
Chapter 27: Stanley’s Obligations


THERE WERE TWO CARGO containers hidden away at the back of the pine plantation. Stanley didn’t know how Sydney knew about them, but he was glad he did. Sydney even knew the back roads to get to within a short walk from them. The roof of one of them had rusted through. Sydney said Stanley’s uncle had made holes in the roof to let fresh air in, which ruined it. The other was perfect though. A little oil on the hinges and the bar and it worked wonderfully. No sound escaped it once the door was closed and sealed, not even the screaming bitch inside.

“How do you know so much about all this?” Stanley asked Sydney.

“I been around a bit,” Sydney told him. “How’s that chloroform going?”

“Half bottle, why?”

Sydney sniffed. “I smell vagina, and it’s fresh. That’s why.”

“Won’t that be a bit—”

“Don’t want bitches finding this do you?”

“Who’d be out here? It’s—”

“It’s close to the river and there’s a path that leads from the road along the river. It’s an old one, but it’s there, used by pigs and...” he sniffed again. “...women. Two of them.”

“I don’t think we—”

“You’re not to think,” Stanley said darkly. “You agreed to become what I will make you, so your place is to obey me.”

“I don’t like what—”

“You’re not to like, you’re to continue to become.”

“Become what?”

“Get the rag. There’s two more we can put aside for some fun later.”

“But we already have one.”

“Who’s not going anywhere. She’s tied. There’s room for two more.” Sydney’s face darkened further. “You’re going to obey. You agreed. You no longer have a choice.”

Stanley swallowed and nodded.

“Get the rag, more of that rope you’ve got in the trunk and get busy.”



STANLEY’S MOTHER WAS waiting for him when he went home for lunch. Seemed his father wanted to speak with him at the site office. He drove there once he’d eaten. The blonde he’d seen go to his father the other night was sitting at the front desk.

“What’s happened to Marie?” Stanley asked her as he walked in.

“Don’t know,” she said. “She’s not here, so Rupert asked me to sit in for her.”

Stanley went to his father’s office and knocked on the door.


“She’s at the front desk,” Stanley said as he came in.

“What?” His father sat behind his big desk surrounded by files.

“What’ve you got those for?”

Rupert shook his head. “Stupid woman who’s usually at the front desk dumped all this on my desk before she disappeared.”


“Mae called me, said you haven’t been at work.”

Stanley shrugged. “I don’t do nothing consequential there. I’m surprised she even noticed.”

“Don’t do anything consequential?” Rupert thumped his desk. “You’re there to represent the French interests, to make sure that bloody council doesn’t do anything out of order.”

“I just sit there and shuffle paper.”

“A French in their midst is important for the smooth running of—”

“I’m entitled to take leave so I’ve taken some. I had some things to do.”

“Things to do?”

“A friend is helping me out with some things.”

“Who is this friend?”

“His name’s Sydney Franck and—”


“Yes. It’s his last name. he’s from... somewhere else. We’re... hanging out.”

Rupert’s face paled. “You’re to stop it,” he said. “You’re not to have anything to do with any Francks. Do you understand me?”

“No,” Stanley said defiantly. “I’m entitled to have—”

“You’re not entitled to anything!” Rupert snapped. “You’ll do what I tell you if you know what’s good for you.”

“You wanted me to find a woman? Sydney’s helping me with that, so I’m going to—”

“You’re going to obey me!” Rupert seethed. “It’s not like you have a choice in that.”

“You know, you’re the second person to say something like that to me, and I’ll tell you what I should have told him.”

“What’s that?”

“Go fuck yourself.” Stanley turned and left the office.

He smiled at the blonde behind the desk on the way out. She smiled back.

“What’s your name?” he asked.


“Well, if you’re going to become permanent, it’d be good for me to know your name.” Stanley looked toward the door to his father’s office. “Dad’s really upset with Marie, and I might be able to convince him that you’d be a worthy replacement.”

“I think he knows that already,” she said.

“Still,” Stanley said.

“It’s Brittany,” she said. “Brittany Shirk.”

“I look forward to seeing more of you, Miss Shirk.” Stanley smiled. “A whole lot more of you.”

“That could be nice,” she said.

“Not nearly as nice as it will be for me.”