I started this book at the beginning of February 2020, when the COVID-19 global pandemic seemed like something that would stay on the other side of the world. I finished the first draft at the end of April, while we in New Mexico were in the fifth week of a two-week stay-at-home order that would end up lasting until mid-May. By the time I was tackling developmental edits, it was mid-July and the state was shutting down again to prevent the ever-increasing spread of the virus. As I write this, after reviewing copyedits, we are in the last few days of December 2020. Hope is in sight as the vaccine is distributed, but the impact has been staggering beyond anything most of us imagined. I suppose all this makes The Promised Queen my pandemic-year book. When it releases, it will be May 25, 2021. I imagine the world will again look very different. I’m not quite sure why I put this message in the Acknowledgments, except that I feel I should acknowledge the enormous upheaval of this year, and the way we have come together to rise above. The ways that the pandemic changed our lives leaked into this book in many small ways. It’s fitting that this trilogy, which first took shape in my mind in the wake of the disastrous 2016 U.S. election, finished for me with the 2020 U.S. election that came as a much-needed triumph—but also the first steps in another long battle. The books echo this.
So, I acknowledge all of you out there who went through this, too.
Many thanks to my editor Jennie Conway, who is a hugely talented editor and forever a delight to work with. To the rest of the team at St. Martin’s Press: thank you for working so hard on behalf of this series.
Much love and gratitude to my agent, Sarah Younger, who helped bring this trilogy into being.
Many heartfelt thanks and love to my writer friends who are always there for me at the other end of the phone, internet connection, or Zoom meeting, as we adapted to this year: Amanda Bouchet, Grace Draven, Jennifer Estep, Darynda Jones, Katie Lane, Emily Mah, Jack Mitchell, Leslye Penelope, Kelly Robson, Jim Sorenson, and Sage Walker. I’m really looking forward to seeing your actual, IRL faces again.
Special thanks to Megan Mulry and Charlie Whittock for socially distant outdoor cocktails.
As always, many thanks to my professional writers organizations, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and the Romance Writers of America (RWA)—especially my local RWA chapter, the Land of Enchantment Romance Authors—for being a port in the storm, a rising tide that floats all boats, and fellow travelers on the sea of publishing. Special shout-out to the SFWA Slack chat for daily advice and nonsense.
Hugs and gratitude to my fantastic assistant Carien Ubink, who always provides the perfect combination of efficiency and snark.
Love always to my mom. Thank you for wearing your mask.
Finally—first, last, and always—love to David, who is there every day. I’d totally survive any pandemic with you, but let’s not do this again, huh?