Parables, Not Proofs
When holy rascals talk about religion, we are talking about brand-name religions. While religion in and of itself is a way people make meaning out of the raw facts of our existence, one cannot point to “religion in and of itself,” but only to specific religions, brand-name religions.
Each religion rests on a story, a narrative that “proves” the claims the religion makes about itself. If you accept the story as proof, you are a member of that religion. If you do not accept the story as proof, you are not a member, or at least not a member in good standing.
Holy rascals love the stories religions tell, but we read them as parables, not proofs. Parables are stories that impart wisdom regarding how things are and insight into how they might be. Proofs are stories that claim to be history and impart Truth. Holy rascals doubt the Truth claims of brand-name religions, but we are more than willing to mine their stories for wisdom.
The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.