Tarhana soup


Of Greek-Cypriot origin, this nourishing soup also appears on menus in Turkey and Greece. It can be served at any meal, from breakfast to lunch, even dinner. Its thickness varies from region to region, with more or less liquid added. The feta can be replaced with halloumi: cut into cubes and fry in foaming butter until golden, then scatter over the soup.


250g tarhana crackers, or tarhana granules (see note)

600ml vegetable stock or water

Juice of ½ lemon

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

To finish

150g feta

4 tsp light olive oil

If using tarhana crackers, soak them in cold water to cover for an hour, then drain.

Pour the stock or water into a pan, add the drained crackers or tarhana granules and bring to the boil over a medium heat. As soon as it comes to the boil, lower the heat and cook gently at a bare simmer, stirring every 5 minutes or so, for an hour if using crackers or 25 minutes for granules. Season to taste with salt and pepper and add the lemon juice.

To serve, divide the soup between 4 warmed shallow bowls. Crumble over the feta and finish with delicate drops of olive oil.

You can buy ready-made tarhana crackers and tarhana granules in grocers specialising in Cypriot, Greek or Turkish products.