ANZAC | Australian and New Zealand Army Corps |
AOH | Ancient Order of Hibernians |
DMP | Dublin Metropolitan Police |
DSER | Dublin and South-Eastern Railway |
DUTC | Dublin United Tramways Company |
GSWR | Great Southern and Western Railway |
INTO | Irish National Teachers’ Organisation |
IRB | Irish Republican Brotherhood |
ITGWU | Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union |
ITUC | Irish Trades Union Congress |
ITUC&LP | Irish Trades Union Congress and Labour Party |
KC | King’s counsel |
MGWR | Midland Great Western Railway |
NSPCC | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
RDS | Royal Dublin Society |
RIC | Royal Irish Constabulary |
TCD | Trinity College, Dublin |
UIL | United Irish League |
WNHA | Women’s National Health Association |
A note on place-names
Because various streets and buildings have been renamed since 1914, the first reference to each gives both titles, for example ‘Royal Barracks (now Collins Barracks)’; ‘Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street)’. Subsequent references use whichever name is most appropriate in the text.
A note on money
The pound (£) was divided into twenty shillings (s) and the shilling into twelve pence (d). Intermediate amounts were written in a combination of denominations, e.g. 3s 6d; £2 3s. Some relatively small amounts in pounds might be written entirely in shillings, e.g. 42s (£2 2s).