Unit No 02

Sometimes people get a little uptight about gardening. They believe there are “rules!” and you have to do it “right!” But this is all simply a bunch of nonsense. Gardening should make you happy, and you should follow your instincts. How unfortunate it would be to go through the work of gardening just to wind up with a bunch of plants you don’t like, in colors that make you queasy, just because you were following someone else’s ideas on “proper gardening”? Ick.

These first few labs will teach you different techniques and concepts, but remember that you can change things up to suit your tastes. These are good labs to do as you begin gardening for the first time so that you can grow the biggest and best plants on your street. These activities are just a small sampling of information though; entire books are written just on garden design, for example, and we are doing just a couple activities on it. But you’ll get the idea and be able to then experiment, creating your own unique garden spaces.