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Adams, Abigail, 165, 209, 216–17, 247, 273, 281–82, 292, 294
Adams, John
Bache and, 81
Boston Massacre and, 165–66, 177–78
Brown and, 283–84
Callender and, 271
Constitution and, 222
Continental Congress and, 181–82, 207–8, 214, 216–17
Dickinson and, 200–3, 208–10, 215
effigies and, 281–82
Farmer and, 201–2
First Amendment and, 13
freedom of speech and, 265, 296
Jefferson and, 13, 106, 255–56, 277, 291, 293, 295, 297
letters, 209
Liberty Tree and, 101
Madison and, 277
Massachusettensis and, 206–7
Mayhew and, 106
newspapers and, 279–81
Otis and, 70
Sedition Act and, 4, 256, 274–75, 282, 290, 292
on self-governance, 62–63
Sons of Liberty and, 198
Stamp Act and, 62–63, 101, 117–18
travel and, 247
Trumbull and, 205
Warren family and, 203–4
Adams, John Quincy, 291
Adams, Samuel
Bernard and, 72
Boston Gazette and, 58–59, 73, 86
Boston Massacre and, 168
caucuses and, 154
Dickinson and, 201
Farmer and, 194
Loyal Nine and, 73
McDougall and, 120
public demonstrations and, 109
Revere and, 154
Townshend Act and, 140
Addison, Alexander, 272
Adulateur (newspaper), 204
Alexander, James, 32–33, 36, 41, 43–49, 55
Andros, Edmund, 15–17, 20–22, 25, 30, 40, 106
Attucks, Crispus, 170
see also Boston Massacre
Aurora (newspaper), 81, 269, 271, 273, 280–81, 285
see also Bache, Benjamin Franklin
Avery, John, 97
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 81, 269, 271, 280, 285
Barnes, Richard, 19
Bennett, Henry, 20
Bernard, Francis
Boston Gazette and, 10, 58, 69, 72–73, 83–87, 146
Circular Letter and, 154–55
critics, 1–2, 72–73, 75, 79, 105
departure from Boston, 163–64
Letters from a Farmer and, 193–94
Newport Mercury and, 75
Pope Day and, 93
protests and, 97, 114–15, 159, 160, 162–63
riots and, 101–8
seditious libel and, 4, 10, 83–87
Stamp Act and, 60, 72, 79, 159
Virginia Resolves and, 77
Blackstone, William, 3–5, 100, 190–91, 193, 264, 275, 298
Bland, Richard, 186
Boston Gazette (newspaper)
Adams, Samuel and, 58–59, 73, 86, 177
background, 68–69
Bernard and, 1, 10, 58, 69, 72–73, 83–87, 146, 163
Boston Massacre and, 167–70, 172–73, 178
Chauncy and, 176
freedom of speech and, 57–59, 64
Letters from a Farmer and, 193
“Liberty Song” and, 196
political attacks, 72–75
protests and, 90, 94, 96–97, 100, 105, 108–9, 113
seditious libel and, 1, 55, 81–87, 100, 163
Stamp Act and, 58, 66, 72–74, 78, 82, 94, 111, 168
success of, 68
Virginia Resolves and, 77–78
Warren and, 204
Wilkes and, 138
see also Edes, Benjamin; Gill, John
Boston Massacre, 127, 134, 152, 165–67, 169, 170–71, 173–74, 178
see also Preston, Thomas
Boston News-Letter (newspaper), 97
Boston Tea Party, 80, 202, 204, 206
Bradford, William, 41, 81, 200, 228–29
Bradley, Richard, 50–52
Breckinridge, James, 244
Breckinridge, John, 277–78
Brennan, William, 301–2
Britannicus, 143
Brown, David, 282–83
Bull, William, 81
Burgh, James, 233
Burgoyne, John, 210
Burr, Aaron, 291
Bussaker, Peter, 20
Bute, Lord, 157
Byles, Mather, 175
Caldwell, James, 170
Callender, James T., 271, 284–85, 293
Candor, 144–46
Caner, Henry, 107
Cato, 43–44, 55, 130, 234, 247
see also Gordon, Thomas; Trenchard, John
Chalmers, James, 213–14
Chambers, John, 48–49
Chase, Samuel, 283–84
Chase, Thomas, 96
Circular Letter, 154–55, 159, 164, 194
Clinton, George, 148
Cobbett, William, 271, 280, 282
Coercive Acts, 202
Colden, Cadwallader, 31, 34–35, 75, 79, 112, 123–24, 126, 128–29, 131, 135, 139, 142–43
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 3, 100, 190, 275
Constitutional Convention, 213, 217, 219–20, 223, 230–31, 233, 236, 238, 241–42, 246, 249, 261, 268
Constitutional Courant (newspaper), 79–80
Continental Congress
Adams and, 181–82, 203–4, 208–10
amendments and, 251–52, 262–64, 267
bill of rights and, 249–51, 288
Coercive Acts and, 202–3
Declaration of Independence and, 190, 192
executive power and, 269
freedom of expression and, 231, 236, 263–65, 267, 275, 287–89, 294
Henry and, 227
Jefferson and, 291–92
Laurens and, 113
Madison and, 220, 228–29, 260–62
New England colonies and, 207–8
Rivington and, 206
Second, 207
Sedition Act and, 255–56, 259, 273, 276, 278–79, 285–90
Trumbull and, 204–5
vote on independence, 214–16
Witherspoon and, 228
Conway, Henry Seymour, 60
Copley, John Singleton, 153, 157, 170
Cosby, William, 28–36, 41–54, 59
Country Journal (newspaper), 57, 68, 166
Cruger, Henry, 148
Dalrymple, William, 160, 166–68, 178
Daws, Tom, 65
De Lancey family, 33, 122–23, 125–26, 129, 141–46
De Lancey, James, 33–35, 45–49, 51–53, 197
De Libellis Famosis (Coke), 39, 100
Deane, Silas, 204
Declaration of Independence, 127, 205, 208, 215, 228, 253, 283
Declaration of Rights and Grievances, 187
Declaratory Act, 116, 154, 192
Defeat, The (newspaper), 204
Defoe, Daniel, 130
Dickinson, John, 3, 131, 182–91, 193–94, 196–203, 206–16, 224
Dissent of the Minority (Oswald), 234
Dougliad, 142–44
Dryden, John, 61
Dudley, Joseph, 21
Dulany, Daniel, 71
Dulany, David, 94
Edes, Benjamin, 1–3, 10, 57–59, 66, 68–70, 72–79, 81–87, 96, 109–10, 154, 163, 169, 172
see also Boston Gazette; Gill, John
effigies, 8, 11–12, 60, 73, 89–90, 93–97, 99–102, 105, 107–14, 124, 136, 139, 157, 211, 224, 269, 281–82, 296, 298–99, 301
Elliott, Jacob, 96–98
Federalists, 220, 223, 230, 234–35, 239–41, 246–50, 253, 255–56, 260–61, 268, 271–74, 276–80, 282–85, 290–95, 300
First Amendment, 4–7, 10, 12–13, 128, 256, 260, 263–64, 267–68, 275, 278, 287–88, 290, 292, 294
Fox’s Act, 274
Franklin, Benjamin, 67, 79–81, 111, 127, 157–58, 166, 178, 193, 197, 209, 211, 214
Franklin, William, 192
Furneaux, Philip, 232
Gage, Thomas, 101, 103, 124, 160, 167–68, 178, 210
Georgia Gazette (newspaper), 170
Gill, John, 1–3, 10, 57–59, 66–70, 72–75, 77–79, 81–87, 110, 154, 163, 168–69, 172
see also Boston Gazette; Edes, Benjamin
Glorious Revolution, 21, 70, 144, 174, 190
Goddard, William, 79
Gordon, James, 238
Grotius, 186
Gray, Samuel, 170
see also Boston Massacre
Grenville, George, 66, 74, 95–96, 98, 107, 114
Halbert, Henry, 74
Hamilton, Alexander, 222–23, 248–49, 253, 268–71, 292, 294–95
Hamilton, Andrew, 3, 27–28, 47–56, 143
Hancock, John, 59, 109, 116, 158, 165, 168, 194
Harison, Francis, 35, 41–43, 46
Hay, George, 266
Heideking, Jürgen, 234
Helvidius, 269
see also Madison, James
Henry, Patrick, 3, 76, 202, 219–21, 224–28, 230–31, 235–38, 241–46, 249–53, 257–58, 260–62
Hillsborough, Lord, 160, 163, 192–94
Hog, Seabath, 19
Hogarth, William, 156–57
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 4, 298–300
Hood, Zachariah, 112
Huske, John, 108
Hutchinson, Thomas, 106, 114, 146, 163–68, 204
appointment as chief justice, 69–70
Boston Massacre and, 165–68
freedom of the press and, 1–2
Governor’s Council and, 114
libel laws and, 1–2, 4, 10, 83–87, 146, 163
Otis and, 70
satire and, 204
Sons of Liberty and, 164
writs of assistance and, 72
Independent Gazetteer (newspaper), 233, 246
Inglis, Charles, 214
James, Thomas, 124
Jefferson, Thomas, 12–13, 76, 106, 208, 214, 217, 221–22, 224–25, 229–30, 236–37, 243, 249, 255–64, 268–74, 276–81, 284–86, 291, 293–98, 301
“Join or Die” cartoon, 157
Johnson, Samuel, 130
Johnston, Augustus, 111–12
Jones, Thomas, 146
Kaestle, Carl F., 194
King George II, 27
King George III, 60, 71, 93, 114, 132, 137, 199
King Henry VI, 98
King Henry VIII, 37–38
King James I, 93
King John, 184
Kneeland, Samuel, 68
Knox, Henry, 237–38
Laurens, Henry, 113
Lee, Arthur, 196
Lee, John, 20
Lee, Richard Henry, 181, 214, 241, 249–50, 253, 261
Leonard, Daniel, 206
Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Dickinson), 182, 193, 199, 201, 212
Letters from the Federal Farmer, 234–35
“Liberty Song” (Dickinson), 196–99, 201, 203, 216
Liberty Tree, 95, 98–101, 105, 107, 109–11, 113–16, 132, 136, 139, 157, 159, 163–64, 194, 198, 222, 282
Licensing Act, 186
Liverpool (ship), 181
Livingston family, 122–25, 128, 141
Livingston, Robert, 214
Long Room Club, 154
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 153
Loyal Nine, 58, 73, 89–90, 94, 96–100, 104, 108–10, 114
Loyalists, 12, 65, 71, 75–76, 116, 177, 192, 195–96, 199, 205–6, 213–14, 231
MacPherson, John Jr., 193
Macaulay, Thomas, 61
Madison, James, 3, 45, 220–24, 228–31, 234–39, 241, 244–49, 251–53, 255–69, 273, 275–80, 284–89, 292, 294, 296, 298–302
Marprelate, Martin, 186
Martin, Alexander, 280
Maryland Gazette (newspaper), 77, 82–83
Mason, George, 230, 232, 236, 241–43, 246, 249–50, 252
Massachusetts Gazette (newspaper), 97, 206, 209–10
Massachusetts Government Act, 204
Mather, Cotton, 23–24
Maury, James, 226
Maverick, Samuel, 170
McDougall, Alexander, 3, 55, 119–31, 134–49, 151
M’Fingal (Trumbull), 205
McIntosh, Ebenezer, 3, 90–93, 97, 102–5, 107–10
Mein, John, 206
Meserve, George, 112
ministers, 8, 23–24, 60, 106, 152, 175–76, 229, 295
Moland, John, 183–84
Monroe, James, 241, 257, 259, 277, 284
Montresor, John, 133
Morris, Lewis, 33–36, 41–42, 45–46, 48
Morris, Robert, 216
Morrison, Isaac, 146
National Gazette (newspaper), 269
New-Hampshire Gazette (newspaper), 68, 83
New York Gazette (newspaper), 34–35, 41–42, 46, 51, 55, 68, 124
New York Gazetteer (newspaper), 206
New York Times v. Sullivan, 301–2
Nicholas, John, 275–76, 286–87, 296
Nicholas, Wilson Cary, 277–78
Oliver, Andrew, 89–90, 96–97, 100, 102, 104, 109–12, 114, 123
Oswald, Eleazer, 234, 246, 249
Otis, Harrison, 275
Otis, James Jr., 58, 70–73, 75, 85, 94, 175, 187–88, 196, 198, 203, 243
Otis, James Sr., 69–70
Pacificus, 269
see also Hamilton, Alexander
Pasley, Jeffrey L., 280
Pelham, Henry, 170–72
Pennsylvania Gazette (newspaper), 67, 79, 127, 157, 234
Pepys, Samuel, 61
Philipse, Frederick, 33, 45–46, 48–49
Philoleutherus and Philopatriae, 79
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 261
Pitson, James, 64
political cartoons, 157–58, 173–75
Political Disquisitions (Burgh), 233
Pope Day, 92–93
Porcupine’s Gazette (newspaper), 280–82
Pownall, Thomas
Preston, Thomas, 152, 165–72, 177–78
see also Boston Massacre
Proctor, John, 22
Providence Gazette (newspaper), 82, 112
Pufendorf, Samuel von, 23, 186
Radcliff, Philip, 20
Rakove, Jack N., 12
Randolph, Edmund, 212–13, 230–31, 235–36, 238, 241–44, 251, 257
Read, Abraham, 19
Read, George, 184–85
Read, William, 101
Revere, Paul
background, 152–54
Boston Gazette and, 58, 168–70
Boston Massacre and, 127, 152, 167–76
engravings, 155–58, 168–70, 178
Franklin and, 80
freedom of speech and, 3
political cartoons and, 80, 155–58
political involvement, 154–55
Richardson, Ebenezer, 164
Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved, The (Otis), 71
Rippon (ship), 163
Rivington, James, 206
Rivoire, Apollos, 153
Robinson, John, 167
Roebuck (ship), 181
Rossiter, Clinton, 23
Royle, Joseph, 76–77
Rush, Benjamin, 212
satire, 8, 23, 25, 41–43, 52, 75, 83, 105, 114, 120, 156–57, 175, 186, 195, 197, 204–5, 222
Schofield, Henry, 4–5
Sears, Isaac, 125–26, 133–34, 142
Sears, John, 206
Sedition Act, 3–5, 255–56, 259–60, 273–80, 282–97, 299–301
seditious libel
Bache and, 281
Boston Gazette and, 1, 55, 57, 75, 81–87, 100, 163
colonies’ rejection of, 9–10
Constitution and, 221, 223, 231–32
Cosby and, 43–45
First Amendment and, 263–66
freedom of expression and, 4–6, 27, 63, 72, 193, 221, 231–32, 260, 263–66
Holmes and, 299
libertarians and, 286–89
Lyon and, 284
Madison and, 286–89
Mayhew and, 107
McDougall and, 128, 130–31, 146–47
political cartoons and, 175
printers and, 39
punishments for, 18–21
Sedition Act and, 273–74, 276, 279, 293–97, 299–301
Sons of Liberty and, 134
Stamp Act and, 60
symbolic expression and, 10–11, 100
U.S. law and, 12
writers and, 143–46
Zenger and, 14, 28, 54–55, 143, 197
Seider, Christopher, 164
Shelton, Sarah, 225
Sherman, Roger, 261
“Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston,” 167
Short, William, 259
slavery, 74, 79, 83, 114, 193, 195
Smith, Edward, 125
Smith, John Blair, 238
Sons of Liberty
Boston Tea Party and, 202
Bradford and, 200
Chase and, 283
Chauncy and, 176
De Lanceys and, 123
Edes and Gill and, 85
Inglis and, 214
Johnston and, 112
Lamb and, 129
libel and, 143
Liberty Tree and, 101, 107, 198
Loyal Nine and, 73
McDougall and, 120, 125, 129, 131, 136, 141–42
Oliver and, 109–10
printers and, 81–82
public demonstrations, 163–64, 211, 239
Read and, 101
resistance to British, 55
Revere and, 154–55, 158, 160, 174, 177–78
Stamp Act and, 64, 73, 112–13, 116, 123–25, 133, 211, 283
Wilkes and, 137–39
Stamp Act
Adams, John and, 216
boycotts and, 123–24
De Lanceys and, 123
Edes and Gill and, 58, 66, 72–74, 78, 168
explained, 67
Franklin and, 80
Loyal Nine and, 99–100
McDougall and, 125
newspapers and, 6, 68, 70, 79–83, 86, 89, 127, 130, 146, 162, 194
opposition to, 95–97, 99, 111–14, 187, 191
political cartoons and, 157–58
protests against, 20, 59–60, 62, 76, 93–94, 107–9, 139–40, 159, 169, 181, 269
Revere and, 154
Sons of Liberty and, 64, 73, 101, 112–13, 116, 123–25, 133, 136, 211, 283
taverns and, 64
Star Chamber, 38–49, 50–51, 53–55, 143
Stuart, Archibald, 222
Stuart, John, 137
Sugar Act, 66–67, 70, 74, 78, 115, 187
Sullivan, L.B., 301
Swift, Henry, 108–9
Talleyrand, Marquis de, 270
taverns, as meeting places, 8, 11, 19, 22, 35, 54–55, 57, 60, 64–65, 94–95, 109, 125, 132–33, 138–42, 163, 185, 188, 194, 198, 200, 211, 214, 222, 225, 240, 253
Taylor, John, 279
Tazewell, Henry, 273
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 13
Trumbull, John, 204–5
Vices of the Political System of the United States (Madison), 230
Virginia Declaration of Rights, 232, 241, 249–50, 252
Virginia Gazette (newspaper), 40, 76
Volokh, Eugene, 10
Warren, James, 58, 203, 209–10
Warren, Mercy, 203–4
Washington, George
Bache and, 269–71
Constitution and, 219–20, 236–37, 296
Continental Congress and, 181–82
as head of Continental Army, 208
Henry and, 219–20
Madison and, 220, 237, 243, 257, 269
Mason and, 236
McDougall and, 120
Pickering and, 282
as president, 268–71
retirement, 270
Whigs, 70–72, 95, 101, 106, 114, 128, 154, 158, 176, 206, 276
Wilkes, John, 119, 127, 137–39, 141, 149, 155
Wilkes, Junius, 265
Wilson, James, 214, 224, 236, 261, 264
Winthrop, John, 20
Wise, John, 2–3, 14–17, 20–25, 30, 42, 106, 260, 302
Witherspoon, John, 228–29
Woolman, Jacob, 74
writs of assistance, 70
Wythe, George, 251–52
Zenger, John Peter, 14, 27–28, 41, 45–51, 53–55, 59, 143, 146, 197, 274