt, Bob, 165
Precognitive impressions, 48–49 , 56 , 162 , 166
Price, Pat, 192
Probert, Mark, 190
Proctor, Loretta, 107
Pṛthu, King, 279
PSE (Psychological Stress Evaluator), 123
Pseudonyms, 46 , 118 , 236 , 395
Pseudoscience, 20–21 , 84
Psi, 56 , 167 .
See also: Psychical phenomena
Psychiatrists, 9–10 , 48 , 56 , 61–62 , 124 , 155–56 , 162 , 164 , 220 , 281 , 303 , 326
Psychic Mafia, 159
Psychical phenomena, 1 , 18–20 , 23 , 56–57 , 62 , 98 , 155 , 159 , 162–69 , 173–74 , 178 , 232 , 239 , 247–48 , 339 , 346 , 348 , 350 , 363 , 369
Psychokinesis (PK), 18 , 20 , 160–165
Psychologists, 9 , 38 , 47 , 50–51 , 71 , 92 , 125 , 128 , 130 , 149 , 152–59 , 173–74 , 184 , 191 , 224 , 232 , 235–36 , 314 , 339
Psychology and psychological effects, 7 , 20 , 32 , 38 , 47 , 50–51 , 67 , 80–81 , 83–84 , 97 , 123–24 , 128 , 130 , 133–34 , 136 , 139 , 141–42 , 146 , 148–149 , 152–58 , 172–74 , 189 , 191 , 235 , 237 , 299 , 304 , 307 , 321 , 333 , 340 , 348
Psychopathology, 81 , 148–49 , 151 , 153–54
Psychosis, 155
Pulaski, Stephen, 303–5 , 308
Pulastya, 238
Purāṇas , 2 , 201 , 204 , 208 , 210 , 212 , 220 , 222 , 225 , 229 , 243 , 250 , 253–54 , 259 , 264 , 268–69 , 273–74 , 284–85 , 291–92 , 294 , 305 , 308 , 330 , 334 , 351 , 356 , 364 , 378 , 381 , 392–93
Quaresma, Mgr., 294
Quintanilla, Hector, 35 , 91
Ra, 187 , 190 , 377 , 379–80
Races, Elder, 188
Radar-induced crashes, 183–85 , 195
Radar-visual sightings, 43 , 88 , 90
Rādhārāṇī, 359
Rajo-guṇa , 306–7
Rākṣasa, 3–4 , 205 , 238 , 240–41 , 276 , 332–33 , 356–57 , 360
Rāmacandra, Lord, 205 , 208 , 238 , 240 , 334 , 337 , 410
Rāmāyaṇa, 2–3 , 201 , 205 , 208 , 238 , 240 , 243 , 253 , 329 , 332 , 409
Ramey, General Roger, 105 , 107
Randle, Kevin D., 105–6 , 108–10
Randles, Jenny, 46 , 71 , 125 , 131 , 133 , 140 , 150–51 , 165 , 167 , 193–94 , 239 , 287 , 323 , 344–46
Rāvaṇa, 205 , 238 , 240 , 332–34 , 337 , 357
RB-47 case, 37 , 213
Recurrent spontaneous pychokinesis (RSPK), 162
Regression. See: Hypnosis Reincarnation, 52 , 206–7 , 210 , 262 , 350–52 , 363 , 365–67 , 371 , 378 , 387 . See also: Transmigration Religion, comparative, 388
Reptilians, 132 , 136 , 281
Reticulans, 141 , 175–176 , 180–82 , 190 , 194–95
Reticulum. See also: Zeti Reticuli
as constellation, 141
as network, 182
Revatī, 285
Rhanes, Aura, 172
Rhys, 282–83 , 287
Ribera, Antonio, 63 , 65
Rickett, Lewis, 107
Ridicule, 8 , 18–20 , 27 , 30–31 , 33 , 37–38 , 40 , 46 , 53 , 56 , 173 , 254 , 392
Ring, Kenneth, 128–29 , 156 , 287
Roach, Franklin, 25–26
Roberts, August, 74–75
Robertson, Dr. H. P., 82–84 , 91
Robots, 93 , 132 , 369
Rockets, 22 , 29 , 45 , 330
Rogo, Scott, 167 , 179
Rorschach test, 154
Roswell, New Mexico, case, 104–11 , 318
Roy, Pratap Chandra, 3 , 70 , 97
ṛṣis , 207 , 210 , 238 , 248 , 264 , 307 , 329 . See also: Sages
Rueckert, Carla, 187 , 377
Ruppelt, Edward J., 59 , 81–82
Sabom, Michael, 340
Sadhu , 405 , 407
Sagan, Carl, 22–23 , 25 , 92 , 134
Sages, 207 , 210 , 221 , 226–27 , 238 , 244 , 254 , 264 , 270 , 279 , 292 , 307 , 329 , 331–33 , 336 , 374 , 382–84 . See also: ṛṣis
Sainio, Jeffrey, 76
Śaivite, 404–5
Śakra, 261
Salter, John, 144–46 , 194
Śālva, King, 212–17 , 219 , 254
Samarāṅgana-sūtradhāra , 243 , 245–46
Samples, UFO related, 8 , 41 , 67
Sampradāya , 387 , 390
Sanchez-Ocejo, Virgilio, 176
Sāṅkhya, 365
Sanskrit, 201 , 203–4 , 214 , 222 , 238 , 243 , 245–50 , 252 , 254 , 257–58 , 261 , 264 , 268 , 286 , 307 , 369 , 389
Saptaṛṣi, 238
Sarbacher, Robert, 112–14
Sastry, Subbaraya, 247–50 , 252–53
Satan, 300
Satanic cults, 52 , 310–11
Satellites, 27 , 42 , 45
Sattva-guṇa , 306–7 , 322 , 374
Satya Sai Baba, 395
Satyavatī, 221
Saunders, David, 44
Scars of abductees, 237 , 347
Schirmer, Herb, 184–85 , 321
Schizophrenia, ambulatory, 10
Schizophrenics, 154
Schmitt, Donald R., 105–6 , 108–10
Schuessler, John F., 130
Schwarz, Berthold, 56–57 , 62–63 , 162 , 167 , 303–5 , 326
Science fiction, 60 , 128 , 133 , 136 , 153
Scientific knowledge, 1 , 7 , 19–20 , 31 , 40–41 , 83 , 95 , 200 , 253 , 279 , 330 , 361–63 , 379
Scientists, 1 , 7 , 18–21 , 23–25 , 27–28 , 30–36 , 38–41 , 76–77 , 80 , 83 , 91–94 , 96 , 98 , 111 , 134 , 159 , 172 , 296 , 317 , 320 , 330 , 361–62 , 365 , 383
Scorpio, 229 , 264
Scorpion man case, 272–73 , 280
Scully, Frank, 127–29 , 183
Seamless doors of UFOs, 127–28 , 134
Seduction, 137–38 , 140 , 284 , 290
Serpent symbols, 177 , 184–85 , 321
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), 362
Shandera, Jaime, 111
Shaw, Sara, 179 , 224 , 266 , 268
Sheldrake, Rupert, 167
Shirkley, Robert, 107
Siddha-deha , 270 , 358
Siddhas, 204–5 , 221 , 223 , 262–64
Siddhis (mystic powers), 204–5 , 219–21 , 226 , 231–32 , 234 , 240 , 265 , 275 , 301 , 351 , 356 , 374 , 396
Sidhe, 273–74 , 282
Sign (Air Force UFO Project), 80–81
Simon, Benjamin, 124
Simpson, Gaylord, 135–36 , 141 , 166
Sītā, 205 , 238 , 240 , 334 , 357
Sitchin, Zecharia, 186 , 188 , 278
Śiva, 212–15 , 231 , 240–41 , 258–59 , 291 , 322 , 330 , 404–7
Śiva Purāṇa , 259
Skanda, 404–7
Skepticism, 9 , 33 , 159–60 , 218 , 295–96 , 381 , 395
Sky-machines, Indian, 245
Slater, Elizabeth, 154–56
Slit-mouths, 121 , 131 , 134 , 219 , 299
Smallpox, 206 , 248 , 321 , 395–96 , 398–400 , 404
Smith, Walter, 82 , 86 , 96 , 118
SOBEPS (Sociītī Belge d’Etude des Phīnomznes Spatiaux), 103
Soil samples taken by entities, 56
Sonic booms, 30 , 103
Soul, 1 , 206–8 , 254 , 274 , 279 , 307 , 334 , 337 , 350 , 352–54 , 366 , 379–82 , 387
Sound recordings, 8
Sound-seeking arrows, 215–16
Sounds from UFOs, 53–55 , 72 , 122 , 125 , 166 , 318–19 , 352 , 371 , 383
Souza, Raimundo, 324
Spacecraft, 22 , 107–8 , 111 , 122 , 143 , 153 , 171–72 , 174 , 183–84 , 187 , 212 , 219 , 269
Space-time, 30 , 269
Spanos, Nicholas, 51–52 , 157–59
humanoid, 205–206 , 209 , 383
origin of, 1 , 140 , 278
Sperm, 126 , 141 , 347
Spiritualism, 19–20 , 159
Sprinkle, Leo, 125 , 191–92 , 314 , 316 , 319
Śrīnivāsa Ācārya, 358
Stanford, Ray, 174
Stars, 1 , 8 , 17 , 21–22 , 26 , 35 , 43 , 45 , 97 , 120 , 137 , 153 , 173 , 180 , 194–95 , 202–3 , 228–29 , 238 , 263–64 , 288 , 296 , 317 , 324 , 329 , 362 , 365 , 409–10
Arjuna’s visit to, 263–266 , 268
Betty Hill’s map of, 180
Steinman, William S., 112–13 , 127
Stephens, David, 327–28
Stevens, Wendelle C., 74 , 99 , 175 , 181 , 258 , 297–98
Stevenson, Ian, 48–50 , 52–53 , 349–50 , 351 , 397
Stigmata, 131 , 348–50 , 377
Stock, George, 74–75
Stoehrer, Gerry, 55–56
Stonehenge Apartments case, 54–57
Strieber, Whitley, 139–40 , 143 , 165 , 190 , 230 , 237 , 280 , 311 , 341 , 352–54
Subconscious, 55 , 152–53 , 173 , 179 , 185 , 187 , 281 , 367
Succubi, 273 , 279–81 , 293
Sumerian, 186 , 189
Supersoul, 208 , 376
Superuser example, 256–57
Surapadma, 406
Svargaloka, 207–8 , 220 , 389
Svāyambhuva Manu, 255
Swain, John, 66
Śyāmānanda, 359
Sylphs, 289
Talātala, 202 , 214
Tamas. See: Tamo-guṇa
Tamo-guṇa , 306–9 , 311 , 314 , 321–22 , 328 , 333 , 374
Tantric occultism, 281
Tapoloka, 207
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), 154
Technology, 4 , 19 , 33 , 80 , 87 , 92 , 108 , 111–12 , 115 , 130 , 134 , 164 , 173 , 181 , 246–47 , 249 , 259 , 265 , 298 , 300–1 , 308 , 310 , 352 , 362 , 365 , 374 , 383–84
Tehran airport case, 101
Telekinesis, 56
Telepathy, 43 , 48 , 57 , 119 , 121 , 126 , 134 , 136 , 138 , 163–64 , 177 , 192 , 194 , 221–22 , 224 , 236 , 316 , 319 , 342–43 , 345 , 352 , 365 , 367 , 369 , 371–72 , 377 , 383 , 396 , 403
Teleportation, 22 , 165 , 226
Testimony, human
author’s approach to, 4–11
Stevenson, Ian, on, 48–50
Thayer, Gordon, 88
Theosophists, 211
This Island Earth , 129
Thought-forms, 380
Tombaugh, Clyde, 24 , 37
Tracks of UFOs or entities, 65–69 , 106 , 189
Tradition, cultural, 388
Trans en Provence, 67
Transmigration, 206–7 , 210 , 262 , 350–52 , 363 , 365 , 378 , 387 . See also: Reincarnation
Tripurāri, 330 . See also: Śiva
Truṭi , 286
Tujunga Canyon case, 179 , 266
Tulk, Elizabeth, 107
Tulpoids, 167
Turner, Karla, 47 , 163 , 282 , 356
Twiggs, Bert and Denise, 281
Twining, Nathan, 79–80
Tyler, George C., 126
UBOs (Unidentified Bright Objects), 25–26
Ulūpī, 226–27 , 275 , 390–91
Umā, 215 , 240
Uniforms, 61 , 119 , 122 , 131 , 133–34 , 138–39 , 184 , 316
Upadevas, 209–10 , 254 , 258 , 266
Uragas, 205 , 209 , 213 , 215
Ūṣā, 222–23 , 226
Vaihāyasa, 258
Vaikuṇṭha, 206 , 268–70 , 405
Vaimānika Śāstra , quoted, 250–51
Vaiṣṇava, 357–59 , 364 , 378–79 , 390
Vallee, Jacques, 4 , 11 , 27 , 44–45 , 47 , 98 , 108 , 111 , 125 , 141 , 164–65 , 167 , 178–79 , 184–85 , 234 , 271–75 , 289 , 297–98 , 300 , 321 , 323–24 , 370
Van Tassel, George, 172
Vanishing phenomena, 29 , 61 , 77 , 127 , 137 , 139 , 144 , 147 , 164 , 218 , 222–23 , 229 , 274 , 293–94 , 304 , 308 , 331 , 352
Vasiliev, Leonid L., 233–34
Vasiṣṭha, 331 , 356–57
Vaśitā–siddhi , 205 , 231–32 , 234
Vasudeva, 217–18 , 337
Vāsudeva, Lord, 381
Vāyavya-astra , 244
Veda , fifth, 2
Vedas , 2 , 201 , 221 , 243 , 260 , 381–82 , 392
Velasco, Jean-Jacques, 39 , 67
Venus, 45 , 85 , 172 , 174 , 204 , 377
Vicitravīrya, 221
Videotapes, 5 , 73 , 75–76 , 102–3 , 105–9 , 173 , 175 , 181
Vidyādharas, 205 , 209 , 223 , 254
Vihāyasa (travel through the ether), 205 , 222–23
Villa Santina, Italy, case, 60
Villares del Saz, Spain, case, 63 , 65
Villas Boas, Antonio, 127–28 , 130 , 137–40 , 226
Vimānas , 3–4 , 201–2 , 208 , 212–17 , 219 , 226 , 243–63 , 265–66 , 268–70 , 291 , 308 , 366 , 374 , 408 , 410
Vināyakas, 307
Viṣṇu, Lord, 207 , 229 , 238 , 264 , 270 , 291 , 306 , 308 , 334 , 337 , 378 , 392 , 405
Viśvakarmā, 261 , 265
Viśvāmitra, 356–57 , 360
Viśvāvasu, 255
Von Braun, Werner, 113
Von Neumann, John, 113
Vṛndāvana, 286 , 359
Vyāsadeva, Śrīla, 221 , 225 , 322
Walk-ins, 337
Walters, Ed, 5 , 8 , 163 , 237 , 282
Walton, Travis, 325–26 , 348
Wamsley family, 55–57
Ware, Willis H., 92
Weather balloons, 8 , 28 , 45 , 85–86 , 105–7
Webb, David F., 151
Webb, Eddie Doyle, 324
Webb, Walter, 118 , 120 , 122–25 , 148
Weightlessness, 220
Weiner, Jack, 163 , 226
Weiner, Jim, 163
Wescott, Roger, 112 , 274
Westrum, Ronald, 38
Wheeler, John, 269
Whining sound, 120 , 304 , 352
Whistling sound, 64–65 , 67 , 165 , 216 , 218 , 369
White Sands Proving Ground, 27–28
Whizzing sound, 96
Wilcox, Gary, 62–63 , 82 , 107
Williams, Monier, 392
Willis, Porter, 92
Wilson, Horace H., 392
Witchcraft, 305 , 310
Wright-Patterson AFB, 80 , 87 , 107
Yahweh, 187
Yakṣas, 223 , 260 , 273 , 307 , 332–33
Yalu River, Korea, case, 89
Yamadūtas, 351 , 353
Yamarāja, 261–62 , 264 , 351
Yantras , 243–52
Yātudhānīs, 307
Yavanas, 244–45
Yogī , 220 , 225 , 231–32 , 248 , 344 , 356 , 372 , 374 , 383
Yojanas , 203 , 261
Yudhiṣṭhira, King, 210–11 , 215 , 226 , 330
Zeta Reticuli, 180 , 182 , 194–95 . See also: Reticulans, Reticulum
Zinsstag, Lou, 17 4