Pronouncing German

In this book you are given the pronunciation of the phrases so that you will soon be able to recognize the different sounds. (The stressed syllable is marked in bold.) Here are a few rules you should know:

German sounds like example pronunciation
a cup/father das/Abend das/ahbent
e bed/hair Bett/Meer bet/mehr
o not/road oft/rot oft/roht
u put/boot Nummer/gut noommer/goot
ai/ay pie Mai/Mayer my/my-er
au now Auto owtoh
ei/ey pie eine/Meyer yn-e/my-er
eu toy neun noyn
ie keep sie zee
ch loch wach vakh
j yes jagen yahgen
qu dark violet Quittung kvittoong
s dress dizzy ship es sie sprechen es zee shprekh-en
ß juice Fuß foos
th tea Theater teh-ahter
v fan von fon
w van wir veer
z pets Zimmer tsimmer


German sounds like example pronunciation
ä bed/hair hätte/spät het-e/shpeht
äu boy läutet loytet
ö Arthur/fur können/Höhe kur’nen/hur’-e*
ü duke/due dürfen/Mühe duerfen/mue-e

* ur’ as in hurt without the r pronounced

A final e is always pronounced, but weakly like the e in the: Seide (zy-de), bitte (bit-e).

An underline indicates a short vowel, e.g. Mutter (mootter), Mörder (murder), Küste (kueste).

If an h is added after the vowel, the sound is longer, e.g. Tag (tahk), Mädchen (meht-khen), Leben (lehben), hoch (hohkh).