About the Author

Troy Francis is a best-selling author and journalist who has written several books about how guys can meet and attract beautiful women successfully, including The 7 Laws of Seduction and How To Get Hot Women Into Bed . He is also an attraction coach and a sales & business mentor.

After two decades of self-created geekhood and entirely deserved virginity, Troy embarked on a journey to throw off the shackles of his sniveling, girlfriend-less existence, and climb out of the barren, female-free landscape of his existence to sample the higher climes of vaginal Valhalla.

From New York to Ibiza, London to Vegas and Berlin to Belarus, Troy is a sexual adventurer who leaves no stone unturned in his quest for the pleasures of coitus with multiple, heart-stoppingly attractive, nubile wenches. Better yet, educated in literature and creative writing he is able to articulate precisely what works–and what doesn’t work–when a man seeks to seduce the world’s most erotically-appealing women.

The fruits of Troy’s tireless research into cutting-edge global leg-spreading techniques beget daily updates on his website realtroyfrancis.com, the world’s foremost daily resource for tried-and-tested, down-and-dirty game and pickup advice. He also Tweets in real time at @Troy7Laws .

Having enjoyed relationships, threesomes, harem arrangements and much more with some of the hottest girls of Europe, Russia, America, Latin America and beyond; and having formed friendships and partnerships with some of the planet’s top seducers, Troy’s mission through his writing is to help other men to understand attraction and intergender dynamics between men and women. The polar opposite of a misogynist, Troy loves women and wants to make the world a better place for them, as well as the men who would be intimate with them.

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