Their first project was Mountain View Cemetery. The trustees had approved the design and planned to dedicate the cemetery in May. Miller laid out the first phase—about twenty acres. The notion of landscaping suitable to an arid climate had absorbed Olmsted. He realized that he could not hope to replicate a conventional rural cemetery. “You must then look to an entirely different way of accomplishing the end in view, and to entirely different measures from those made use of in the East,” he counseled his clients. Instead of attempting picturesque variety in the planting, he identified five tree species that flourished in the arid, windswept Oakland Hills. He was sure that the combination of vertical and horizontal foliage would have the desired effect. “The brooding forms of the coppices and the canopy of the cedars would unite in the expression of a sheltering care extended over the place of the dead, the heaven-pointing spires of the immortal cypress would prompt the consolation of faith,” he wrote in the report that accompanied his plan.

The plan of the cemetery was original. The hillside site consisted of a flat area flanked by slopes. He placed a perfectly straight, cypress-lined avenue on the level portion. The avenue was divided in three by ronds-points, at the center of which stood monuments and fountains. From each rond-point a curvilinear system of pathways followed the contours of the slopes and led to the burial plots. The plots were surrounded by hedges “to give an appearance of greater seclusion and protection to the graves within the family lots than they would have if directly open to view from the carriage ways.”

Walking down the central avenue of Mountain View Cemetery today, one can appreciate the wisdom of his solution. The formal allée is a solemn, ceremonial, public gesture that is a fitting contrast to the graceful curved paths that lead to the intensely private individual graves. Unfortunately, the hedgerows were not planted and the beautiful seclusion that Olmsted sought is absent. Nevertheless, his original intention remains. “No place of burial is satisfactory to us,” he wrote, “which does not exhibit, besides evidence of respect paid by individuals and families to the memory of their own dead, evidences also of respect paid by the community of the living to the community of the dead.” What he created at Mountain View was neither a garden nor a park but a city . . . of the dead.

There were other landscaping projects. He was approached by the trustees of the College of California, who owned a large tract of land in the hills north of Oakland. They wanted an English-style park beside the future campus, but he was skeptical that this could be done. “It is an accursed country with no trees & no turf and it’s a hard job to make sure of any beauty,” he wrote to Vaux. Characteristically, Olmsted proposed to redesign the entire master plan. While the trustees were deliberating, he set Miller to work on smaller jobs. Mills, the president of the Bank of California, asked Olmsted for advice on landscaping a large tract of land on the San Francisco peninsula. This led to a commission from George Howard, a trustee of the Bank who owned a country estate outside San Mateo. Olmsted visited the site and prepared a report and a plan that he sent to Mary with the following instructions:

I want you to prepare & insert a detail of planting the mounds—substituting what you like for what I have written. You will see I shirked it—partly because not competent partly because I could not remember the names of what I did think best.

I think myrtles, fuschias & jessamines should be added. Forsythia & roses? On the West side would bananas come in with Magnolias or what? Would oranges or lemons come in before the rocks on the turf—directly in front of the verandah? I want one or two very nice shrubs there—quite distinct, exotic & aristocratic. Revise the whole if you can so much favor me, & then superintend Henry’s copy of it. Let him make two copies & send one as soon as possible.

Olmsted was more interested in the big picture than in the details and always willing to delegate. It is revealing that in this case Mary was his collaborator. He obviously trusted her judgment. They must have spent much time talking about gardening; his directions are in a kind of shorthand, another sign of the closeness of their marriage.

Take an interest in the Howard plan if you can,” he instructed. “Remember there is money in it—a little & a penny earned will buy almost as much . . . as a penny saved.” These commissions were a useful small source of income—and they kept Miller busy—but Olmsted was still not pursuing a career in landscape architecture. He saw business opportunities everywhere. Following Silliman’s advice, he invested in several oil properties. He secured the financial backing of the sympathetic Bank of California and formed his own company to explore for oil. Ralston, the bank’s cashier, was helping to launch a joint-stock company that owned vineyards in the Sonoma Valley. He invited Olmsted to join him. Olmsted’s responsibility was to prepare the prospectus. “I was called upon to advise about the executive organization of a new corporation last week,” he wrote to Godkin, “and sat down and in an hour drew up a complete scheme—wholly original—and did it so easily & satisfactorily to myself & had so much confidence that it would be better than anything else that had been talked about, that the idea has impressed itself upon me that this is my true business.”

His oil company sank a well near Santa Cruz, did not find oil, and was soon disbanded; the winery raised money but did not prosper. He did not suffer financially in either case. His other schemes were mere shots in the dark. He briefly considered buying a morning newspaper in San Francisco and invited Godkin to come West and help him run it. Godkin thought that this was precisely the type of strenuous activity that his friend should avoid and admonished him: “I don’t think that you are sufficiently conscientious or shrewd about your health.” Olmsted suggested to Bellows that they start a national association of bookbuyers, a sort of book-of-the-month club. That, too, came to nothing.

 • • • •

On April 9, Palm Sunday, Olmsted attended church. It was exactly three months since he had left Bear Valley. During the service he was attacked by a deep melancholy:

 . . . singing Glory! Hallelujah! with a great congregation and looking at the great flag of victory held over us, though of all with whom I ever had conscious sympathy of hope and prayer for this day I stood alone—and my heart cried back stronger than ever to my poor, sad, unhopeful brother, who alone of all the world, ever really knew me and trusted me for exactly what I was and felt, & tho’ I felt more than ever how thoroughly strangers to my real self everybody here is, and how for any purpose that my heart has had in my past life, completely disabled and dead I am—yet it seemed as if you and some others were singing Glory! Hallelujah! too, & that there might be a capacity of life in my dead bones even yet.

Olmsted wrote this heartfelt passage that evening in a letter to Frederick Knapp. He poured out his soul to his friend, from whom he had not heard for six months. He felt himself abandoned by his father, Godkin, Vaux—even Knapp—none of whom had mentioned the Mariposa business in their letters. (They were probably embarrassed to allude to such a public failure.) He was alone in a strange city. He missed his family. He had seen Mary only once—she had just returned to Bear Valley after spending a week with him. What weighed most heavily on him, he wrote Knapp, was that he had provided so poorly for her and the children. He had tried—tried hard—to find other sources of income, but he had to admit that he had failed.

When Olmsted is blue, the logic of his despondency is crushing and terrible,” George Templeton Strong once wrote in his diary. Strong was perceptive. It seems likely that Olmsted suffered from chronic depression. This lifelong affliction typically manifests itself periodically, and at different intensities. Early symptoms include insomnia and an inability to concentrate, read, and write. That was probably what had happened to him while he was working on Central Park, at the end of his tenure with the Sanitary Commission, and during the previous year in Bear Valley.

“The great flag of victory” that Olmsted referred to was the fall of Richmond. Lee’s army was in retreat and Union victory appeared imminent. In fact, almost exactly at the same time as Olmsted was singing “Glory! Hallelujah!” in San Francisco, Lee was formally surrendering to Grant at Appomattox. The good news buoyed Olmsted’s spirits: “I can hardly contain myself with thanksgiving.” Lincoln’s assassination six days later appalled him. “At any rate the nation lives and is immortal,” he wrote Knapp, “and Slavery is dead. Enough for us.”

It was now mid-April and Olmsted’s hundred-day deadline was up. He had managed to pay off the Bank of California, but the Estate still owed a considerable sum—$58,000. He did not know what to do; he had run out of ideas. He was dispirited. He also just wanted to get the creditors off his back and wash his hands of the entire Mariposa business. Whatever loyalty he had felt to his employers had gone—they had simply abandoned him. He made a drastic decision and signed over the entire Estate to the principal creditor, Dodge Brothers. The lease would run until the remaining debt was repaid; Dodge Brothers would operate the mines, collect the gold bullion, pay workers, and compensate the other creditors.

The later investigation of the U.S. commissioner into the affairs of the Mariposa Company characterized the decision to lease the Estate to Dodge as a “stupendous folly.” In his low state of mind Olmsted had made an ill-considered judgment; Dodge Brothers mercilessly exploited the Estate to its own benefit (eventually, the Mariposa Company regained possession). The federal commissioner did not question Olmsted’s integrity, but he advised that he should have retained ownership of the Estate and paid off the debt by selling property and milling equipment at auction. He noted Olmsted’s lack of experience in mining and criticized the wisdom of some of his expensive improvements, but concluded that “the fundamental mistake was in the instructions given to Mr. O. to explore, open up and work as many veins as possible.… The plan of the company’s organization, and the scale of its projected operations, were such as to invite every chance of ruin.”

But that was hindsight. On April 20 Olmsted finally made his way back to Bear Valley. According to the terms of the agreement, he would no longer be manager, but he would “retain a duty of observation, access to books &c. & control of expenses.” He was allowed to keep his living quarters, furniture, books, and personal effects.

1. Godkin wrote Olmsted describing the trial—“there is a tremendous libel suit going on here between Weed (Thurlow) & Opdyke, from which it plainly appears that one is as great a scoundrel as the other.” But Olmsted did not receive the letter until the end of January.