Why Are You Here?

You’re here for the same reason everything else is here: you had no choice. You didn’t choose to be here, because before you were here there was no you to do the choosing. You may imagine there was a you before you—a soul that existed before you and that will exist after you—but this is merely you fantasizing about always having been and always ever being you.

You are the result of 13.8 billion years of happenings over which you had no control. You are the latest blip in billions of other happenings over billions more years. But you are not irrelevant.

Your purpose is to understand the 13.8-billion-year process of which you are a part and to say, “WOW!” When you say, “WOW!” about the whole, you say, “WOW!” about each part, and when you say, “WOW!” about each part, you realize just how precious each part is. And when you realize just how precious each part is, you stop treating each part with anything but the deepest respect. And that is why you are here.

The seer cannot be seen, the hearer cannot be heard, the thinker cannot be thought, the knower cannot be known. This is your truest Self.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.4.2