This Is Why You Are Here
Some claim that life is a test or a school. But for the holy rascal, life is a playground. You aren’t here to earn your way into heaven or to graduate to a higher grade or better incarnation. You are here to play, and the game you are here to play is called Wake Up!
Wake up to the nonduality of God permeating and transcending the duality of self and other. Wake up to the interdependence of good and evil, up and down, in and out, self and other, I and Thou. Wake up to your insatiable appetite for self-destruction. Wake up to your inexhaustible capacity for Self-realization. Wake up to the ways you fall prey to fearsome and fear-filled religions. Wake up to the Perennial Wisdom imprinted on your heart. Wake up to the madness that passes for Reality. Wake up to the Reality that surpasses all madness. Wake up from magical thinking that reduces God and the universe to your cosmic concierge. Wake up to the real magic of alchemy: transforming the lead of egoism into the gold of Self, knowing all the while that ego and Self are both God.
Perennial Wisdom is the Whac-A-Mole of human religiosity: hammered by the parochial and yet popping up over and again to the frustration of those who fear Truth.