God Doesn’t Exist; God Is Existing

If holy rascals have a theology—and many don’t—it is this: God is greater than but never other than the manifesting universe. God is the Greater Happening happening as the universe.

Look closely enough, and every “thing” dissolves into happening. Look even closer, and every happening dissolves into Happening. This Happening is God. Jews call this happening YHVH, from the Hebrew verb meaning “to be.” God is a verb, and so-called things are in fact gerunds.

One of the major fallacies to which we humans are prone is the concept of things. A thing is inanimate, static, fixed. But there is nothing in the universe that fits that description. Indeed, there is no “thing” in the universe at all. If evolution teaches us anything (assuming you live in a place where evolution itself can be taught), it’s that the universe is alive, fluid, and forever surprising itself.

Why is there something rather than nothing? Because you aren’t looking deeply enough.