


AS ALWAYS, I MUST ACKNOWLEDGE the awesome people who keep me going, who inspire and cheer me on, who serve as sounding boards and proofreaders, and who let me ask them super weird, seemingly random questions that later, while reading my books, makes them say, “Ah ha! So that’s why you needed to know about the breeding habits of pigeons.”

These books don’t happen without you guys, so thank you from the bottom of my heart: Chelle Olson, my amazing editor to whom this book is also dedicated; Savana Ellison of Blue Sky Design for the lovely cover; my husband for all his tireless proofreading and for taking all the false starts and detours of Rea’s journey with me; my kiddo for the much-needed snuggle breaks; my critique group, the Four Horsemen of the Bookocalypse; THE Professor George Shelley; Roquet’s Grim Readers book gang; and, of course, my friends and family who offer their continual support and encouragement. I love you guys.