Appendix 3:

Letters Written by Henrietta Slocum to Mrs. Alfred McNutt, 1889 and 1910

The following three letters were written by Hettie Slocum to Mrs. Alfred McNutt in Colchester County, Nova Scotia. The Slocums met Captain and Mrs. McNutt when the Liberdade was in Barbados. Hettie wrote the first about the voyage home in the Liberdade, and the other two about the disappearance of her husband on “November 14, 1908.” All three letters are kept in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. (All spellings reproduced here are from the originals.)

Washington D.C.
Jan. 28th 1889

Mrs. McNutt
Dear Friend —

Long befor this reaches you, you will no doubt have heard of our safe arrival in America do Norte.

We first touched American soil at South Santee, S.C. Oct. 29th.

We left Barbados Oct. 7th made Mayatuez Porto Rico the 11th. Sailed again the 15th.

Just touched at Lobo Quay for water. Sailed over the Great Bahamas banks. Called at one of the Bimini Islands for shells and sponges.

Crossed the Gulf Oct. 25th. The first light we sighted on the coast was at Cape Canaveral Florida.

First port of regstry was South Port, S.C. We spent two weeks there and at Wilmington, sailed again Nov. 16th was only outside a few hours when the wind came ahead again.

We run into New River Inlet with bar breaking bad, got over without any trouble and layed snug inside nine days while one of the bigest northeasters of the season on the coast was blowing. The storm raised the rivers and ditches so much that we were able to go inside the rest of the way.

We went through drawing 2 feet 4 inches of water where at ordinary time it was a rare thing to have more than twelve inches.

We were very glad for we had already had enough of it outside. Spent one day at Beaufort, N.C.

The next port we made was Norfolk Va. where we stayed until Christmas Eve. We set sail for Washington, D.C. Xmas day was spent in the Chesapeake bay.

We ate our Xmas on board the Liberdade. The weather was fine and wind fair So we enjoyed our sail up the Chesapeake with Potomac very much.

Arrived here Dec. 27th sound and well making Washington winter quarters for “Liberdade” and crew. You may imagine we were all very glad to haul up for the winter after our long and tiresome voyage.

The “Liberdade” did her part well. I think lots of the little craft now.

I have thought of you and your good husband very many time since I last saw you.

How I did dread starting out again from Barbados on our little ship that feeling soon left me and I felt quite happy as we sailed along. We had a big storm off the coast of Cuba and some bad weather on this coast.

We came through everything nicely.

It surprises me more and more when I think of all we have come through.

Our voyage is full of interest to us. I look back with pleasure over it now.

We will remain here until after Inauguration and then go to Baltimore. Will get to New York in due time.

I have not been to see my folks yet. hope to get a chance to go from Baltimore.

There is a big interest taken here in our voyage.

Ther people in Baltimore are very anxious to see the little craft. We will give them all a chance to see her.

This is a very fine city.

I should like to know very much where you are now. I want you to write me. I want to hear from you very much. I look back with pleasure to the days spent on board you ship. If you should get this soon you may address me at Washington D.C. Foot of 6th Street (Liberdade). Anytime you write me at East Boston I will get it. If I am not there my folks will forward to me wherever I am. We are all in good health. As soon as I learn where you are I will send you some photographs of the boat, and our own.

I do hope Mrs. McNutt that we will have the pleasure of meeting you and Captain McNutt again. Josh say to tell you he is enjoying the stockings you gave him more than anything else this winter. He thinks they are splendid. Josh sends his best wishes to you and Capt. McNutt. With kind regards to your husband. I am your friend, Hettie M. Slocum P.S. This address will always find me. H.M.S.

Address. 69 Saratoga Street
East Boston

1910/ Aug 28
Windham Depot
Box 54 Cobbett’s North Shore
New Hampshire

Dear Mrs. McNutt —

Your kind letter received at above address.

I am sorry to say that there seem but little or no doubt but that something serious has happened Captain Slocum and the “Spray”. He sailed from Vineyard Haven the Spray’s home port on Nov. 14th, 1908 bound to the West Indies, and to my knowledge nothing has ever been heard from him since that date. When a day or two out from the Vineyard the “Spray” was sighted by a passing fishing vessel who reported the “Spray” making heavy weather in a gale.

Captain Slocum asked me to write him at Nassau to be called for. It was his purpose to spend the winter in the West Indies to escape the cold weather at home and to do some business while there as he had done before here to fore.

I have tried to persuade myself that he might have decided after sailing to undertake some new adventure and keep out of touch with the outside world for a time. But all things considered I do not feel that this atal probable, I am deeply impressed that something serious has happened. Nor do I consider it strange if the “Spray” has met her fate at sea.

I have tried to find out if possible the fate of the “Spray”, but as yet have not learned anything that would throw any light on it as yet.

I tried to persuade my husband not to go for it seemed so hard for him to undertake such a voyage alone. He said he knew he could not stand the cold weather at home through another winter, he felt the cold very much.

I really think that the voyage to West Indies was more than he was physically able to stand. He was very anxious for me to go with him, said he knew I would have a good time when I got to the West Indies. I could not think of such a thing now. I have not as much courage as I had when we made the Voyage in the Liberdade.

Captain Slocum’s love for adventure I have always felt led him beyond all reason for his own good and the well being of his family.

He was in good spirits when he sailed, and talked a lot about things he intended to do at home when he returned in the Spring to Early Summer.

Some people are inclined to think that Captain Slocum has gone on some new adventure and will show up at some future time. If he was a younger man I would think this very probable. But under the circumstances and all things considered I do not believe this atal likely.

He was not any hand to talk or dwell on the narrow escapes he had had.

But he told me of a narrow escape he had on the trip before goint to West Indies of being smashed to pieces on a coral reef, and also of being run down at night by a steamship.

Victor at the present time is on a whaling cruise. I think he went as much for the adventure as anything. He does not follow the sea for a living. Garfield is married and has two children lives in New York State.

I have been spending a few weeks here with my sister at her summer cottage,

I have not spent much time at my Vineyard home, since Capt Slocum went away, When I am there I cannot help but keep looking for his return. I shall probably spend the winter in Boston as I have done for the last few winters. Now that I am left alone, our property at West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard is a very poor investment, and I shall never be able to get anything like the money it cost back. And I cannot live alone there. I am fortunate to have the deeds of property there in my own name. I am up against legal difficulties by the disappearance of my husband without any proof of what has happened. For instance I cannot collect any royalties from Captain’s book “Sailing Alone” for seven years, so I am tied up more or less by legal complications. A gentleman in Washington, a good friend of Captain Slocum’s has written me of late, since he saw the report of the supposed disaster in the papers, That he was going to try and find out if possible some thing of the fate of the “Spray” By way of inquiry through the “New York Herald”. “London Times” and Australian papers. I shall be very thankful if this man is able to learn something of the “Spray’s” fate.

It is distressing to say the least the suspense of not knowing what has happened. Any thing definate would be a satisfaction to know the worst would be a relief, rather than not knowing.

I was very glad to hear from you and Capt McNutt. I am sure it was very kind of you to write me at this time.

I am sorry I cannot give you more hopeful news.

I have not forgotten how kind you were to us when we were in Barbados, on the Liberdade voyage. I would be very glad if I could have better news to write you at some time in the near future. I have no faith myself that my husband is now alive.

Thanking you for your kind letter.

Very sincerely —
Henrietta M. Slocum

69 Saratoga Street
East Boston Mass.
Sept. 22/1910

My Dear Friend Mrs. McNutt —

Your letter of so long ago is unanswered.

It was delayed some time in reaching me. I had left New Hampshire when it arived there.

I am delighted to hear from you and to know that you have been settled on land all these years. I think the sea faring life is a hard one; there are some very attractive features about it of course.

I have not heard anything new since I wrote you last.

I have little or no hope of ever even hearing any thing more.

Some time some wreckage may be seen that would indicate the fate of the “Spray”. I get a good many letters from people who have known Captain Slocum or have read his book “Sailing Alone” and have seen the report that he is missing and write me like yourself to know what about it and so on.

I shall be at this address for the Winter. I am working for my bread and butter. I am left without support so am obliged to earn my own living. I cannot draw on royalties for seven years, at the end of seven years if Captain Slocum is still missing I can demand an accounting from the Publishers through the Probate Court. If in the mean time I should get proof that my husband was dead. I could apply to Probate Court then at any time for a settlement. My real estate as a little home if my husband was living or at home, it would be alright, but as an investment it is of little value to me. I have kept hens before now. and probably will do so again. But it is the being alone; living alone. I do not know how to endure it, only for that I could make my living there easier than in the city. My folks all live about Boston, that is the most of them. I have a brother in Lynn[?], two sisters in Wakefield, and a sister in Brighton (greater Boston) and cousins, all about here. I have one sister in Hantsport Nova Scotia married to Rev. L. J. Tingley Baptist Minister, he used to own a place at Wolfville has sold and has bought at Hantsport. I have never been there myself. I seldom go to Nova Scotia. If I should ever go that way I should surrly look you up, it would surrly be a great pleasure to meet you and Captain McNutt after all these years.

Your little poem is beautiful and I appreciate it very much. I fear you may have made your visit to Beverly[?] before this time I have delayed so long. If you have not, and do come later I should be delighted to see you.

I could arrange to see you for a little while any how. I am very busy my time not being my own I am sorry to say. I am glad to be able to support myself and not be dependant on any one. My health is good although I am no longer young, 48 years old now.

With very kind wishes I am
Very Sincerely
Henrietta M. Slocum