The last thing we are going to talk about in this chapter is entity validation and how we can make sure that field and entity data as a whole contains valid data. When I say valid, I don't mean whether it complies with the strict TypedData definition but whether, within that, it complies with certain restrictions (constraints) we impose on it. As such, most of the time, entity validation applies to content entities. However, we can also run validation on configuration entities but only insofar as to ensure that the field values are of the correct data type as described in the configuration schema. And in this respect, we are talking about TypedData definitions under the hood.
Drupal 8 uses the Symfony Validator component for applying constraints and then validating entities, fields and any other data against those constraints. I do recommend that you check out the Symfony documentation page on this component to better understand its principles. For now, let's quickly see how it is applied in Drupal 8.
There are three main parts to a validation: a constraint plugin, a validator class and potential violations. The first is mainly responsible for defining what kind of data it can be applied to, the error message it should show, and which validator class is responsible for validating it. If it omits the latter, the validator class name defaults to the name of the constraint class with the word Validator appended to it. The validator, on the other hand, is called by the validation service to validate the constraint and build a list of violations. Finally, the violations are data objects that provide helpful information about what went wrong in the validation: things like the error message from the constraint, the offending value and the path to the property that failed.
To better understand things, we have to go back to the TypedData and see some simple examples, because that is the level at which the validation happens.
So, let's look at the same example I introduced TypedData with earlier in this chapter:
$definition = DataDefinition::create('string');
$definition->addConstraint('Length', ['max' => 20]);
The data definitions have methods for applying and reading constraints. If you remember, one of the reasons why we need this API is to be able to enrich data with meta information. Constraints are such information. In this example, we are applying a constraint called Length (the plugin ID of the constraint) with some arbitrary parameters expected by that constraint (in this case a maximum length but also a minimum would work). Having applied this constraint, we are essentially saying that this piece of string data is only valid if it's shorter than 20 characters. And we can use it like so:
/** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface $data */
$data = \Drupal::typedDataManager()->create($definition, 'my value that is too long');
$violations = $data->validate();
DataType plugins have a validate() method on them that uses the validation service to validate their underlying data definition against any of the constraints applied to it. The result is an instance of the ConstraintViolationList iterator which contains a ConstraintViolationInterface instance for each validation failure. In this example, we should have a violation from which we can get some information like so:
/** @var \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationInterface $violation */
foreach ($violations as $violation) {
$message = $violation->getMessage();
$value = $violation->getInvalidValue();
$path = $violation->getPropertyPath();
The $message is the error message that comes from the failing constraint, the $value is the actual incorrect value, and $path is a string representation of the hierarchical path down to the value that has failed. If you remember our license plate example or the content entity fields, TypedData can be nested, which means you can have all sorts of values at different levels. In our previous example, $path is, however, going to be "" (an empty string) because the data definition has only one level.
Let's revisit our license plate example and see how such a constraint would work there. Imagine we wanted to add a similar constraint to the state code definition:
$state_code_definition = DataDefinition::create('string');
$state_code_definition->addConstraint('Length', array('max' => 2));
// The rest of the set up code we saw earlier.
/** @var Map $plate */
$plate = \Drupal::typedDataManager()->create($plate_definition, ['state' => 'NYC', 'number' => '405-307']);
$violations = $plate->validate();
If you look closely, I instantiated the plate with a state code longer than two characters. Now, if we ask our individual violations for the property path, we get state, because that is what we called the state definition property within the bigger map definition.