In time Jock came to agree with Syd that to survive Cathay needed three DC-4s, not one. Later still he preferred the larger DC-6: ‘We really ought to have an aircraft that can do HK–Bangkok–Singapore–HK in twenty-two hours.’ The trouble was there was not enough money: all through the early and mid-fifties, a shortage of capital tormented him and threatened the existence of the airline. A diary entry for January 1951 said, ‘I am terribly worried and depressed about Air but cannot see daylight.’
Despite the gloom, Cathay’s air operations, now depending on two DC-3s and the DC-4 (VR-HEU), continued apace. The single DC-4 Skymaster could take forty-three passengers and seemed to be everywhere at once, never out of the air. Her arrival had aroused considerable interest. When Captains John Presgrave and Dick Hunt inaugurated the Singapore flight, a reporter from the South China Morning Post who was aboard could barely contain himself: ‘The blue of the Gulf of Tonkin appeared to outshine the Mediterranean when I passed over it at 8,000 feet in the new Cathay Pacific Airways Skymaster….’ And in a gooey advertisement for the Saigon service, an unctuously smiling salesman announced, ‘That’s right, Sir – You get SKYMASTER COMFORT’. Vera Rosario hadn’t recalled much Skymaster comfort, but it turned out to be a popular plane with Chinese passengers: they felt safer with four engines than they had with two. Η. Η. Lee, Cathay’s (ex-CNAC) man in Singapore, a most important destination for Chinese businessmen, recalls: ‘The DC-4 called three times a week. HEU – How Easy Uncle. Everyone knew her – she was the only one we’d got! She’d leave Hong Kong in the early morning, touch down at Bangkok, and reach Singapore in the evening. Kai Tak had no night landing lights then, so the plane would take off from Singapore at 8 p.m., reach Bangkok at midnight, then leave at dawn for Hong Kong. We had a DC-3 from Rangoon and Calcutta, too. Our allies in ANA were running a scheduled service from Sydney to Singapore and Colombo, so Cathay from Hong Kong and ANA from Colombo met in Singapore and complemented each other.’
That the use to which the Skymaster was put was extremely high no one knew better than the Cathay representative in the midway stopover, Bangkok. He was an unusual man with an unusual name, Duncan Bluck, and had come across to Air from Swires’ shipping offices in Tokyo, Kobe and Yokohama. He was to be decisively involved with Cathay for more than thirty years and end up as its Chairman.
From an office in the Trocadero Hotel Bluck went out to meet VR-HEU, often in the middle of the night, marvelling that Cathay’s only Skymaster was in such hectic use. In such use, indeed, that a puzzled Chinese businessman who flew in her regularly once asked Duncan quite innocently how it was that Cathay Pacific seemed to be the only airline to give all their DC-4s the same registration letters. He would have asked the same question had he visited Borneo and seen VR-HEU on the strip at Jesselton, surrounded by Dusun chiefs in loincloths and hornbill feather headdresses. The China Mail described her as ‘overflying the world’s most exotic orchids, the home of the tapir, rhinos, the orang-utan. Such delicacies as birds’ nests can now be flown to Hong Kong in forty-eight hours.’ She certainly got about.
Captain Laurie King saw a less romantic side of VR-HEU: ‘On the Singapore–Hong Kong run, the refuelling was done at Bangkok by the co-pilots themselves and usually at 2 a.m. and in pouring rain. Filling eight tanks in pouring rain was a feat requiring effort. You had to strain the fuel through a funnel with a chamois leather filter to keep the water out. It would take at least an hour in the rain. I had joined Cathay from BOAC where you always had ground staff to do such things. I was quite indignant!’ (At Saigon coolies would take the passengers’ dirty plates and wash them under the aircraft in an old tin bath. The toilets were emptied, too – on the grass.)
The worry to Management in all this, of course, was pilot and metal fatigue – the wear and tear on men and machines all involved in trying to get the last ounce of employment out of a very modest fleet of aircraft. Some of it was self-induced. Granted that the first of the two days’ flying time on the Labuan run took nine hours fifty-three minutes, there was, according to Chic Eather, a purely frivolous reason for crew-fatigue after the overnight stop at the Shellbourne Hotel in Manila. This drab building was reputedly haunted by the ghosts of victims of the Kempeitai, the Japanese Gestapo. Any new and impressionable hostess would be fed this story ‘with the well-based expectation that she, after checking into her room, would soon appear at the door of the bravest member of the flight deck to be protected and comforted through the long dark night’.
Captain Dave Smith, who would follow Laurie King as Operations Manager, recalls a ‘bad story’ – the case of Cathay’s Chief Pilot, Pat Moore, an old wartime flier, ‘having an engine fail during take-off from Singapore, another failure as he turned back, and on the final approach a third engine coughing and spluttering…. This was an overhaul problem.’ There were a good many examples of engine trouble in those days. Too many….
In 1952 Dave Smith’s work hours read as follows:
February | 119 hours | |||
March | 118 hours | |||
April | 111 hours | |||
May | 127 hours | |||
and so on until | ||||
November | 143 hours | |||
December | 149 hours |
Sixty to seventy hours might be the average today.
‘I was single at the time,’ Dave says, ‘and we didn’t think of exhaustion. We had to have a medical, of course, after every hundred hours, so we’d call the doctor up:
‘“I’ve done over my time, doc.”
‘“Well, do you feel all right?”
‘“Oh, yes, doctor.”
‘“Very well, then.”’
Jock’s diary at this period sounds a note of despair:
HEU’s engines are worn out and we can never hope to make CPA pay without another Skymaster…. Discussed CPA with Bill Knowles. The pilots are being grossly overdriven…. The engine trouble losses last month were staggering and a few more like it will bust us…. Very unsatisfactory telephone talk to Walsh [Holyman’s No. 2] in Melbourne. He clearly wants to pack up and won’t hire us engines to go on with. If we pack up we lose all….
Oh, the headaches, the imponderables, the expense of Air! A man might lose his shirt.
Cathay Pacific’s losses for 1951 were HK$1,492,381; three years later they added up to well over HK$2 million. ‘If this is not as good as we hoped for,’ B&S’s then-Chairman J. A. Blackwood blandly told his Annual General Meeting, with commendable restraint, ‘blame the severe restrictions which all countries in SE Asia place on the movement of Chinese.’ (The communist takeover in China was indeed a major reason for a drastic fall in passengers.) Jock could find comfort in a single positive factor: Cathay’s aircraft had acquired – and retained – an excellent reputation for punctuality.
What was to be done? The future offered two options. Either Swires could wash their hands of Cathay Pacific entirely and shrink back with relief from the hurly-burly of Air to the calm, familiar world of shipping. Or they could continue in Air – acknowledging that to be able to do so depended on finding new capital, on improving flying conditions, on improving the company’s engineering and maintenance facilities at Kai Tak, and on buying bigger and better aircraft. It was all put succinctly by John Scott, Jock’s old friend and travelling companion: ‘We have now reached the point at which we must decide whether we are going to raise a pretty large sum of fresh capital for CPA or pack it in and get out while we still can get our money back.’ Scott admitted he was torn in two on this question, but thought that the purchase of a DC-6, larger than the DC-4 and pressurized, would give Cathay a lot of face in the whole Far Eastern world. And above all, he hated the idea of dropping the enterprise to which they had put their hands. To start something and then run away from it had not been The Senior’s way. Nor was it Jock’s.
With considerable help from providence, Cathay quickly recovered from this desperate situation. Jock now set his sights on a DC-6. If Walsh thought Holyman ‘wanted out’ – too bad. ‘A DC-6 is in fact the only answer today. We’ll get nowhere unless and until JS&S Ltd and CNCo take their courage in both hands and buy a DC-6, alone if necessary.’ Indefatigably, he took to the air with his old soft hat and his old suitcase tied with rope in an urgent search for new capital that led him once more to Australia, Hong Kong (where for a heady moment he thought the Governor might come across with a subsidy) and America. Luckily, he also stopped off in Canada. There, in Vancouver, he met Grant McConachie, the President of Canadian Pacific Airlines, and after a long talk noted joyfully: ‘This is a second Holyman and I like him a lot.’ Another diary entry gave a clue to his own character: ‘Grant, Ivan Holyman, Syd de Κ. are all in the same mould and definitely “adventurers”. I can’t think why, but we all fell for each other at first sight.’
He poured out his problems and McConachie, like Scott, said he was sure Jock would be wise to acquire a DC-6. ‘I think I have made a friend,’ Jock confided to Scott, and it was true. The ‘second Holyman’ was going to prove a godsend sooner than anyone could imagine.
Despite their warm relations McConachie declined Jock’s invitation to put capital into Cathay, but soon that problem was resolved anyway, for back in London P&O, the shipping giant which had turned down an approach from Jock Swire the previous week, changed its mind and decided to step into the breach. It paid HK$2.5 million for a 31.2% shareholding in the Company, and, coming in the nick of time, this decisive development acted like an explosive charge, ensuring Cathay an immediately viable future.
At this juncture two outstanding personalities in the development of the airline reported to the Cathay office in Hong Kong: Captain Kenneth Steele and a senior engineer called Jack Gething.
Steele had been seconded in 1953 from ANA to check and train crews and to draw up new flight manuals. Having reported the general standard of flying to be satisfactory, he had stayed to become a permanent fixture with the title of Flight Superintendent, remaining with the company until 1963.
Jack Gething was an outstanding engineer with considerable experience of flying in Australia and New Guinea. He now set about creating for Cathay a superb air maintenance service. Up to the fifties, two aircraft engineering companies had existed at Kai Tak: the Jardine Aircraft Maintenance Company (JAMCO), originally a BOAC associate to service their flying boats, and the Pacific Air Maintenance and Supply Company (PAMAS), associated with CPA. In 1950 the two amalgamated into one company called the Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company (HAECO). It was a very different set-up from Roy and Syd’s small aircraft maintenance store, kept running by ‘Hokum’ Harris, Neil Norquay and Jack Williams. These men were fine engineers operating on not much more than a shoestring – ‘a tin shed operation,’ Dave Smith called it – and coping with far too many engine failures.
Now things began to improve out at Kai Tak. Not that they became what you might call de luxe overnight. Everything was crammed into an office under the control tower, near the terminal shack. Steele’s office was there, and the teleprinter office, and a corner canteen consisting of a long cane table and a few chairs, and everything was periodically pungent with cooking smells from the flight kitchen. ‘Ma’ Sanders ran that. She was a formidable English character, now laughing, now scolding, telling Ken Steele and Captain Pat Moore, the Flight Operations Manager, to buzz off home to their wives while she lined up the Chinese ‘boys’ and gave them their worm pills or whatever she felt they needed. Cathay already had a lot of Chinese mechanics, and by then most of the air hostesses were orientals too. ‘Ma’ was a mother-figure to them – indeed to everybody. Her flight kitchen took over the whole office space in the end, and everybody else moved to a Nissen hut. Jack Gething’s Engineering Department was simply a lean-to against a hangar. But the important, unforgettable thing, Dave Smith thought, was a oneness; a family feeling. When Jock came out from London he’d know every expatriate by name and quite a few of the Chinese too.
Angus Macdonald had recently joined HAECO from the Royal Navy: ‘Work? The engineers would be up to their elbows in oil, and the Chief was really on their backs all the time, really riding them. You couldn’t have it now; you’d have all hell. But then we never had a walkout. A go-slow now and again, perhaps, but no strikes.’
At first HAECO’s staff included a number of Americans and Australians from JAMCO, but the Americans soon moved out. ‘The top engineers’ – Angus Macdonald again – ‘were two-thirds what Chinese call gweilos [white ghosts] and one-third Hong Kong Chinese, while the ordinary mechanics were Chinese.’ Nowadays most of HAECO’s qualified engineers are Hong Kong Chinese. Cathay’s apprenticeship schemes turned out Chinese engineers second to none – certainly the best in Asia, Macdonald thought. And Bob Smith thought they were the best sheet metal workers he’d ever seen.
‘Most impressive,’ Jock said when he saw how HAECO was getting on. In fact, Gething was in at the birth of a miracle child. By 1957 HAECO was providing engineering services to thirty-three aircraft operators of twenty-four nationalities; by 1959 to over seventy operators of thirty nationalities. Chic Eather, looking at HAECO from the viewpoint of today, calls it one of the great success stories of the aircraft engineering industry. The tin shed operation at old Kai Tak had grown into one of the largest organizations of its kind, not only in the Far East but in the world, thanks to the high technical standards achieved there by ‘Hokum’ Harris, Spencer Cooper and Tony Wakeford (both of whom came across from JAMCO when that folded), Jack Gething, Don Delaney and the rest of Cathay’s engineers down the years.
To return to 1954: Cathay’s skies were brightening after the infusion of P&O capital. The DC-4 (VR-HEU) was flying seventy-one hours a week, close as usual to her limits. There were two DC-3s in reserve – although Betsy, Roy Farrell’s ‘baby’, had been sold to Mandated Airlines at Lae in New Guinea in 1955. But the airline’s history was not, the reader may by now have realized, a smooth, unimpeded, upward-soaring flight to success.
That year VR-HEU was shot down, Captain Phil Blown achieved worldwide fame – and Cathay faced extinction once again.