Chapter Seven

“Hey, Damian, where ya been?” Micah greeted him as he and Kerry entered the Lonesome Steer.

“Out of town for a couple days. Everything okay out at the ranch?”

“Yeah. Don and your old man kept it together.”

Damian slapped the long-time ranch employee on the shoulder and continued on to a table in the back corner. He held out a chair for Kerry and they sat. Her stiff posture was telling, as was the tightness of her features, like she held herself together with no more than Scotch tape.

“I wonder how Bev and the baby are doing.” She used her fingernail to trace the name “Blinky” carved into the worn wooden table.

“Hey, Gus,” Damian called, “how’s Bev and the new little one?”

The man beamed, and flung a bar towel over his shoulder. “She’s fine. The hospital released her the same day. They don’t keep you long in them places anymore. In and out.” He snapped his fingers in emphasis. “What can I getcha?”

Damian glanced at Kerry, his eyebrows raised.

“I’ll have a rum and Coke.”

Damian wrinkled his nose. “Too sweet.” He turned toward the bar. “Bring us a rum and Coke, and a beer.” He grinned in her direction. “Oh, and make sure you give the little lady here her own check.”

Gus laughed and retrieved a bottle of beer from under the counter.

She bristled. “Was it necessary to shout that over the crowd?”

“What?” He held his hands up in surrender. “I’m only doing what you asked.”

Within minutes, their drinks sat in front of them on the table. “Y’all gonna eat?”

“Yeah. I’ll have a burger and fries.” Damian glanced in Kerry’s direction.

“I don’t suppose you have salads?”

Gus made a face as if he’d stepped into something nasty. “You gals and your salads. Sorry, with my nephew, Win, not here this week, we only got burgers, dogs, chicken strips, fries, wings.”

“All right. I’ll have the chicken strips.”

“And don’t forget the separate checks.” He mouthed an ‘ouch’ when Kerry kicked him under the table.

He loved teasing her. While he could respect her desire for independence, why did she have to crave it now? They seemed to be at cross purposes. He finally met the woman he’d been waiting for, and no matter how hard he tried, couldn’t fight the tug to claim this woman for his own, for always. Unfortunately, just getting away from her smothering in-laws, Kerry needed time to be her own woman. He understood that, but there had to be a way to make it work for both of them. Unfortunately, he needed more than one night.

Damian took a sip of his beer. “You play pool?”

“I do.” She hesitated. “Well, let’s say I like to play pool. I’m not really very good.”

He stood and reached for her hand. “Let’s shoot a game while we’re waiting for our food.”

All three pool tables stood empty. Damian pushed two quarters into the slot on one table, and the balls dropped down. He selected a cue stick, and picked up the blue chalk, rubbing it on the cue tip. “Oh, I’m sorry. I put both quarters in.” He held out his hand. “You owe me one.”

“Very funny.” She rolled her eyes.

He tugged on the brim of his hat. “Trying to stay with the program, ma’am.” One thing he could say for Kerry—she took his teasing just fine. One of the many things that drew him to her.

Damian’s mouth dried up as he watched her stroke the cue stick before she broke and announced she’d play low balls. Her first shot went wild, and she winced.

If he shot like he normally did, the game would be over in a few minutes. “Try another one.”

“But it’s your turn.”

“I know. But this is for fun.” He leaned his stick against the table. “Here. Let me help you.” He moved behind her. “Lean down, as if you’re about to shoot.”

Damian settled himself, resting his arms on hers. “Now, what ball looks the easiest to make?”

“Um. The three ball?”

“Okay. If you look closely, you’ll see there’s no way that ball will make it into the pocket because of the position of the cue. It has to barely skim it, and there won’t be enough force to push it in. Instead, look at the five ball.”

“Oh. Yes, that would be easier.” Her voice came out breathless, a bit shaky.

Damian was having a heck of a time keeping his body under control. The smell and feel of her in his arms shot all the blood to his groin. Her fruity-scented hair tickled his cheek as he leaned close. It took a great deal of restraint to keep from nuzzling her neck, and placing kisses in that soft, warm spot behind her ear.

“Damian?” She glanced over her shoulder, waiting for his instructions.

“Oh. Sorry. All right, stroke the cue. That’s it, nice and easy.”

The sight of her slender fingers again bracing the cue stick as she slid it in and out had him breaking into a sweat.

This was not a good idea.

He stood back as she shoved the stick forward, connecting with the cue that hit the five ball with enough force to slammed it into the pocket.

Kerry jumped back. “I did it!”

She turned and threw herself into his arms, and Damian was lost. He jerked her close and took possession of her mouth.

She tasted sweet, oh so sweet. Warm and wet. His tongue swept throughout, touching, stroking all the sensitive spots. Somewhere in the distance, noise penetrated his brain. Cheering, laughter. He raised his head and stared into her eyes. Her completely unfocused eyes. Kerry was slumped against him, as if she would fall to the ground if he let go.

Slowly, he realized the noise came from the crowd enjoying the show they’d put on. He grinned and turned, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “Show’s over y’all. Go on back to sluggin’ them drinks.”

“Hey, food’s gettin’ cold here,” Gus shouted from across the room as he placed two plates on their table. “Looks like things are warmin’ up over there, though.” He threw his head back and laughed, heading to the bar.

Damian laid the two cue sticks on the table. “Game’s up for anyone who wants it.” Grabbing Kerry’s hand, he returned them to the table.

“How embarrassing.” She sat and covered both her pink cheeks with her palms.

“Nah. Happens all the time here. Don’t let it worry you.”

He bit into his burger, but it tasted like sawdust. The only appetite he had right now was for Kerry. His stomach churned with heat. And with the knowledge that no matter how much she protested, he’d sensed a heck of a lot of passion for him in that girl.

One night. That’s all he had. One night to convince her to give up this plan of hers and marry him.

Whoa. Marry? Where had that come from?

From his head and his heart. He’d never made a commitment to a woman before now. The few he’d dated who suggested they live together soon found themselves single again. Damian had always known when he found the right woman, it would be marriage and nothing else. He was old fashioned enough to want to do it right.

He stared at Kerry as she nibbled on a chicken strip. Her appetite seemed to have fled too.

One night.


“It’s silly to spend the money for a motel when you can stay at my house for free.”

They’d finished dinner and walked hand in hand toward Damian’s truck. Kerry’s insides fluttered. After the kiss they’d shared at the pool table, she hadn’t been able to think about anything else except making love with Damian. Teaching her the shot, his body draped over hers, warm and hard, had sent signals to parts of her body that had lain dormant a long time.

Whenever their eyes met over the dinner table, the heat started in her belly and shot outward. It made a lot more sense to go to a motel, but she knew she wouldn’t. This was something she wanted…needed.

Damian opened the door of his truck and placed his hand on her lower back to help her in. But before she hopped up on the seat, he turned her toward him, then engulfed her in his arms.

His eyes burned into hers. “Come home with me.” His warm hands slid up her back, inside her blouse. She broke into goose bumps as he took possession of her mouth.

Her heart thumped madly against his strong chest. He caressed the flesh on her back, slowly moving his hand around to cup her breast. His thumb brushed her nipple, causing her breath to hitch. When he tugged on it, a jolt raced from her breast to her center.

His scent of something musky enveloped her, blocking out the warm evening air. Without thought, her hands slipped up his chest, resting on his shoulders. Her fingers moved to play with the silky hair hanging over his collar.

He moaned and pulled her closer. “Kerry, please. Say yes. Come home with me.”

The whispered words floated into her ear where his teeth bit lightly, then sucked on the lobe. His hand splayed against her lower back, edging her body forward, against the proof of his desire. She moved her hips back and forth, producing a groan, but she wasn’t sure if it came from him or her. If she said the word, there was no doubt in her mind they would make love.

Kerry licked her swollen lips. “Yes.”

With shaky legs, she climbed into the cab of the truck as Damian hurried around to the driver’s side. He peeled out of the parking lot on two wheels. Not bothering with a seat belt, the force of the move thrust her against his body. He tucked her head onto his shoulder, and held her close. Her heart continued to pound, and somewhere deep inside, a little voice warned this was not a good idea.

Before she could give proper attention to the voice, he swung the truck onto the long driveway leading to his house, and barreled over the lane, spewing gravel.

After unlocking the front door, he flicked on lights as they proceeded down the hallway.

He took her hand in his and raised it to his mouth. “Are you sure?” His gaze traveled over her face and searched her eyes. “I want you so much I can’t think straight, but I told you before this would be your decision.”

The little voice frantically waved its hand, jumped up and down. She ignored it. “I’m sure.”

Damian swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. Her heart jolted and her pulse pounded. She ached for his touch, to feel his hands running over her naked flesh. Her body felt heavy and warm, swollen in parts that craved his attention.

He nudged the door open with his shoulder. A dark and masculine bedroom, the heavy walnut furniture didn’t quite fill the large room. The bed took up the entire center area. An Indian patterned quilt covered it, ending right before a stack of colorful pillows leaning against the intricately carved, thick wooden headboard.

More of the room came into view after he settled her on the bed and switched on two milk glass lamps resting on matching nightstands. He hit a small brass switch on the wall above her head, and the soft sounds of Rod Stewart and Cher’s rendition of Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered filled the air.

Damian sat alongside her and caressed her cheek with his callused hand. “That’s what you’ve done, bewitched me.” He traced her features with his finger. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve wanted you here in my bed from the moment we met. But that’s not the only thing I want you for, darlin’.”

“Don’t.” She turned and kissed his palm. “Don’t make this more than it is.”

“You still don’t get it, do you?” He stretched out next to her and wrapped her in his arms.

“Shh.” She put her finger against his lips.

Damian sucked her fingers into his mouth and groaned. Kerry lay before him, exactly as he’d imagined for days. Her copper curls created a sunburst around her face and half-lidded, hazel eyes promised all a woman could. But would she give him everything? Not only a beautiful, sensuous body for the night, but a lifetime of joys and sorrows? Although absolutely certain this fascinating woman was the one he’d waited for all his life, her plan put her more than a few steps behind him.

Kerry dragged his head down to meet her lips. He worked the buttons on her blouse and slid the silky material off her shoulders. It took him no time to unfasten the front clasp on her lacy pink bra. Her beautiful breasts spilled out. Round, plump, they filled his hands with softness. His thumbs circled her nipples, already hardened, ready for him to pay homage.

His gaze riveted on her face, and then slowly perused her body. He lowered his head, and covered one breast with his mouth. He suckled, satisfaction rushing through him at her slight gasp and shifting of her hips. While he moved his lips from one breast to the next, his fingers snapped open her jeans, and he slid the zipper down. With a slight nudge from him, she raised her hips, and he eased the pants down over slim legs, leaving her in pink lace panties.

And a colorful butterfly tattoo on her hip.

His blood ran so hot he thought he would melt. He feasted on her body, her generous breasts, flat tummy, and the red curls peeking out through her panties. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he would erupt like a pimply youth.

“You’re overdressed.”

Kerry’s breathless voice stirred him into action. He whipped off his shirt and slid down his jeans, underwear not having been part of his wardrobe since high school.

His fumbling fingers divested her of the scrap of lace covering her mound, then moved up to tug the bra off. Fully naked, skin to skin, they devoured each other. Pulling, tugging, stroking, caressing, teasing with mouths and hands, until they both panted, their bodies covered in sweat.

Never before had he felt this need to completely possess a woman, not just enjoy her body. He wanted her, body and soul, the very essence that was Kerry.

Damian cupped her face and moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness. He drank in the sweetness of her, inhaled the perfume of her body. His hand slid down the silky skin of her back to cup and massage her plump backside. Groaning, he pulled her to his erection, letting her sense his wanting.

Kerry pulled back, her eyes holding him mesmerized by the fire of her passion. The scent of their arousal filled the air as Damian shifted their bodies and covered her, nudging her legs apart. He yanked open the drawer on the nightstand, snatching a foil wrapped condom before the drawer hit the floor, scattering the rest. His teeth tore into the package, then he quickly sheathed himself.

Kneeling in front of her spread legs, he lifted her hips and entered in one thrust. He threw his head back and sucked in air through his teeth.

He’d come home.

Her warmth and softness surrounded him, welcomed him. Damian closed his eyes and enveloped her body in his arms, bringing her closer.

“Do you feel me, baby? Can you sense what you do to me?” He ground into her while he tugged her earlobe with his teeth. Then he circled the delicate shell with his tongue.

Kerry moaned and moved her mouth to lick his nipple. Her fingers caressed the muscles of his back that shifted under her touch. Her palms drifted to his buttocks, continuing her kneading. The pleasure was pure and explosive, and drove him to an even greater urgency to claim her. The smell of her arousal drove him to the brink, leaving him wondering if he would survive her leaving him. The feelings she invoked were much more than sexual desire.

She rotated her hips and threw her head back. Their hearts beat in frantic rhythm as they moved into the age-old dance of love. Damian’s gaze wandered over her face. Eyes closed, her lips swollen from his kisses, her cheeks flushed with passion.

No matter what the cost, this woman would be his. Now and always.

He brushed back the ringlets from her sweat-soaked forehead and took her mouth in another possessive kiss. Their tongues tangled as they clung to each other, their bodies slick with heat.

His right hand found her left and clasped it as he moved within her warm depths. She arched her back as they shifted together, bringing more blood rushing to his groin.

He stared into her half-lidded eyes. “I want to watch you come apart in my arms.”

Kerry moved under him frantically, tossing her head on the pillow. Even if it hadn’t been more than a year since she’d had sex, she knew this was no casual joining. Powerful feelings of belonging and oneness that had been missing in her six year marriage rose to the surface. How could she already sense this strong connection between the two of them?

She ran her fingers through the strands that hung over Damian’s forehead. She bit down lightly on his earlobe, then licked and kissed, soothing the area.

The weight of his body on hers, his smell and touch, everything that was Damian surrounded her, cloaked her in need. He angled his body so he stroked her swollen nub as he went deeper into her welcoming depth. All of Kerry’s insides coiled like a spring ready to snap. She sensed the wave out there, elusive, but ready to crash over her. She tightened her leg muscles, stretching, reaching.

Damian’s erratic breathing in her ear as he thrust into her spurred her on. She inhaled deeply of his scent, licked the salt from the taut skin of his neck. Pulse after pulse of pleasure surrounded her in a surge, tumbling her in its intensity as she cried out for Damian, seeking an anchor in the whirlwind of bliss enveloping her.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me,” he growled as he gave one final thrust, then groaned as she pulsed around his member, triggering his release.

Kerry gasped, attempting to fill her lungs with air. The essence of Damian filled her nostrils, battering her senses.

What the hell just happened?

The sound of their deep breaths echoed in the room. Damian shifted to the side, pulling her against his chest. The pounding of his heart against her ear matched the frantic rhythm of her own.

He smoothed back the damp curls from her forehead. “I love you.”

The words sluiced over her as Damian whispered against her temple. Kerry opened her eyes wide, and then closed them with a groan.

I love you?

How could he possibly have said that? Panic and guilt clenched her soul. She should have stuck to her guns and not allowed this to happen.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Damian propped himself on his elbow and studied her, tracing circles on her breast with his fingertip.

“No, you shouldn’t have. It’s not possible.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because we’ve only know each other a few days.” She shifted to her side to face him. Despite her almost automatic response, she found it difficult not to admit the power of their connection that defied all reason. Somehow, their bond was compelling.

“So? My brother Don and his wife Charlene met on a ski weekend at Lake Tahoe. They stopped in Reno on their way home and got married.”

“No way.”

“Yes, way. They’ve been married four years and have twin girls.”

Kerry shook her head.

“And...” He paused, and raised her chin with his finger to look right at her. “My parents married three weeks after they met. Together forty-one years last December.”

She gave him a whisper of a smile. “Are you making this up?”

“Absolutely not. I’d be more than happy to have you meet my family.” He grinned. “Now my sister, Natalie, she took her time.”

Kerry raised her eyebrows.

“Yep. She and Marcus waited about three months after they met before they got married. One little boy, Colton.”

She burst out laughing. “You know, this is all so far out there, I almost believe you.”

“Believe it, darlin’. I know we haven’t been together very long, but I’m crazy about you.” He took both of her hands in his, kissing the knuckles. “Which is why I’m asking you to give us a chance.”

She shook her head, and then slid her hands free, tucking them under her cheek. “You don’t understand. I need to prove to myself I can actually do something on my own. This may sound crazy to you, but I feel as though I was born married.” She shifted to her back and stared at the ceiling. “Cody and I were so young. Neither one of us got to experience anything on our own.” She considered him. “Can you possibly understand that?”

Damian studied her for a minute, and then ran his knuckles across her chin. “I can appreciate that. Really, I can. But I don’t believe I’m the only one who feels this bond, this sense of being with the right person at the right time.”

“Not the right time.” She ran her palm over his cheek. “But in any event, love? Marriage? That’s such a leap. I can’t wrap my head around it.”

He tucked his hands behind his head, and also studied the ceiling. “Marriage, because I do things the right way.” He turned to look at her. “When you put your lacy bras and bikini panties in my dresser drawers, it will be after you have a ring on your finger. I’m not a let’s move in together and see how it works out type of man. It’s all or nothing.”

“I can’t give you all.”

“So it’s nothing?”

“You’re the one putting on the restrictions.” She sat up, wrapped the sheet around her, and hugged her knees. “We can have a long distance relationship.”

“It won’t work.”

“Why not?”

He jumped up and tugged on his pants. “To what end, Kerry? My idea of a relationship is that it moves forward. You go from dating, to commitment, to marriage.” He slid his arms into his shirt, not bothering to button it, and rested his fists on his hips. “Or is that a foreign concept to you?”

Blood rushed to her face. “No. That’s not a foreign concept. Been there, done that—bought the T-shirt. Except it means I have to put my plans aside, and once again give up my independence. Like some type of ninny teenager.” Her breath huffed as if running a race.

Damian sat alongside her. “You don’t have to drop everything. I’m asking you to take a detour. Instead of Albuquerque, why not Amarillo? Give whatever this is between us a chance to grow.”

“And if this doesn’t work out, where does that leave me?”

“Darlin’, this will work out. Trust me.”

Kerry swung her legs over the side of the bed and scooped up her clothes from the floor. “I’ll be right back.”

She hurried to the bathroom, knowing she was giving him an eyeful. Too late. He’d already seen it all anyway.

Damian dragged his palm down his face. He’d rolled his eyes at his brother when Don came home from his ski trip with a wife. And when Natalie announced after her second date with Marcus that she was engaged, he’d told her she was crazy and looking for trouble.

Boy was he ever wrong.

Both his siblings were happily married, eager to remind him often enough that when it hit him, he’d understand.

Well, he understood, but Kerry didn’t, and getting her to change her plans didn’t appear too promising.

The bathroom door opened and she stood there, her arms wrapped around her middle, eyes studying her feet. “I want to spend the rest of the night in the guest room.”