Wines and spirits

The wine list, please Die Weinkarte, bitte
dee vynkar-te, bit-e
Can you recommend a good wine? Können Sie mir einen guten Wein empfehlen?
kur’nen zee meer yn-en gooten vyn empfehlen?
a bottle of house wine eine Flasche Hauswein
yn-e flash-e howsvyn
a glass of white wine/red wine ein Glas Weißwein/Rotwein
yn glahs vysvyn/rohtvyn
a bottle of red wine/white wine eine Flasche Rotwein/Weißwein
yn-e flash-e rohtvyn


Wines are usually categorized according to three criteria: the growing area, the village or vineyard where they are produced, and the type of grape they are made from. Major grape varieties include Riesling, Silvaner, Gewürztraminer and Müller-Thurgau.

Important wine-growing areas in Germany and Austria include:

Ahr small valley north of the Moselle, producing mainly light red wines

Baden the region around Freiburg in the Upper Rhine valley, producing light, mainly white and rosé wines

Burgenland region in Austria, producing mainly sweet wines

Franken important wine-growing area in Northern Bavaria, producing dry, full-bodied wines

Mosel-Saar-Ruwer region along the rivers Moselle, Saar and Ruwer, producing white wines, many of them dry

Rheinhessen quality wine region along the banks of the Rhine

Rheinpfalz Palatinate region, producing mainly white wines

Wachau major wine-growing area in Austria, just west of Vienna

Other words to look out for are:

Eiswein a rich, naturally sweet, white wine made from grapes that are harvested after a period of frost

halbtrocken medium-dry

Landwein wine of similar quality to French ‘vin de pays’

lieblich sweet

Prädikatswein highest category of quality wines

QbA good-quality wine from a specified region

Tafelwein lowest-quality wine, similar to French ‘vin de table’

trocken dry

Other drinks

What liqueurs do you have? Was für Liköre haben Sie?
vas fuer li-kur’-re hahben zee?

Apfelkorn apple brandy

Danziger Goldwasser brandy with tiny bits of gold leaf

Himbeergeist strong, clear raspberry brandy

Kirschwasser cherry brandy

Schnaps strong spirit

Sliwowitz plum brandy (Austria)