
With gratitude to . . .

My family for your tireless love and support—especially on those late, late writing nights.

Daisy Hutton and L.B. Norton, whose expertise and passion made this story so much better than it would have been on my own.

Natasha Kern, my literary agent, for being your wonderful, encouraging, and challenging self.

Deb Raney, my writing critique partner, for all the catches, suggestions, and TorTs (aka Take or Toss comments)!

The staff at Belle Meade Planation for inviting me (and all my readers) into the Harding’s beautiful home. I couldn’t have written these books without you.

You, my reader . . . The true joy in writing comes when you connect with these characters and their journeys, and then reach out to me. A thousand thank-yous, and I hope to hear from you soon!

The original and ever-inspiring ensemble of the Fisk Jubilee Singers—Ella Sheppard, Isaac Dickerson, Greene Evans, Benjamin Holmes, Jennie Jackson, Maggie Porter, Thomas Rutling, Minnie Tate, Eliza Walker, and Phebe Anderson. And, of course, their memorable leader, George White.

Jesus Christ, who sees each one of us and knows us intimately. I’m so grateful you love us enough to show us what (and who) we’d be without you. Help us to see each other through your eyes and to love as you love—unconditionally and without measure.