ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
AOH Ancient Order of Hibernians
DMP Dublin Metropolitan Police
DSER Dublin and South-Eastern Railway
DUTC Dublin United Tramways Company
GSWR Great Southern and Western Railway
INTO Irish National Teachers’ Organisation
IRB Irish Republican Brotherhood
ITGWU Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union
ITUC Irish Trades Union Congress
ITUC&LP Irish Trades Union Congress and Labour Party
KC King’s counsel
MGWR Midland Great Western Railway
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
RDS Royal Dublin Society
RIC Royal Irish Constabulary
TCD Trinity College, Dublin
UIL United Irish League
WNHA Women’s National Health Association

A note on place-names

Because various streets and buildings have been renamed since 1914, the first reference to each gives both titles, for example ‘Royal Barracks (now Collins Barracks)’; ‘Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street)’. Subsequent references use whichever name is most appropriate in the text.

A note on money

The pound (£) was divided into twenty shillings (s) and the shilling into twelve pence (d). Intermediate amounts were written in a combination of denominations, e.g. 3s 6d; £2 3s. Some relatively small amounts in pounds might be written entirely in shillings, e.g. 42s (£2 2s).