TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL Religion as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Claiming you suffer from a disease you do not have in order to gain sympathy and attention from others is Munchausen syndrome. Insisting your children suffer from a disease they do not have in order to gain for yourself the sympathy and attention of others is Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Believing in one brand-name religion or another is a form of Munchausen syndrome; raising your children to believe it as well is Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

The only thing wrong with you is that you are easily convinced there is something wrong with you.


But let’s not be so harsh. Let’s assume there is something wrong with you and your child, and let’s assume religion is the cure. How can you be sure your religion identifies the true dis-ease and hence offers the needed cure? No matter how ardently you chant the name of Lord Krishna, if the real dis-ease is sin and the real cure is Christ, you are doomed. And if you teach your children to worship Krishna rather than Christ, they too are doomed.

Before you make yourself and your family sick, question the entire dis-ease model of religion to see if there isn’t a better way to live.