Don’t Ask
There is one question holy rascals never ask: How can you be so stupid as to believe this nonsense?
Everyone is trapped in one story or another, even if that story is the story that you are not trapped in one story or another. To imagine that your story is true and the other’s false, or to imagine you are free while the other is trapped, simply perpetuates the problem and does nothing to solve it.
The difference between belief and faith is simple: belief is something you hold onto; faith is what remains when you have nothing left to hold.
The problem is belief itself: accepting some -ism or ideology as true without requiring a shred of evidence proving it is true. The alternative to belief is faith: a radical openness to what is without knowing in advance what is.
Belief keeps us from faith by distracting us from reality. The more we insist reality is what we say it is, the less we can engage with reality as it really is.