You Can Know God Directly
Because God is everything, everything you encounter is God.
While you may appreciate one belief system over another, while you may prefer chanting to praying and participating in one set of rituals rather than another, know that none of them are necessary to knowing God. You know God because you are God.
Of course anyone can claim to know God and to be God, and many do. How can we judge the authenticity of their claim? First, those who know God as All never claim to be all of God. While it is true that the ocean is the entirety of every wave, it is not true that any wave is the entirety of the ocean.
Second, those who know God as All aren’t selling anything. While they may belong to and cherish a religion, they aren’t telling you to join that religion.
Third, those who know God as All don’t tell you what to believe; they only invite you to see what is and to know what you already know if you only give yourself permission to know it.
Life is too short to be someone you don’t want to be. If life were taller, things might be different, but it isn’t, so they’re not.