Most importantly, thank you to all of my friends and neighbors who let me borrow their children for the creation of this book. Every single one of them amazed me and cracked me up.

To the staff of Cleveland Botanical Garden for giving advice, answering questions, and allowing me the opportunity to write this book, I thank you. Natalie, Ann, Larry, Kathryn, and Geri: Thank you for your support and wisdom.

Many thanks to the Cuyahoga County Soil and Water Conservation District for the hundreds of rain barrels they get out into the community each year and their help with Lab 25!

To the ladies of the Western Reserve Herb Society—you’re fantastic and you gave me great ideas, along with a chuckle or two.

To Mary Ann Hall at Quarry Books—thank you for looking me up and giving me such a great opportunity. Your personality made this whole process quite wonderful.

Finally to my husband Dave, who named tools and equipment and gadgets for me, bounced ideas around, walked the dogs when I needed to work, and took absolutely fantastic pictures. Thank you for your patience and support.