Mockery versus Satire

Religulous is Bill Maher’s 2008 documentary on the absurdity of religion. Life of Brian is Monty Python’s 1979 take on religion and the life of Jesus in particular. While both movies have fun at religion’s expense, only Life of Brian is an act of holy rascality.

Religulous mocks believers; Life of Brian challenges the nature of belief. Religulous equates religion with literalism; Life of Brian takes aim at literalism and says that this is what religion can, but should not, become. Religulous scoffs at religion and the religious; Life of Brian satirizes religion and the religious.

Spiritual culture jamming aims for the satire of Life of Brian and seeks to avoid the mockery of Religulous.

Bill Maher   You are one of the very few people who are actually running this country. It worries me that people are running my country who believe in a talking snake.

Senator Mark Pryor   You don’t have to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate, though. (chuckles) (from Religulous)