Configuration export

Configuration entity types have a few extra options on their plugin definitions that relate to the exportability of the entities. By default, a number of configuration entity fields are persisted and exported. However, the config_export property needs to be used to declare which other fields should be included in the export. For example, the NodeType configuration entity type defines the following:

*   config_export = {
* "name",
* "type",
* "description",
* "help",
* "new_revision",
* "preview_mode",
* "display_submitted",
* }

Keep in mind that, without this definition, the configuration schema is used as a fallback to determine which fields to persist. If the configuration entity type doesn't have a schema (which it should though), no extra fields will get persisted.

Additionally, configuration entity types have a prefix that is used for the namespace in the configuration system. This is also defined in the plugin annotation:

config_prefix = "type",