Death Became Us

by Shane M.A Laing

The corridor of the run down abandoned hospital was rotting and decaying, blood stained the walls. Erica heard whispers crying out, sweat rushed down her face. She was frightened but knew she must walk ahead to find answers. Noise behind her made her thoughts crumble; to move forward could mean life, but falling backwards: death. Erica did not know what was to come; she felt fear holding her back. The only thought, playing on repeat within Erica’s mind, was there something she needed to know or see.

All of a sudden a dark shadow appeared in the distance. At that moment Erica became cold; she felt a chill whither down her spine, as if she was beside a window. To Erica it felt as if someone was breathing on the back of her neck with the air trickling down her spine. She turned her head knowing she was moments away from something happening. There was a grey face; black hair surrounded yellow eyes which stared right through her. For moments Erica stood, her eyes widened in shock. Then she rushed backwards tripped over a toy in the process and fell onto the floor. When she looked up no one was ahead of her. Erica rose from the ground and brushed herself off. Silence withered through the corridor once again: just Erica’s footsteps were heard. Suddenly a door a few feet away from her slammed shut, causing the pace of her heartbeat to quicken.

Erica got up, her hands shaking violently; she could feel something evil within her presence. All she could do was await what was to come, but it seemed as if it was toying with her, playing with her head. In the background the sound of something heavy plummeting to the ground attracted Erica’s attention, leaving her panicking even more. Through her pockets Erica searched, until she pulled out her earphones. She fiddled around until finally turning the mp3 player on, music began to play. Even with the music, the thoughts rambled on, continuously on repeat.

One question Erica had was, who exactly was with her and why were they playing with her? Erica stood with her head facing the floor, praying she would live. Hearing footsteps Erica tilted her head up, yellow eyes were gleaming towards her once again. It looked like a young girl. The girl who was discretely described in the new book Erica had started reading entitled Death Becomes Us; the name hit her, Elga Ford ... Erica screamed as Elga advanced closer at a fast pace, suddenly Erica’s body slumped to the floor, her eyes blackened and mouth ripped open. Beside her body laid a doll, its eyes black and its mouth wide open, as if it was Erica shaped as a doll.

One week later, Anthony a smart and outgoing lad, strode towards the library. In his right hand, a suitcase which contained something of importance to him. The automatic doors ahead opened slowly. He entered the library smiling with happiness and joy; he had just been informed of a new book which was supposedly really mind blowing and creepy. Anthony had a passion for books; he found books a way of connection to another world. A world where Anthony was finally free of work, distractions and life. Anthony approached the escalator and stepped onto them cautiously, as if they were a danger to him.

What was the name of the book again?

Anthony stood on the escalator tracking through every thought within his mind for the name of the book. Suddenly he remembered: Death Becomes Us. It was supposedly written by a young and intelligent girl before she was brutally raped and murdered, by her own father, for he believed she was a witch. Word had quickly spread. Supposedly only three copies were ever made and Elga Ford’s spirit bellowed within each one. Two people, who had so-called recently read it, were distraughtly found dead with their mouth’s ripped open and a doll which looked identical to them beside them.

Anthony was currently writing his own horror novel after studying literature at University. His novel was entitled In this Day we Last. He had woven the ethnicity issues into a story of post-apocalyptic survival and romance, all colliding together to create a powerful and gripping novel. He’d had inspiration from his mother to become a writer. And when she passed away due to a brain tumor, Anthony pursued his dream to become an author; his mother’s death his motivation and strength.

Anthony reached the top of the escalator, he stepped off slowly. Ahead of him books covered the shelves. A smile came to his face as right in front of him was the book he had longed for. Anthony approached the book shelf, his arms extended and suddenly the novel was in his hands. He opened it and feeling a cold breeze hit his face looked down at the pages before him. The first page read, here lies the spirit of Elga Ford, may her dreams live on and her nightmares rest before her.

A book fell causing Anthony to jitter, he felt afraid of something, as if someone was with him. Elga Ford was behind him, staring straight through his soul. Anthony turned, but to his naked eye no one was there, he had never felt that presence of fear before. He stood there, astounded, wondering what actually happened.

The library was empty, yet it felt to Anthony as if it was full, his mind filled with confusion on everything that happened since he opened the book. Anthony walked to the top of the stairs, he advanced towards his chair. A light flickered above, suddenly behind him a light exploded; Anthony let out a gasp and sat upon his seat and began reading.

The book was compelling immediately; he felt fully engrossed and that was just the first few pages. A book dropped from a shelf, causing Anthony to shift his head round to the location of the disruption. In the distance was a dark shadow, its yellow eyes staring towards him. He squinted in order to get better sight of whatever was there. The faded shadow had vanished and was nowhere to be seen. Anthony looked back down at the book after ignoring what he had just seen; he realised he was on the last page. It felt to Anthony as if he had just read the entire book, he knew everything about what had happened. He noticed that the last page had dust on the bottom of it. He blew it off. Small imprinted words became visible to Anthony’s eyes; he read what it said.

Anthony stood up, dropping the book on the floor, the words read ... I SEE YOU. A loud thump was heard from down stairs, Anthony peered his head over the railing. The same face with yellow eyes appeared once again, which quickly raced towards Anthony, forcing him to fall backwards onto the floor. Heavy breathing beside him, gave Anthony the shivers. As he turned his head Elga’s evil eyes peered straight into his. He stood up, the eyes now even closer. Anthony advanced backwards, fear overrunning his mind. He came to a halt, Elga’s face in front of his. They both glared into each other’s eyes, Anthony with a struggle to keep contact. He knew that his life was at its end, but he chose to stand and face Elga head on.

Why are you doing this? Anthony mumbled from his dry mouth.

Elga moved her face closer to Anthony’s. She slowly opened her mouth. Darkness lay bare inside, her tongue black. Then she vanished. Anthony in relief wiped sweat from his forehead. Elga strikingly appeared beside Anthony and whispered into his ear.

Fear becomes death and death becomes us? Elga whisper’s in a creepy but brittle voice.

Anthony was forced over the railing. He landed on his head, twisting his neck on impact, his spine breaking. He was left lying there, his mouth wide open. A doll identical to him beside his corpse.

Twenty years earlier...

Elga was sat at her desk in her room; she was completing her final page of her novel. The darkness covered the room; the only light was the dull nowhere near bright light coming from Elga’s lamp beside her. Elga turned her head towards the door slowly; she turned back to her page and started writing.

My death draws close, I know what is coming, but with my death I will grow stronger. My spirit will live on through the presence of my books, for I am Elga Ford and I will not simply just leave this realm. I will live on forever; the thought of my mere presence will make shadows quiver. I will live on, my presence lay bare and my desire ahead and so I will continue my work in years to come. People will fear thinking my name, once I’ve finished, for I will not fade nor will I die.
