Einstein Is Wrong

Albert Einstein said God doesn’t play dice with the universe. Either Einstein was wrong, or I don’t understand what he was saying. I assume Einstein was wrong.

The law of probability governs every throw of the dice: sevens and elevens come up far more often than twos and twelves. If the universe were random, this would not be the case. But it isn’t random. It is governed by probabilities, and the probability of throwing a seven is always greater than the probability of throwing a two. Respecting the fact that this moment is not an accident but, rather, the result of conditions playing out both in and as this moment frees you from imagining that you are in control of any of it.


There is little over which you have control. But one thing over which you do have control is the notion that you have control. You don’t. So take control and stop saying you are in control.   RR