I’m going to the wedding.

Dad thought I should go.

So did Mindy.

And Rosie.

And Dave.

Even I think I should go. After all, how many times will I get the chance to go to my own mother’s wedding? . . . I hope only once.

I still think Duane’s a drip, but he does care about my mother and makes her happy. That counts for something.

He’s even letting me redecorate the room that will be mine when I visit. I won’t have to use the furniture from our old apartment. He did cringe, though, when I put the IWOODSTOCK sticker on the door, but he didn’t say anything.

Dave promised to be my date. I think that the main reason he’s going along is to make sure that I don’t throw poisoned rice at the bridal couple.

I’ve even decided not to send Duane and my mother the sympathy card I bought. I’ll pick out a wedding card. It’s not easy though to find one that says HAPPY WEDDING, MOM AND PLASTIC POP.

I know that when I go to the wedding, I’m going to think of my father and how he’s doing back in Woodstock. I bet it’s not easy for him, especially since his own mother’s going to the wedding. Sometimes I not only dislike Grandmother Brooks, I also don’t understand her—or my mother for inviting her.

I’ve decided to keep riding the Divorce Express even though I’m not sure it’s going to work out. My mother and I sat down and made a deal to come only every other weekend so that I can go out with Dave and be with the rest of my friends.

I don’t feel entrapped anymore, with no place to go. I have both of my parents’ places . . . and I’m learning to have my own place in the world.

I’ve learned something else too. If you take the letters in the word DIVORCES and rearrange them, they spell DISCOVER.